A comparison:
They always picture me making the first move in relationships for some reason and it really surprised me... they compared me to some character in an anime that is ESTp and said I act exactly like her - forceful, demanding. Which I am ... I am extremely, extremely ambitious (but a lot of Betans are) and I never back down. I like confrontations sometimes because I wanna "stick it to the man" basically.
I'm not fond of confrontations and usually intercede before they erupt, since they make me queasy.
I always enforce positive emotions and attempt to elicit that in other people, especially in group situations.
I feel manipulated when others do that to me, so I consider it a sin to make others feel what they do not wish to feel -- unless it's absolutely necessary for the fulfillment of a goal. I am motivated by the desire to relieve rather than agitate. Also, I don't have enough positive emotions to impose on others. I've noticed that my ESFj friend delights in drawing emotional responses from others, however.
I tend to find all the other INFps too much of homebodies

That's weird that I seek so much outside stimulus.
It's interesting how much your search for external stimulus differs from mine. I am often so thirsty for it that it interferes with my concentration and sleep, but my need is fulfilled not through interacting with people, but by breaking free from routine, exploring new places, acquiring new skills, or connecting various imagery to form an overarching theme...

So... I guess we're different types