Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
What the hell am I then?
Well let's see. Starting at ENFp, right?

You don't VI with Jung, so INTj is out. ISTp is also out because you don't have the... how to say, eloquence of the XXXp group.

ISTj is possible (inspector of psychology)...

ENTj is plausible, too.

ISFp is highly unlikely....

ESTj is a possibility.

Which do you think? Which of the 16 types do you find yourself trying to influence with your thought? What do you perceive others as trying to influence?

You say you're an inventor: ENFp-ENTp Inventor of Psychology? (or seeker of psychology?)

I'd like to know as much as you because with such a large spectrum VI can be nearly perfected.

Quote Originally Posted by labcoat
Does the creative function succeed the base only as a 'stage' in cognition, or does it build forth directly on the base's conclusions (eg. without actual seperation of real world data into the creative function's information aspect and it's inverse)..?
The creative function observes the effects of the slave base; it does not build on the base's conclusions directly but instead responds to the work of the slave. (which responds to the master base's chosen observation) I perceive the master base as selective in what it chooses to observe, based on the potential for positive influence over the slave.

It's actually quite intuitive. I don't know why people are asking so many questions about it....