Quote Originally Posted by implied
Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
In many ways I envy INFps. They are seen as the fairy-like creatures that bring good luck and pleasant emotions. They are slender and graceful, rarely forceful in any way. Everyone likes them. I feel like compared to INFps, I sure pulled the short straw. Compared to the lovely INFps, ENFjs are just forceful and overly emotional creatures, too intense for almost everyone. No one really appreciates ENFjs. My negativist dramatic side is forcing its way out. end of post.

pffft i like them.
Yeah i like ENFJ's too and im the opposite quadra.

Recently an INFj girl added me on msn. My email went around at work, and she added me. She was new and i trained her but never really talked to her much. Anyway we talk quite a lot on msn but im a bit nervous as she wants to come over to my house to have me sign a card shes making. I dont really know her and she seems to be having big problems with her boyfriend . Her intentions are probablly fine though shes a sweet little INFj? lol