I love INFPs. If you're and INFP and you give an ENFP time to talk about just any ol thing and then share your insights and ideas it would be hard not to like you. ENFPs love to dive into all the stuff that most people look at them as strange for talking about. If you are receptive to that side of them they will form a bond with you. Im and ENFP and my oldest sister is INFP. Of all my siblings I visit her the most. We sit and talk about all kind of things for hours. I recommend movies or music and she does the same and then we compare notes. We talk about the people we know and classes we've taken or experiences we've had. Its all very interesting. I used to want an INFP gf/wife because I thought they would be the best match. Socionics says different but Im not so sure. I think INFPs are great to hang out with but when it comes to being productive, getting things accomplished I think ENFPs and INFPs together might run into some difficulties and frustrations. Anyway, if you really want to get to know and ENFP they are very approachable. If you can get him/her on a road trip with lots of driving and time to talk thats probably the best thing you can do to get them to open up.

PS. That goes for you ISTPs too