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Thread: Examples of SLEs/ESTps

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    No one seems to appreciate good showmanship these days
    EIE-Fe Creative 7w8 748 Sx/So VELF

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I think I remember McGregor being typed ENTJ in MBTI? I used to see him all over the twatter. Anyways, I could see EIE for him.
    I don’t go by other people’s typings or forum typings. I don’t care about that anyway lol I type based on cognition. When it comes to typing people with “fame,” watching multiple videos of them to get a range for consistency is necessary. I didn’t know about Jungian functions until about 1.5 years ago when I read Jung’s Psychological Types. I didn’t know socionics until a friend invited me to a socionics discussion group 10 months ago. Evidence of McG is very Fe base. I’ve watched his earlier interviews and he was more serious with the Ni. But by the time he faced off to Khabib SLE, his Ni isn’t visible anymore. Just pure 4D Fe + Ne. He meanders and throws all sorts of insults attacking Khabib and being SLE, he kept saying, “ok stop talking let’s fight.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Yeah, McGregor is annoying. In a real life Irish bar fight, he'd probably get his ass kicked in and I would likle to be the one to do it. On behalf of all the real, sane Irish people here, you Yanks can have him. We don't want him. Actually, the EIE crew can have him too.
    Yeah, he’s really a tragic Hamlet figure. Very emotional over nothing and puffing his exaggerating mob Se is cringe and embarrassing. He doesn’t realize he comes off crazy. He just wants to display his aggression like it’s a game, it’s a joke. No it’s not. This is real physical fighting and people seriously train and are disciplined. By this point in his career, he has no self-discipline and just an annoying drunk talking shit to anyone who walks by him. That’s really sad.

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    Khabib is LSI and Connor is 783 so/sx SLE, that's why he's so annoying. He's the most exaggerated version of the type. Se Lead is the chaos type, now throw 783 on there and you got a chaotic showboat, and that's how you get a Connor MacGregor. That skateboard dude is essentially Connor. Loud mouth, talks shit, and might actually do something.

    LSI is the quiet one with a big stick, not just because they are I but also because they are Ti calculating more than anything else.
    Se is the one that gets big, intimidates, uses Ti as a tool and tactic instead of a constant state they are in (Connors verbal attacks and mental games before every fight, getting vital info on you and using it to get to you). Also Connors lack of knowing when he's crossed the line is Fi PoLR. Let me just throw a dolly through your tour bus window, Fi PoLR, no ethical consideration for his actions. I'm glad Khabib whooped him. But Connor would not get his ass whooped in a bar fight. He is a phenomenal fighter, practically born for the sport. One of the reasons he's so good at the sport is his 4D Se gives him such pressence of mind his instinct can react to the moment naturally, why he knocked out Jose Aldo so fast, pure instinct and presence of mind. Sure not all Se leads got a big mouth, but a 783 SLE is def gonna have the biggest mouth of all, not that they won't back it up. Surprisingly Connor is respectful and humble after a loss and admits his weakness, which essentially is an 1D Ni weakness. He says if he can't see the end of the fight near he losses gas, and you can see it in his fights.
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 09-29-2020 at 12:08 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Khabib is LSI and Connor is 783 so/sx SLE, that's why he's so annoying. He's the most exaggerated version of the type. Se Lead is the chaos type, now throw 783 on there and you got a showboat, and that's how you get a Connor MacGregor. That skateboard dude is essentially Connor. Loud mouth, talks shit, and might actually do something.

    LSI is the quiet one with a big stick, not just because they are I but also because they are Ti calculating more than anything else.
    Se is the one that gets big, intimidates, uses Ti as a tool and tactic instead of a constant state they are in (Connors verbal attacks and mental games before every fight, getting vital info on you and using it to get to you). Also Connors lack of knowing when he's crossed the line is Fi PoLR. Let me just throw a dolly through your tour bus window, Fi PoLR, no ethical consideration for his actions. I'm glad Khabib whooped him. But Connor would not get his ass whooped in a bar fight. He is a phenomenal fighter, practically born for the sport. One of the reasons he's so good at the sport is his 4D Se gives him such pressence of mind his instinct can react to the moment naturally, why he knocked out Jose Aldo so fast, pure instinct and presence of mind. Sure not all Se leads got a big mouth, but a 783 SLE is def gonna have the biggest mouth of all, not that they won't back it up. Surprisingly Connor is respectful and humble after a loss and admits his weakness, which essentially is an 1D Ni weakness. He says if he can't see the end of the fight near he losses gas, and you can see it in his fights.
    I'm afraid @SnatchYourWeave is right, SLEs are more like @Northstar and not like you describe.

    Appearance. Marshal (SLE, Zhukov, ESTP)

    SLE is best defined by the shape and nature of the movements. SLE with enhanced sensing has, as a rule, a thin figure. If this is a woman, then she often has a fragile, sophisticated appearance. The movements are unhurried, phlegmatic. From the outside gives the impression of calm self-confidence. The SLE figure with enhanced logic is different. She is to one degree or another dense, stocky, well-knit. Movement is relaxed, free. When standing still, it is characterized by involuntary vibrations of the arms and the whole body, but calm, not sharp. Hoc is neutral, unremarkable. The eyebrows are often kinked, mobile, sometimes asymmetrical. Showing his dissatisfaction, he threatens to bring them to the bridge of the nose. Eyes, if the sensory component is enhanced, become swollen with age, framed by rather large folds of skin near the eyelids. In logical subtypes, the eyes periodically squint. Lips - heavy, full, inactive, due to which sometimes there is some slurred speech. SLE dresses discreetly. She tries to adhere to some neutral style, not subject to fluctuations in fashion. If this is a woman, then she prefers soft, pastel colors. Men often wear formal dress, suit. This is the manifestation of the SLE's desire not to stand out, to remain in the shadows.

    The manner of communication. Marshal (SLE, Zhukov, ESTP)

    He is characterized by a restrained, correct manner of conducting a conversation. If the logical component is strengthened, then communication is very relaxed, free, with a smile and displays of positive emotions. Often greets first. He does not directly express his attitude to the issue under discussion. He tries to endear the person to himself with attentiveness and sensitivity, asks him many questions, asks about problems, asks for a personal opinion. All this is done in a delicate, correct manner, which greatly disposes people to an answer. During the dialogue, the following moment is characteristic, which makes it possible to confidently identify this sociotype. SLE, after the interlocutor's remark, pauses, as if thinking, in order to comprehend the information received and give the desired answer. During such deliberation, I tend to squint my eyes.

    He is never shy to ask again, to clarify. When he explains himself, he does it slowly, with an arrangement, explaining everything using simple examples from practice. Deserves attention from the point of view of external diagnostics and its way of ending a conversation or discussion. After giving everyone the opportunity to speak, he speaks himself, as if summing up. She reserves the last word. If necessary, he can "put a person in a puddle", defeating him with one remark or phrase said at the right moment. If this moment does not come for a long time, it can provoke a person to be active in order to strike a "sore" place.

    Features of behavior. Marshal (SLE, Zhukov, ESTP)

    The behavior of the SLE is characterized by iron restraint and composure. The intended global goal is achieved at all costs. He does not pay attention to the bustle around him. If necessary, does not stop at any methods, not taking into account ethical standards. Its activity is expanding in breadth. When it loses control over the case due to its scale, it refuses to control the least essential parts of it, handing them over to other people with whom it establishes a mutually beneficial relationship on a contractual basis. After that, he does not interfere with their activities. A flexible tactician, able to adapt to the situation, but at the same time does not lose sight of the global goal. He only makes temporary concessions. He knows how to arrange his people depending on their usefulness to achieve the goal.

    Prefers informal and non-demonstrative leadership. Guides people while staying in the shadows. He tries to get rid of opponents with someone else's hands. It is characterized by great efficiency, perseverance, which increases in proportion to the number of obstacles. Under normal conditions, without difficulties and excitement, he walks relaxed. is pessimistic.

    When difficulties arise, he revives, gets excited. I am inclined to put forward ultimatums: either the way I want, or I won't do it at all. It is difficult to piss him off, but if this happens, he cannot stop in anger. To achieve the goal, he attracts all subordinates to work, even not ready to fulfill it. Efficiency is assessed only by the final result, does not control the methods of achieving it. Loves gambling, which requires thinking. Often wins in them, as he knows how to mislead the enemy, to provoke a false step.

    Last edited by SGF; 09-28-2020 at 07:17 AM.

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    "The strong are listened to even when they speak in whisper" — Alexander Lebed. Strength, power, purposefulness, determination and perseverance – these are the main "program" values of representatives of this type. For this reason they excel at evaluating the strength and "volitional capabilities" of each person. They pay special attention to people who aspire to power and try to never concede "volitional initiatives" to others.

    The main reference point that occupies the attention of ESTp "Zhukov" is the distribution of forces and powers within an existing social structure and his own capabilities. To put it another way, for the entire duration of their lives, regardless of their occupation and interests, consciously or unconsciously, members of this type are constantly posing before themselves a question: "Who will overcome whom?". The entirety of SLE's "volitional sensing" is viewed under the aspect of: "Either I overcome them, or they will overcome me." ("When I was little my father would subordinate me, now that I've grown up I subordinate him.")

    Being able to sense own physical strength and power, own ability and authority, is of significance to the SLE. He respects capability and influence, and will respect any hierarchical system that is founded on the "right", in his view, balance of power. The SLE typically ties to find a position for himself or herself within an already existing system. This is the first step in all of his or her endeavors, the "minimal program", the primary goal.

    ESTp's "volitional program" consists of consecutive achievements of short-range goals by all means possible. ("The end justifies the means.") The end goal of Zhukov is to obtain a leading position within the hierarchy. It does not matter who he or she is today - the head of a government department or the leader of an opposition group: the ESTp always feels him/herself a person of power and authority. Within his field or area of that was entrusted to him or her, the SLE is invulnerable, has unquestioned authority, is the "God and King". Even if Zhukov works in a department as a regular employee, setting "higher" goals ahead of him/herself, the SLE can in a short period of time subordinate the management (which sometimes works out better for him than heading the department himself).

    Organization of power structures and leadership within them – is one of the social functions of representatives of this type. The insertion into a system and the search for like-minded people within it, the insertion into spheres of influence and important business interests, followed by introduction of "his people" whose activities he will oversee, coordinate, and who will obey him at the right moments - all this leads to the creation of ESTp's own substructure within an already existing system: a sequential step-by-step takeover of power by the method of a "gradually compressing iron ring".

    ESTp does not waste time on trying to reach extraneous goals that do not lead to his or her final goal. Moreover, the ESTp doesn't let him or herself to get confused and disoriented, and thrown off the course. (For example, an opposition movement will interest the SLE ''only if'' it has an actual chance of growing and gaining influence, if the SLE sees in it a real and solid opportunity to earn "political capital" or a consequential possibility of becoming the leader of the opposition.)

    The position of an "errand boy" is unacceptable to the ESTp – this he or she tries to avoid by all means. The SLE finds it difficult to ask anyone for help or favor: he or she feels that this is somehow humiliating. For this reason the ESTp tries to build the situation in such a manner that others will have to do what he needs them to (the method of the "iron ring" in a miniature version).

    Unthinkable for the ESTp is a situation where he's taken for a dupe – this is more than just a blow to his ego: it's the collapse of his whole "program". Often an impression arises that the SLE is obsesses with the notion of "respect-disrespect". Constantly and everywhere he requires recognition of his own priority (which in itself already signals an underlying lack of confidence in himself). The more an SLE feels himself "subservient" on the inside – the more attention and respect he will outwardly demand from others.

    The ESTp dislikes being dependent. Dependence for him is a sign of weakness, while the ability to make others depend on you – is a sign of power. (He likes to offer his "valuable" services, likes to be "needed" by others, and can also "remember" the favor and ask for a repayment.)

    SLE's wish to expand the extent of his influence is dictated not only by unfulfilled ambition, but also an internal need to ensure that he won't be put into a situation of forced submission. ("Either I make him submit, or he will submit me.") Throughout his life, the SLE seems to be accumulating additional "margin of safety". He does not simply "advance for no reason" but tries to capture a little more "for the future". In this case if he's made to surrender something, it won't be as disappointing: he might have to give in and give it up, but it won't be what truly belonged to him. A quality that is widespread in representatives of this type: taking over administrative, physical, and, most importantly, territorial advantages.

    The conquest of space for the ESTp is a task of paramount importance. It is realized by people of this type in the most natural and therefore not always fully conscious way. Even if it is a simple capture of extra space in a communal kitchen or extra meters in the backyard, the SLE will feel dissatisfied if the initiative came from somebody else. For representatives of this type taking up space is the most natural state. (Often, without knowing it, Zhukov chooses a central position in available to him space – he can, for example, move himself to the middle of a room and feel well talking to people who are sitting along the walls.)

    Sometimes the SLE prepares an "area of action" for himself quite deliberately. For example, having decided to go explore another city or another country, he will gather requests from his friends, which gives him the opportunity to visit their friends and relatives, to ask them about life there and the times, to tell about himself, to make new acquaintances, to get a place to live for a day or two, and before you know he's accepted as one of their own, and the next time he pays a visit as if he's visiting his own friends.

    In everyday life the SLE often wins space over with noise and sounds. For a child-Zhukov it is characteristic to shout replies to his parents across the entire yard - at this moment a child of this type feels that he/she owns all of the surrounding space. For Zhukov who has moved to a new place (especially residents of southern countries) it is very characteristic to put on some music at full volume as soon as they arrive, and to leave the door to his house or apartment wide open, so that the neighbors have no illusions about who is the boss here. For the same reason, some SLEs don't like having neighbors who play music loudly and may petition for their eviction.

    ESTp's distribution of power is always very primitive: "either-or" - there is no alternative. This is because the SLE is always focused on close-range goals – either he takes it, or he doesn't. ("Either you succeed or you fail.") By and large, SLE's entire system of relations is subject to this: "either a leader – or a servant", "either the owner - or a nobody". In SLE's system, the balance of power has only two poles: the strong and the weak. While the SLE prefers to be in a strong pole, if he has found himself defeated, he is capable of admitting it and submitting to the winning side.

    The ESTp is distinguished by an exceptional capacity for work and drive, which grows proportionally to the number of obstacles that he or she faces.

    The SLE does not allow anyone to doubt his ability and his right to direct and lead others. People of this type often speak as if they are making declarations - confidently, in a commanding voice. Does not allow himself to be leniency (thinks this may turn around negatively). Prefers to only make demands. Uses every opportunity to show his volitional qualities: determination, perseverance, steadfastness, showing himself in the light of a strict but fair leader.

    The ESTp usually excels in roles of leader-organizer: he accurately assesses the qualifications of his workers, asks the top performance from everyone, and assigns work considering the optimal distribution of forces. He sets an intensive work pace in order to achieve the greatest and most productive returns within a minimum amount of time.

    In normal life circumstances the SLE feels like he's not quite "in his element", while in emergency situations he becomes active and mobilized. For this reason, the SLE may aim to create an atmosphere of psychological tension. He may tell scary stories and paint things with dark colors - this is done to create a sense of urgency. Generally, extreme conditions invigorate Zhukov, which is why he sometimes toughens disciplinary conditions that keep his subordinates in constant tension. He may introduce unjustified "extreme-ness" into a calm work schedule: this to feels normal to the SLE, and therefore other people around him will have to make themselves comfortable with it.

    The SLE prefers group discussions of problems and solutions, but the final decision, as well as the responsibility for it, he leaves up to himself. "The battle is won not by the one who gave good advice, but the one who took responsibility for its implementation and gave the orders" — Napoleon Bonaparte.

    The ESTp likes and knows how to take responsibility.

    The SLE quickly grasps the present situation and the distribution of forces, makes a decision, and acts on it. He/she is able to take risks, to go "all-in". Not subject to fear. The more dangerous the situation is - the more collected and determined he becomes. In extreme conditions, ESTp's will power, determination, courage, and practical thinking help him to find a solution and a way out.

    In critical situations, the SLE calls for decisive actions and for a "build-up of forces". (Carefree and lightweight attitudes are qualities that should not be tolerated, in his opinion.) Prefers to act calmly and very energetically, responding with a blow to a blow. In case of external physical danger he will prudently withdraw. But if under the circumstances it was necessary to engage in a conflict situation, he prefers not to retreat but to fight to the end, even to the detriment of his own interests. ("Victory at all costs!)

    The ESTp is not inclined to adapt to his or her partner, only to dictate. Usually he tries to be polite and mature, but if his sense of self worth has been slighted, he can't hide his irritation. In the "slighted" state the SLE feels internally nervous and tries to find a way out of the situation.

    In a group, he often takes on the role of an informal leader, the secret controller of the situation who in critical moments prefers to stay in the shade.

    The SLE speaks about expediency of action, endurance and stamina, the need to mobilize one's forces in a tone of certainty that leaves no room for objections.
    He likes to discuss discipline, the need to develop a strong-willed and determined character. Constantly keeps people around him in a charged mobilized state.

    The SLE is demanding with respect to himself and others.
    People who do not fulfill their promises he does not respect. In his eyes, they mean absolutely nothing and he doesn't bother to hide his contempt for such people.

    The SLE is confident in his own power and significance, as well as in his social mission.

    Venturesome, inclined to contests and competition.

    The SLE imposes his life values onto everyone and everywhere as a kind of absolute truth not to be questioned. He often and gladly speaks of the "harsh reality" and appreciates ability to take life "as it is". Willingly shares his life experiences, although he may be too intrusive teaching others "how to live." Always knows "how things should be" and "how they shouldn't be".

    The SLE often finds a way to have the last word, decimating his opponent with one replica or a single phrase voiced at the right moment.

    ESTp's willful pressuring is often realized by method of logical argumentation and persuasion. To accomplish this, nature has endowed him with flexible, adaptive logic, which primarily serves the purposes of his volitional "program" function.

    He will advance and defend his point of view even if it goes against the general public opinion, meanwhile using any and all allowed and disallowed methods of debate: he can raise his voice, use emotional or even physical pressuring: in an argument he doesn't seek truth but victory.

    In ESTp's opinion, who is informed and in the know - is protected. Consequently, one who doesn't have necessary information - is defenseless. Therefore the collection of necessary information for the ESTp is as important as the development of power potential (and in many instances for the SLE this one and the same thing).

    Venturesome, inclined to contests and competition.

    When he doesn't have means of persuading his opponent, he turns to other participants and observers of the dispute to try to mock and discredit his opposition. He feels the need to win by any means possible.

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    Even though the loud version of SLE is Bart Simpson/Wreakingball, they’re still NOT loud like Fe lead. There’s still restraint in the way SLE conducts themselves in public because SLE is not confident with mob Fe. Realistic SLE mob Fe manifestation doesn’t take on much energy at all, “Hey let me tell you a joke! What?! You didn’t like it? Fuck you!” And most of the time SLE won’t even bother to get to mob Fe in unknown crowds. That’s because Se base wants to be taken seriously, desires to be alert so they can keep sober on their desires. Ti creative not only shows restraint when facing authority, it’s what makes SLE very law abiding. McG isn’t consistent, purposely bypasses laws and disregards rules. He puffs up the emotional atmosphere by talking shit and the more he talks shit, the more energy he gets LOL that’s not within SLE’s capacity no matter what enneagram or instinct. Utilizing superid functions tires out the person, not make them more confident. McG is base Fe to mob Se, showcasing toughness without the substance.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Even though the loud version of SLE is Bart Simpson/Wreakingball, they’re still NOT loud like Fe lead. There’s still restraint in the way SLE conducts themselves in public because SLE is not confident with mob Fe. Realistic SLE mob Fe manifestation doesn’t take on much energy at all, “Hey let me tell you a joke! What?! You didn’t like it? Fuck you!” And most of the time SLE won’t even bother to get to mob Fe in unknown crowds. That’s because Se base wants to be taken seriously, desires to be alert so they can keep sober on their desires. Ti creative not only shows restraint when facing authority, it’s what makes SLE very law abiding. McG isn’t consistent, purposely bypasses laws and disregards rules. He puffs up the emotional atmosphere by talking shit and the more he talks shit, the more energy he gets LOL that’s not within SLE’s capacity no matter what enneagram or instinct. Utilizing superid functions tires out the person, not make them more confident. McG is base Fe to mob Se, showcasing toughness without the substance.

    What your seeing as "Fe" and "mod Se" is this

    "When he doesn't have means of persuading his opponent, he turns to other participants and observers of the dispute to try to mock and discredit his opposition. He feels the need to win by any means possible.

    showcasing toughness without the substance.
    The guy gets paid to knock people out, what do you mean no substance? Part of the reason he's so damn cocky and why it's annoying is because there's a part of him that can actually back it up.
    Cocky people who get their asses handed to them are jokes, not annoying.

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    I think the British comedian Jack Whitehall is SLE and his model girlfriend Roxy Horner is IEI.

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    Khabib is an LSI imo. the way he pushes his faith seems like Ni hidden agenda "to believe". he's very disciplined, and can't really relate to all the loud noise of the MMA spectacle. his continuous high level performance also indicates rationality to me, not being affected by your mood during a fight. Connor is an ethical type and all about drama. I think Dan Bilzerian is an SLE

    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Me. I am one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Dane Horlock View Post
    Me. I am one.
    Good one
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  13. #13


    SLEs are fucking funny in such an idiotic way

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Lioness View Post

    SLEs are fucking funny in such an idiotic way
    While I agree with the SLE being funny, I dont think the guy you posted here is SLE. Something intuitive maybe? I think the actor was even typed LIE way back.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    While I agree with the SLE being funny, I dont think the guy you posted here is SLE. Something intuitive maybe? I think the actor was even typed LIE way back.
    He seems SLE 8 to me, but I'd be open to discussing the reasoning behind an alternative. I could be wrong.

    The actor himself, I have no idea. I meant the character, Dean. He is very in the moment, improvising, spontaneous, which is typically a sign of low Ni.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Lioness View Post
    He seems SLE 8 to me, but I'd be open to discussing the reasoning behind an alternative. I could be wrong.

    The actor himself, I have no idea. I meant the character, Dean. He is very in the moment, improvising, spontaneous, which is typically a sign of low Ni.
    Reread theory

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by PussyInASarcophagus View Post
    Reread theory
    Relearn how to socialize

    Tip: you're doing it wrong

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    Seems ethical
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Never know a SLE - H in real life, but The Hound should be it : SLE - H Sp/Sx. No strong goal or principle, just react when life push him. Quite passive for a Se lead.

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    Shallow CW caricatures aren't real types sowwy

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    or LSI

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    Quote Originally Posted by blaecaedre View Post

    or LSI
    She was great once, but she destroyed herself and her legacy is the most disgusting way. People always say ESE for Christie, but lots of her problems seems do seem like sensing issues - overeating, over indulging without thinking about consequences (who wants to be fat and slovenly?)

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    Yanina Wickmayer, Ti subtype. Enneagram 3, 6, or 8. Probably So/Sx.

    She's probably the athlete I have a crush on most.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  25. #25

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    Is the cynical dude on Youtube an SLE? His videos are about anti fat acceptance and they are very hilarious and funny.

  26. #26
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    fear of death is big with Ti types in my experience. definitely with SLEs
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

    I want to care
    if I was better I’d help you
    if I was better you’d be better

    Human Design 2/4 projector life path 1

  27. #27

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    Steve Maxwell is intuitive, mb EIE

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