i had the displeasure of having to work with a ESI last semester. i felt useless and vulnerable in that group. a weird feeling for somebody who's used to be a leader. i felt like the dude was an all seeing eye who could pinpoint all my sins an weak spots. the worst was that all my creativity was dead. it couldn't grow with those people. anyway, i went along with it not to make waves. i didn't want a bad reputation. to be branded a scarlet letter. 'cause i knew that ESI would have a field day with me. i was defintely intimidated. but not vanquished.

not everybody can hold a camera steady. they are quite heavy and cumbersome. but i've got strong weightlifting arms so it's no problem for me. this semester, the ESI thought he had something most other groups didn't. shit, they dubbed me the man of steel. unfortunately for his abusive supervising ass, i changed groups. when they asked me to come back with them, i simply said no (with a coke and a smile). now, he's my nemesis. now, he can witness the full extent of my creativity. and be jealous about it.