Betans (and non betans)! What experiences have you had working with others? Pleasant? Unpleasant?
I love when working with others is productive and fun. It's one of the top best feelings evar. Your POV's/Experiences?
(blah-bee-dee-blah...I'm part of a reunion commitee, so far we've all been communcating over e-mail, and it's great fun. Everyone takes on the parts that they are most comfortable with. When new information surfaces we handle it immediately and move forward. The only thing we are really missing is a person who can be entrusted to be the energetic/fun/host. It's really really cool to see everybody in the committe naturally take on the things that they are confident accomplishing. From what I surmise, the members are ESTj, INFp, ISTp, ENTj, ENFp, ESFj.
It made me realize I do not want to be relied on to introduce the activities, pass out the materials, make announcements etc. I don't want to be expected to implement anything on the actual day. The stuff I can gather and do NOW is what energizes me. Stuff like composing fun surveys, quizes, buying the prizes, contacting alumni, making copies, scanning pictures, sending out invitations...all that stuff that keeps me busy now is great. But I wil not be responsible for managing any part of the actual day. Knowing I'll have that kind of looming commitment would stress me out. Luckily, someone is more than willing to pass out/explain the quizes, give out the prizes and introduce the slide show. Otherwise, all the work I've done would be for naught.