Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
Quote Originally Posted by little red riding hood
conversations are real yes. but you can walk away scotch free from this site at any moment. you could say the dumbest things for months, years. your life wouldn't change much. but, if you go say dumb things in irl, in public it might have a detrimental effect on your life for a long while.

you asked me if a conversation in a bar with some guy is real. yes, and more so than this forum. why? because you or anyone else on this site (including me) would never tell a 300-pound dude to shove it. never. that's why i personally refrain from getting into dead end fights with other members (i try my best). because it's useless and cowardly. because irl my tongue stops moving when i get mad. my fists do the talking.
Its funny you should say that Red Riding hood. I feel the need to censor myself moreso here on this forum than in public(generally). In public, if i get into an argument with some random on the street it doesn't matter. I will probablly never see him / her again. On this public forum however, which i frequent often, if i make a fatal social mistake it will be quoted and set in stone for months to come. I could loose friends which i have here and if worst came to worst i would have to leave. I could then either not come back which would suck or have to create another identity for myself which is virtually impossible and not worth it.

So i suppose what i mean is that i do feel the ebbs and flow of power, i do feel the need to watch what i say to some extent here, and i think some others would be in the same boat. It depends how much you care about this place.
hmmm... you've become attached to this forum. i guess you're right. it does depend on how much you care. i do watch what i say. then again, it's mostly in order to never appear wrong. and i'm gonna be honest with you: if somebody hates me on this site it makes my day. for some obscure reason, i actually like confrontations and hot debates. but only when it concerns intelligent subjects. pointless immature insults always make me realise the obliviousness of it all.