hm actually i know a female ENTp at my company. She's got some kind of a vice presidential role in one of our divisions.. some technical data management or something.. anyway I meet her a few times a year, and from the first 10 minutes or so of her presentation I thought she was ENTp. I was attracted to her, wanted to engage in verbal interaction with her, and would probably been attracted romantically if she had been a guy. Anyway, she was not very feminine but not too masculine either. She was no nonsense and i could see her getting along with poeople that i could see a male entp getting along with.. someone who doesn't really slam down her ideas, laughs at her jokes, and doesn't suggest conflicting ideas when shes in the middle of brainstorming her own. Yeah, i could see her appreciating an SEI that was calm and listened, and was around until she noticed him and was like, "i love you".

yeah basically do your own thing, create a fun light atmosphere and dont annoy the entp and she'll like you.