Forget everything for a minute or more:

So what makes SN part of P? What makes FT part of J? If we don’t know where they come from than why are they from the same place? How do we know for sure we are seeing S, N, F, T or I & E? If we don’t know where they came from then how do we know what forces propel or draw them in? Or are SN really even P at all? TF really even J? Really think about this.

Why does thinking inhibit feeling, but not sensing? Or does it? Is it just purely observational, or is there more to this?

How about this: Why does Ji use Pe creatively? Or does it not really fully act that way?

How do you know you are really seeing a function? Have you seen things in your life that look like things but are not really what you thought that they were?

Can you provide answers to all of these questions?