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Thread: This friend of mine

  1. #1
    eunice's Avatar
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    Default This friend of mine

    I bet it is less straightforward as compared to my ISFp friend, but still relatively easy to type, I guess. So here goes:
    I have known this friend of mine since secondary school. She has come out with different types whenever I shared a new type test with her. The results she came out with are ENTj, ENFj ENFp, ENTp, ESFp, and INFp. What I like about her is that she is quite interested the type tests I introduced to her, but her interest is only limited to the results she will get and she isn't interested in exploring her type.

    She described herself as a homely person who enjoys watching TV during her free time. She seldom goes out and seems to be pretty comfortable with familiar surroundings. She doesn't go to clubs 'cos she doesn't like the atmosphere there. She likes to drink alone infront of the TV sometimes. She doesn't like to do or even does housework, and prefer to leave it to her parents. Anyway, she seems pretty comfortable with mess and disorderliness. She mentioned before that her dream guy would be someone who is simple, honest, decent, upright, domesticated and able to take care of her. Even though she looks quiet and introverted, she describes herself as an extrovert. Moreover, she has many friends and gets along with everyone 'cos she is easygoing and doesn't enjoy making decisions at all. She goes with what the majority likes and doesn't question the decision made even though she might not exactly like it. She only mentioned it in a tactful way when you ask her for her opinion. She has a good sense of humor, but they can be rather disgusting sometimes such as the ones about human anatomical parts, accidentally poking and piercing the eye when one tries to wear contact lenses etc.

    She is currently majoring in Chemistry 'cos it is something she did for 'A' Levels. She mentioned that she is not a very ambitious person. She just wants a stable job, find a good husband, have children and be a housewife (with a maid ). She's not particular about pay as long as she can live a stable life. During her free time, she watches TV, plays the piano, and draw (which she is prone to do when lectures get boring). She hates reading, cooking, sewing, doing housework and other routine activities. She is not interested in current affairs (unless it is a major event) and is not someone who enjoys learning and reading widely. She absolutely hates History 'cos she said that she's bad in memorization and giving her own opinions. As such, she tries to avoid subjects that require her to be opinionated such as those under the field of Arts and Social Sciences. She prefers Science and foreign language 'cos they are rather routine.

    Intertype relations
    She sees me as someone wise and deep. She always let me make the decision as to what we should be doing. Everytime we go out shopping, she likes to walk behind me subconsciously and it kind of irritates me. She thinks I'm a practical and quietly aggressive person who will fight for my right. When I asked her to do a type test with me in mind, she came out with ISFj (I'm not implying that I'm one, but that's how she sees me). We talk to each other a lot on msn, but everytime we meet up, we seem to have less to talk about and it drives me crazy.

  2. #2
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    That's not easy to type. ISTp, maybe.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  3. #3
    Joy's Avatar
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    Default Re: This friend of mine

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    She has come out with different types whenever I shared a new type test with her. The results she came out with are ENTj, ENFj ENFp, ENTp, ESFp, and INFp.
    All this means is that she doesn't know a lot about Socionics.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  4. #4
    eunice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This friend of mine

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    She has come out with different types whenever I shared a new type test with her. The results she came out with are ENTj, ENFj ENFp, ENTp, ESFp, and INFp.
    All this means is that she doesn't know a lot about Socionics.
    Yeah. Anyway, I feel that the more someone doesn't know about Socionics, the more accurate her results would be 'cos she doesn't know what she's in for.

  5. #5
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    Tests are totally unreliable. The more I have people who don't know about socionics take them, the more convinced I am.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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