Quote Originally Posted by Pied Piper View Post
No it's just about your past statements. I won't dig for the details but the first thing I recall about cinq was when she jumped on me when I said some things that I read and I heard about women in Canada. She also insisted that I can't type Vero, for example, because she's a woman and things like this. You also stated a lot of things about this how males are this and that, in your first posts.
This rationalization is quite frankly, stupid. Vero is my daughter. I know her well. You attribute/project onto her attitudes and behaviours that are not accurate. It's in my nature, when I see a distortion of the truth to try to rectify it. And, see she is my daughter, I know you are wrong and react strongly because I get tired of this shit.

Additionally, it is not even necessary to confess that you're a feminist - feminism is not adherence to an organization, but a philosophy, or rather a deviance, IMO - because it is obvious in the view on things, people and life. For example when a woman so often says "what a douchebag!" out of the void about people who are actually pretty normal, it's clear who you deal with, and observable in the future when you, as a male, and not so ass-kisser try to interact with her, you can see how unreasonably obstructionist she is.

You probably did, first of all cinq did not even deny them, I don't know where the problem is. Why do you assume an offense which might not even be real?
"Distant" and "boring" were based on what was discussed in this thread and Daria, etc. "Resentful" and "vengeful" emerge from my interactions with her which you apparently don't know about. She has a retributive attitude towards me and this is my opinion, regardless whether you find it offensive.
I've not reacted to your comments because I'm busy at the moment, but, in summary, what you say is pure stupidity. Unfortunately, like ferrous craneous, it's impossible to reason with you. So, it's starting to get truly pointless to try to walk you to the truth.