When we were visiting my inlaws, we spent most of the time with my mother in law (ESFj), and father in law (ISFp). My husband is ISTp, and I think my daughter is ENFp but she's just a kid so who knows for sure. Anyway, I was surrounded by Si.

The weird thing is that whenever I'm around all three of them, they're always taking care of me. Everyone takes care of me. It's like there's this focus on me. They take care of my daughter too now, but even before she was born when the four of us were together people were always focused on my comfort. Was I thirsty, was I sitting in a draft, would I like something, etc. When my husband does this, it feels more comfortable, but my in-laws are more demonstrative (Fe I suppose) and I feel like I have some obligation to reciprocate or something. So my instinct is to take care of their comfort too, but of course they're perfectly good at taking care of their own needs in that area, and I am awkward when I try to, so that never worked. Now that I've read about Socionics, I think to myself "what they need is Ne" but I honestly have no idea how one goes about giving people Ne. So I feel kind of guilty that everyone is taking care of me and I'm getting all the attention.

So is this normal if you're an Ne surrounded by Si types? I don't know how to respond to having people take care of me all the time. And it sometimes feels like they're treating me like a child, like I can't take care of myself. Which I can't, but like I said it's different with my husband because it feels more like he's taking care of his own needs and either picks mine up here and there or just takes me along for the ride and my needs get taken care of without much effort on his part. But my inlaws really seem to work at it and I feel like I should be doing something for them too.

And to the Si-dominant people out there, if you've gotten this far, what does Ne feel like to you?