Not sure how I could spell them out. I mean, Ayn Rand is the most famous example but us ILI's regardless of sex and position only assume the focus of the spotlight (i.e. direct and full leadership) if it's somehow forced upon us Ceterus Paribus.

We'll lead and lead well if it comes down to that, but we'll tell everyone involved what they're in for and it's not happy nor is it pretty. We'll lead you to victory as certain as we are able and the chances will be damned good. Yet we'll be straight. Most of you won't live to see our final victory and trust you me we wish it was different. We're more than comfortable with spending lives like currency. What most won't see or perceive is how loathe we are to do exactly that even as we do so with a straight and horrifically serene face unmarred by outward tears.

As I've said before, if the answer to a "problem" is most efficiently and effectively reached by a single sacrifice, and if that sacrifice just so happens to involve our life, that's the choice that gets made. I posit that the healthy, well-adjusted ILI is in truth a type disproportionately represented amongst the "martyrs" of the various faiths of their respective eras. Complications arise however if we're the "commander" rather than the "grunt" as it were.

Most ILI's people popularly associate with my type tend to fail to be humble enough to conclude as I have that there is, like Socrates and Aristotle (a LIE to boot), only one true ultimate "god" as it were. A single truth.

Like I've said elsewhere it is perhaps the ultimate grace God has granted me. I may have a full and comprehensive "academic" understanding of Demonic pride, but the "visceral" understanding will forever evade my grasp. Why? I could enumerate how such a failure could work on a human scale, but on the cosmic scale we're talking if I start to speak about angels and demons...

How the fuck can the demons be so utterly stupid? Beings of actual and pure intellect ought to have arrived at the truth far faster and more certain than my own limited mind could have. Yet they didn't. In fact they defiantly refused to. I just don't get that!