Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
I still don't get it, sorry. Do you mean "the ability to set good habits and break bad ones"?
no. i mean like molding one's self into a particular format whether or not that jives with P-input. like enxjs doing that thing where they see themselves as tragic heroes with a grand fate and things like this? it is self aperception and it can be used for good or ill. it is also why Njs can go without sleep/food/whatever for long periods of time without realizing what their state is doing to them and things like this? it is also used in positive imagery. thinking of a situation that you will encounter and envisioning how you will accomplish your ends and things like this. also it explains silly k fedish white boyz that think they are bangers that everyone laughs at? shit like this. it can be a very useful tool though. j is also somewhat confounding? like a big mountain that doesn't give a shit about you and won't move out of your way or something. the halting problem seems like it arose from j thought for example