Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively
Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
not slapping your conflictor's polr means you suppress your natural inclinations.

With ESFp, I sometimes blurt out when they have blatantly contradicted a previous statement. It's automatic. :/

Btw I have noticed that whenever ESFp and I talk we quite often begin speaking at the same time. No flow at all.

What experiences do you have with your conflictor that show lack of flow, and can we specify which functions are responsible? Or is it just something that can be generalized across all conflictors? My example about talking at the same time I could see related to Se/Ni.
i completely agree- you guys can get really annoying with that- just think of the logical errors to yourself and direct your intuition towards seeing the deeper intent of what the see is saying.
fine...but what do YOU do? that, my friend, is the question on the table.
that is for my conflictor to decide and communicate to me.
i beg to differ....i think it's about the relationship and the interaction, not just commenting on how they affect you.