I don't know how Identicals would really work in the dating arena, but as friends/aquintances, they can be loads of fun. You can talk to your identical and they won't readily condemn you for certain behaviours natural to you. I've experienced lots of laughs with others of the same type as myself. It's really easy to get along with identicals.

The only problem is such relations can get really boring really quickly. Like, I talked online and e-mailed my friend who I hadn't seen/talked to in months(another INFp) and we had such a good time chatting at first, cracking each other up with our bizarre INFp humor. We were giving each other so much info to the point where we ran out of new subject matter resulting in us drifting apart again as conversation became rather forced. I still talk with her time to time, but it's important not to overdue these types of relations. Don't be afraid to keep things slow because while you may be tempted to rush into the fun of seeing with identical eyes, you may find yourselves at a dead end too fast. Going slow would mean conserving conversation/activity rations and also giving time to get some more in the mean time. Having connected interests really helps on this, as someone said...big time.

That's just from my experience anyways.