Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
Maybe. In my observations, ENFjs are often found in more technical areas than one may think. They can still master the "T" stuff, but then they're good at making their point at the front of the room and dramatizing things. It could be that the people I'm thinking of are really Ti types who have developed their dual side. But I rather suspect that they're actually Fe types who have developed their dual (Ti) side.

Sometimes there are speakers who are just full of enthusiasm, highly expressive, very personable, and it registers with me as Fe. But they may still be talking about highly technical stuff.
Perhaps, but maybe you too are beginning to overstate the percentage of ENFjs. I do believe you are right, to the extent that there are plenty of ENFjs in the higher education and technical settings, but at the same time I think that the you are seeing, may in fact simply be the energy and enthusiasm of a professor talking about their subject of interest to classrooms full of students.