Here's a toughie...6 descriptions of complex personalities; see if you can type them. Some of them actually may not be so hard, but some probably are. Note that the attributes I mention here may not all be from the ego block! Also, even very different descriptions here may belong to the same type.

A. Strong moral force, deeply felt and personal sense of values (doesn't assume values or accept superficially), sense of peace, love of nature, formal clarity, driving creativity, never loses focus, extremely strong sense of the way things should be, has deep feelings applying globally to all humanity, feels tragedy and injustice strongly, seeks to bring hope, values order, has a nature like clock-work, hopes to usher in the perfect and beneficent logical fair and intelligent order, envisions an orderly perfection that's almost military-like in its in its orderliness, clarity at all times, unique sense of humor, roots for the "little guy," seeks to rally everyone to this vision of perfect hope, peace, and order; understands the struggle it will take to get there, expresses tragedy with a strong sense of defiance, and celebrates victories intensely. Leaves people feeling motivated.

B. Indulgent intellectualism, playing with language, intellectual argumentation with arguments that circle about and seem to digress but always loop back and never get lost, intellectualism out front and center, intellectualizes about emotional things, a sense of something cherished and valued and loved, room filled with the smoke of heavy intellectual atmosphere, somewhat sentimental, highly confident. Leaves people feeling intellectually stimulated.

C. Internal energy, solidity, insides of steel, knowing exactly what one wants, excitability, vulnerability to romanticism, openness to romantic adventure, valuing relationships, reflecting about past or future relationships. Leaves people feeling energized, impressed, and sentimental.

D. Stark realistic stance, internal imagery, playing with ideas, irony, symbolism, prophetic, deep inner emotions, directness even when it may not be "pretty," sense of mystery, pessimistic but with an enjoyment of sardonic expression. Leaves people feeling open to a deeper meaning.

E. Indulgent and unbridled imagination, imagination of sensory delights, sense of beauty, somewhat hedonistic, a sense of floating, pleasant day-dreams, seeing ever more shades, more nuances, grasping a sense of complexity without really formalizing it, fluid imagination with one thing leading into (or turning into) another, imagining fun and beautiful places, fantasy-land, whimsical, sweet, loving, reassuring people, but sometimes quite self-indulgent; strong inner desire to achieve harmony, intimate, communicates with a certain concreteness, free, creative, unconventional, seeks to please in a direct way, evokes other worlds but in a direct sensory way, formal/intellectual complexity is obscured by an appearance of naive simplicity. Expresses in an inviting way (rather than just to impress). Leaves people feeling relaxed, imaginative, and open to new worlds; and sometimes inspires elegant physical activity.

F. A sense of a social emotion, a social order, romantic sentiments, literary quality, elegant entrances that catch people's attention, strong sensitivity and expressiveness, subtlety and lightness, elegant at all times, highly fluent and articulate in an elegant and gentle way. Leaves people feeling impressed and idealistic.