So if I'm the ENFj... then I guess that makes you, labcoat, the ENFp...?

Now about that unconscious attitude....

The ego block of a dual type has two components, the master block and the slave block. The base master always has dominion over the slave master; absolute dominion, in fact. The slave is going to effect the information pool that the creative master will eventually transform. So the slave can influence the creative master's productions at the behest of the base master.

The creative slave acts in direct consequence to the transformation induced by the creative master. This can never be predicted, ever. Looking over the psychology of many characters I've experienced in literature, movies, (videogames), etc. -- and indeed from some biographical standpoints -- I assess that these "consequential slaves" are the functions of downfall and mistake; that it is not the subconscious functions themselves that trouble one, but rather the actions one makes that they did not intend, yet arise invariably in consequence of their own information processing. These are, more than anything else, the "unconscious attitude" that bedevils one.

I think Jung's attitude toward the "unconscious" was more along the lines of conflictor functions, weaker, inferior functions. ...I'm rather skeptical he ever envisioned anything like this dual-type model, simply because such a thing is a system as much of action as of psychology. But I've noticed you seem to think the master type is a reactor, and the slave a "proactor". Perhaps we differ on this point?