mmh. okay ENFj sister works like this:

she will go out to whole foods/trader joes and buy tons of fresh vegetables and fruits. some weird things like mochi icecream (japanese treat that is covered in glutinous rice.)

she cooked once for me and her kids and it was a salad for everyone (grilled chicken for the kids and then she made me some asparagus since i don't eat meat.)

she doesn't actually cook that often at all, but what is in the fridge is always very fresh. i don't know if they even have canned goods in their house. i wasn't searching for them, but i really doubt they have microwaveable insta-meals.

the fridge is like: tons of water, fruit juices, fruits, vegetables, eggs, etc.

i can't really imagine her eating leftovers. she'd just as soon go out and buy something from a restaurant or go back to the grocery store and get more fresh stuff. she has the energy to do this at /all times/ it seems, so it doesn't pose much of an issue.

i'm like expat. i have a hard time imagining ENFjs cooking that much to begin with, but i swear she makes it sound like she cooks a lot.