Quote Originally Posted by astralsilky
Quote Originally Posted by eunice
I was having a conversation with an ISFp friend of ten years (whom I had mentioned before under "What's My Type?" a while ago) while in the train and we came to the topic about our impressions of each other. She sees me as someone knowledgeable and has learned alot from me. However, she said something later about my voice which made me surprised. She commented about my voice having a lack of inflection (unlike , I think), but not monotonous and devoid of feelings. She also mentioned that I sounded "intimidating" and "angry" when I speak. Even my ESTp brother mentioned the last point to me before. For example, even when I talk about happy events, I sounded aggressive. So when I asked her to give me a real life example of how I presented myself, she actually said that I talk like a guy, just that I don't have a man's voice. Lastly, she talked about how different we are. She said that I had a very strong personality and I needed someone who is similarly strong, assertive and intelligent to match me.

All I can say is I'm surprised that she didn't seem to see me as an INFj at all, based on what she mentioned about me. It's like, she's intimidated by me, but she still enjoys my company? This is so weird.
For starters, if that avatar is indeed your pic, you sure don't look like an INFj. You might be one of those folks for whom the tests don't work at all.
That's not her. She's not the girl in her current avatar