Quote Originally Posted by Joy
I think Si PoLR people can distrust the quality of food for no apparent reason, or lose their appetite easily is something is unappetizing. I think they're also likely to have a difficult time forcing themselves to eat something they don't like or denying themselves something they really want. I think Si PoLR are simply overly fussy about stuff like that. I also think it's difficult for them to buy things that will spoil in less than a week or eat leftovers (unless it's something they pretty much always feel like eating) because they can't simply talk themselves into wanting to eat something. If it's produce it's even worse because even if they wouldn't mind eating it, 9 times out of 10 it'll be more effort than it's worth because of washing, cutting, etc.

Hmm well some of this sounds a lot like me so I don't think it's all related to Si PoLR. Like I lose my appetite if something is unappetizing. And I can't eat something I don't like, and I have trouble denying myself things I do like. That sounds much more like Si dual-seeking than PoLR. Or even just plain an Si-dominant type. But certainly not Si avoidance - I'd think it would be someone with Si values in some way or another. Let me see about the rest. I don't eat leftovers, and I won't eat food that even has a chance at being spoiled. And I won't go through the trouble of fixing meals for just myself because it's too much effort, though I will do it for my family. My husband will eat leftovers. I never eat them - I'd rather make a sandwich or not eat anything. For some reason, even if I liked the food the first time, I can't bring myself to eat it the next day as leftovers.