Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
Quote Originally Posted by Jarno
MBTI.........INTP....Ti/Ne.....Lazy, likes open ended, feels dual with an ESFP
Socionics..INTP....Ni/Te.....Lazy, likes open ended, feels dual with an ESFP

MBTI.........INTJ....Ti/Ne.....Ambitious, uses decisiveness, feels dual with an ESFJ
Socionics..INTJ....Ne/Ti.....Ambitious, uses decisiveness, feels dual with an ESFJ
Curious: Where in MBTI literature does it say that INTP feels dual with ESFP or that INTJ feels dual with ESFJ?
Sorry due my short (simpel) explanation this isn't clear indeed.

I tried to say, that if you would use the J/P switch, someone typed INTP by MBTI would be an INTJ in Socionics.
Like myself.
But how is it possible then, that I have had several dual relationships all with ESFP. They should have been ESFJ's if this J/P switch were true...