Jonathan, much of what you are saying is rather obvious.

Don't treat Socionics as mere philosophical, abstract concepts. Descriptions will only take you so far. To really "get it" you have to see if it works out IRL, in your interactions with people.

Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
Socionics is not the same as Jungian psychology; it is more of an interpretation. It seems clear from what I've read by Augusta and other Socionics materials that Socionists do not feel bound to Jung's ideas. Socionics and MBTI are two competing interpretations of Jung's ideas, with some very different ideas about the behaviors associated with the functions.
Yes. Relying on Jung in Socionics arguments is fruitless.

Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
One thing that is a misconception propagated in some forum posts, though, is the idea that people are particularly strong in their dual block functions. However, among certain famous artists, that may actually be true to some extent.
Who says this? I have never heard it.