Quote Originally Posted by Minde
Personally, I like to approach people about potentially sensitive subjects in private. That includes criticizing anything about them. If a problem becomes unresolvable, and it's important enough to me, then I might open up the boundaries of the discussion to include more people, usually to ask their advice and opinion on the matter. I can see how discussing something like a moderator's capabilities and actions in public would be appropriate, as it involves the whole forum, but I'd usually prefer to at least start by approaching whoever I had an issue with directly. To me, it's the kind and considerate thing to do.
I appreciate that, but that's not what I was talking about.

Quote Originally Posted by Minde
Does this mean that you prefer people to complain publicly about/to you?
If the issue is related to my supposed "proper" behavior" - as in whether or not my criteria as moderator are fair, or whether or not I have some evil scheme to "put down" quadras - where it's clear that a denial from me won't be enough, then, if I request that the forum as a whole be heard - then, yes.