Quote Originally Posted by Expat
Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
Why ESFp for Leo instead of ISFj?
I don't really know much about him -- but when I've seen him in interviews, as in the The Aviator DVD, he seems more EP to me, also the way he walks and moves, as in Blood Diamond - that's not all acting imo.
Actually its the way he moves and walks that made me think the opposite...it seems...uh..acted...heh.

Also, while I don't really follow gossip magazines, so I may be wrong, I seem to recall that he did not seem to mind extended and undefined, sort of on-off relationships even with "steady" girlfriends, which sounds more ESFp than ISFj to me.
Or an ISFj who started out as a good-looking movie star at a young age, and has dated super-models and can "knab" a woman of almost any level of attractivness.