So so so, allo everyone. I'm not the most well-known member of this board, but hey.

All I know is that I'm Beta as hell. I've always believed myself to an Intuitive Feeler, and INFj, ENFp, & INFp have all crossed my mind at points in time but there is no way I am Delta. I find that the Quadra values are extremely good ways to really separate yourself from what you are and what you want to be. I've settled on INFp Fe subtype for a good long while.

However, recently, I've been thinking about the level of my Introversion and wondering if I truly am an INFp? I started doubting myself when people around me laughed as I tell them I'm an Introvert. Just yesterday, my two close ISTj girl friends were going on about my supposed "wild" characteristics =/ "You're wild!"


They were saying how they've never seem me be shy, quiet, reserved - when I'm around others and they are there, they notice I am always Extraverting myself. This led them to state I'm actually ENFj, which would make a lot of sense seeing as how I do feel a sense of extreme comfort with them and they think I'm their Dual.. but then again, I get really confused about Activity vs Dual relations.

They always picture me making the first move in relationships for some reason and it really surprised me... they compared me to some character in an anime that is ESTp and said I act exactly like her - forceful, demanding. Which I am ... I am extremely, extremely ambitious (but a lot of Betans are) and I never back down. I like confrontations sometimes because I wanna "stick it to the man" basically.

I've also compared myself to other INFps (I know quiiiite a few) and they are all much, MUCH more mellow than I am. I always enforce positive emotions and attempt to elicit that in other people, especially in group situations. I tend to find all the other INFps too much of homebodies... I always want excitement, flash, drama... whereareas they seem to be more happy in a more relaxed state than me.

When I was younger, I almost definitely was an ENFj, I tend to think that maybe a lot of trauma can sort of make a person become more Introverted when they aren't supposed to be. I went through a bunch of teasing in my elementary school days (lmfao) and now that that's ovvva, I feel like I'm coming back into myself.. ?

I like being spontaneous, I think, but a lot of the times I neeeeeed plans otherwise I just feel stressed and extremely worried that things won't work out. This is why ISTjs ground me and provide this solid foundation. Calming... I love to affect their emotions and make them go all crazy

Yeah. Kinda long, as I usually get. Sorry! So...
