It depends on the conflict. I have a lot of non-socionic baggage to work through concerning speaking up for myself and not being cowed by the potential irrationality of others. In that sense, conflict can be very difficult. I also find that I hate dealing with conflict when I care about the person involved; it just feels like too much work, and I have the urge to actively avoid resolution/explanation/etc. In general webspace, I've become much better at speaking my mind and less concerned about the conflict that results. Generally, the less I like someone, the less I am concerned with their good opinion, and the less I am likely to wrap my message in pretty language. But I think I'm also becoming more blunt in most things. (Yay, progress.) Family conflict... so much yelling and arguing. (I remember once telling my over-religious LSI father that one day he'd stop using religion to justify his faults. Fun times.)

Crises, on the other hand... I hate those so much. I've had to learn to accept that shit is going down and then start considering options for adaptation. Still, they're very stressful.