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Thread: Female ENTps/ILE women

  1. #41
    i'll tear down the sky Mattie's Avatar
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    I'm not completely sure about the validity of Tx vs Fx IEs being gendered, but it's too hard not too see them that way. My best guess is to look at the super-id IEs. For example, with NeTi women, I notice more of a general focus on their mobilizing function , and therefore this becomes a large factor in trying to type them as well as help create insight for interpersonal relations. I believe one time Vero and I had a discussion about something like this, and I think she said sometimes she felt she was an type, but my perspective is that Tx women will lean on whatever Fx IE they value, and it will show itself through the function placement its in. I think there really is an equal spread of types, you tend to just notice and surround yourself with others with the same values, and there are many people you don't notice otherwise each day. So, if you think Tx & Fx IEs are gendered, keep in mind the presence of the appropriate super-id function.

  2. #42
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    Out of curiosity: why do you ask whether they're "really that rare"? Like, where does the idea that they're rare come from?

  3. #43
    i'll tear down the sky Mattie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    Out of curiosity: why do you ask whether they're "really that rare"? Like, where does the idea that they're rare come from?
    It's an MBTI thing, since MBTI types have statistics on the population diversity of MBTI types, I believe ESTJ are the most popular and INTJ are the least, and then they break it down to how much % of the population are male/female types, typically T types being male and F types being female. So ENTP women would be on the rarer side of things, according to MBTI. Sometimes people carry this over to Socionics, which isn't relevant.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    It's an MBTI thing, since MBTI types have statistics on the population diversity of MBTI types, I believe ESTJ are the most popular and INTJ are the least, and then they break it down to how much % of the population are male/female types, typically T types being male and F types being female. So ENTP women would be on the rarer side of things, according to MBTI. Sometimes people carry this over to Socionics, which isn't relevant.
    ... which is exactly why I was asking. I remember FFF mentioning something else earlier which also sounded like she used MBTI-related sites. I wanted to know the source to make sure if it was so, because mixing them could have been the reason for difficulties in typing.

    And supposedly most common are male ISTJs and female ISFJs, most rare - male INFJs (something below 1%).

  5. #45


    I'm fairly sure I'm good friends with one ILE/ENTp girl. Well, I mean, I know we're good friends, but I'm sure members on this forum would not be unwilling to contest that typing.

    At any rate, some observations about her:

    Initially was kind of formal, mostly sticking to talking about Socionics, answering questions I had and helping me understand the theory better. Basically cheery, affectionate, and nice... but she's nice to everyone (self-report, but I could see it). Also related is that we've been interacting in pretty much exactly the same way despite getting closer/becoming better friends.

    In a nutshell, she seems to treat people around the same regardless of how close they are. If you know the functions, I think that's manifestly Fi-PoLR.

    Enneatype is 3w4, I think. Her self-typing, and I agree with it. She's very focused on achievement and presentation, and seems really deeply competitive with other females. I think this is a her thing, as opposed to an ILE thing, though.

    As for rarity, I think it's down to where you look. I think ILEs in general will tend to gravitate to academia. She seems to be working really hard to fight her way into higher education. By comparison, I think you'd be harder-pressed to find an ILE janitor.

    Hope this helps!

  6. #46
    No Longer a Tadpole... Flat Footed Frog's Avatar
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    Thanks for your replies. Yes i could hav confused MBTI and socionics with rarity, but main reason i say rarity is that i have been trying to research them and can not find much feedback at all on them anywhere i look. Maybe they arent going on the web as much as male ENTp's, im not sure.

    So from your experience Brian, you found ENTp females very friendly? Not too (this is just what i have found about a lot of them when looking them up, they claim to be a bit more manly but underneath is a bunch of feelings they dont know how to organise or express. Others also seemed to say that they found them a bit intimidating, especially with how argumentative they thought ENTp females were. I dont know how much of this to believe...).

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Flat Footed Frog View Post
    So from your experience Brian, you found ENTp females very friendly? Not too (this is just what i have found about a lot of them when looking them up, they claim to be a bit more manly but underneath is a bunch of feelings they dont know how to organise or express. Others also seemed to say that they found them a bit intimidating, especially with how argumentative they thought ENTp females were. I dont know how much of this to believe...).
    Well, I only know the one ILE female, so I can't comment on them in general. Just to be clear.

    As for manliness, actually, there's a series of running jokes we have around me being more feminine than her, and likewise with her being more masculine than me.

    She can be very pedantic, but I don't think I could call her argumentative. This may be because I don't ever get locked in debates with her Usually discussions feel more like trading information than arguing over who's right and who's wrong--but other types may well consider ILEs argumentative.

    As for dealing with feelings, I recall her saying, roughly, that she does have issues with dealing with and expressing emotions.

    Hope this helps!

  8. #48
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    I know this one ILE girl that's getting her masters in computer science and she's probably a 5w6. She's the exception though, most of the ENTps I know are 7s. Does that mean they are more common, or just that they are the easiest to identify?

    Also Brian is an ESFj 3w2 and his girl is a INTj 1w9. There's an opposing opinion for you.

    edit: I also know some ILE females that are 6w5

    so make that 5w6, 6w5 and 7w? for the ILE females I know. 7s are the easiest to identify, with 6w5s at a close second.
    Last edited by electric sheep; 05-05-2010 at 06:12 AM.
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  9. #49
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    I had this one graduate teaching assistant that was heading up my sociology of families class last fall that I think was entp. She was off the chain at explaining the logical development of family, gender, and sexuality issues in a sort of energetic way. She tried to use a lot of body language like waving her hands to make points. What really got me about her was how she liked to break us up into small groups to puzzle out different questions and she'd go around, group by group to see what we came up with, pose interesting questions or suggestions, and she just did it with this sort of amped up but almost over exuberant enthusiasm. You know, kind of in a quirky, cute way. She was pretty much amazing.
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  10. #50
    angelalala's Avatar
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    I'm an ENTp female so I just thought I'd share my 2bits

    I agree with Brian, Entp's (male or female) seem to act them same with people regardless of how well they know them.

    But, when it comes to someone I am dating... I am definitely cuddly and affectionate! It's actually one of few things about me which changes depending on who I am around. In public I don't like being cuddly because it holds me back from interacting with other people AND it can make others feel excluded. Were you looking for some other type of info?

    The ENTp female does seem like a rarity. Being a 'T' type and female doesn't always fly. I've been working on my 'F' type tons and take on more of an enFp attitude in social circles with new people. Perhaps there are some 'seeming-ENFPs' who are actually ENTPs!

    Like Brian said, we love academia. We are like flies to water when it comes to new info

    Anywho, hope that helps. Happy to answer any other questions!

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    I had this one graduate teaching assistant that was heading up my sociology of families class last fall that I think was entp. She was off the chain at explaining the logical development of family, gender, and sexuality issues in a sort of energetic way. She tried to use a lot of body language like waving her hands to make points. What really got me about her was how she liked to break us up into small groups to puzzle out different questions and she'd go around, group by group to see what we came up with, pose interesting questions or suggestions, and she just did it with this sort of amped up but almost over exuberant enthusiasm. You know, kind of in a quirky, cute way. She was pretty much amazing.
    wow. this is an exact description of how i teach.


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  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flat Footed Frog View Post
    Hey everyone,

    I'm just curious to know more about ENTp females. Are they really that rare in society, do people generally find them quite cold, or cuddly once in their close circle of friends and any other little titbits you can think of. Have been trying to research them on google and learn more abotu them. But its extremely hard to find much written, most is written from a general perspective which as its a 'T' type is mainly concentrated on males of this type. If anyone has had much experience with ENTp females i'd love to hear about it. Also what are their main enneagram types if you happen to know or are one yourself.

    Flat Footed Frog
    yes i think what looktothesky wrote about T vs F is right. there's a lot of pressure for women to be relationally skilled and the best that ILE can do is use their 6th function, Fe, for that. but since there's all that pressure, a lot of female ILE's can be mistyped for failure to recognize that the Fe is coming from the 6th not the first or second function. i think there's plenty of us out there.

    what i can comment on is the idea of non standard reasoning and innovative ideas that can seem to be on the fringe. ILE is usually not mainstream, more at the outskirts or even the leading edge so they are not in the middle of the popular crowd. so if you are in the middle of the popular crowd it will be hard to find them there. they would mainly be in a niche group at the edge or on their own at the edge.

    welcome to 16t! nice to have another one here!


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  13. #53
    <something> Wynch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    I had this one graduate teaching assistant that was heading up my sociology of families class last fall that I think was entp. She was off the chain at explaining the logical development of family, gender, and sexuality issues in a sort of energetic way. She tried to use a lot of body language like waving her hands to make points. What really got me about her was how she liked to break us up into small groups to puzzle out different questions and she'd go around, group by group to see what we came up with, pose interesting questions or suggestions, and she just did it with this sort of amped up but almost over exuberant enthusiasm. You know, kind of in a quirky, cute way. She was pretty much amazing.
    Oh. My. Heavens. She's like my identical twin. That's so weird.

    Like ltts said, I've mentioned before that I find there's a lot of societal pressures on women to conform to a certain "feeler" role. As a by-product you'll probably see a lot of ILE females coming off as something in between ENTp and ENFp.

    For myself, I tend to hang out with a lot of nerdy people. My interests include boardgames (I splurged on a new one yesterday, shame on me!!), dungeons and dragons, cards, debate and volunteering with kids. I tend to have a very youthful exuberance. Being in a relationship (with an SLI) has settled me a little so I'm not as off-the-wall as I used to be, but I still get charged up when I have the opportunity for spontaneous fun. That can mean going on a random adventure (a lot of things satisfy the conditions of adventure for me, lol), being at a party with lots happening, arbitrarily deciding to go bowling or mini-golfing or anything really.

    The problem I've been having recently, I realized, was that my best friend (EIE) tends to want to make plans all the time and force them on people, which I don't enjoy. It makes me feel claustrophobic. Additionally, the roomies of my boyfriend, the people I spend the most time with simply because of vicinity, don't talk about interesting things and we don't do enough to keep me wanting to socialize. In contrast, another group of friends I've been spending more and more time with talk about hilarious things, get into arguments openly, but conduct them in a friendly way. If we aren't talking about something fun then we're cracking open a game that plenty of people can play, or breaking down into smaller groups so people can play.

    Maybe more on this later. Just realized I need to get running to catch a bus if I'm going to make it to the bank in time for my appointment.
    7w8 so/sp

    Very busy with work. Only kind of around.

  14. #54
    Your DNA is mine. Mediator Kam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vero View Post
    Oh. My. Heavens. She's like my identical twin. That's so weird.

    Like ltts said, I've mentioned before that I find there's a lot of societal pressures on women to conform to a certain "feeler" role. As a by-product you'll probably see a lot of ILE females coming off as something in between ENTp and ENFp.

    For myself, I tend to hang out with a lot of nerdy people. My interests include boardgames (I splurged on a new one yesterday, shame on me!!), dungeons and dragons, cards, debate and volunteering with kids. I tend to have a very youthful exuberance. Being in a relationship (with an SLI) has settled me a little so I'm not as off-the-wall as I used to be, but I still get charged up when I have the opportunity for spontaneous fun. That can mean going on a random adventure (a lot of things satisfy the conditions of adventure for me, lol), being at a party with lots happening, arbitrarily deciding to go bowling or mini-golfing or anything really.

    The problem I've been having recently, I realized, was that my best friend (EIE) tends to want to make plans all the time and force them on people, which I don't enjoy. It makes me feel claustrophobic. Additionally, the roomies of my boyfriend, the people I spend the most time with simply because of vicinity, don't talk about interesting things and we don't do enough to keep me wanting to socialize. In contrast, another group of friends I've been spending more and more time with talk about hilarious things, get into arguments openly, but conduct them in a friendly way. If we aren't talking about something fun then we're cracking open a game that plenty of people can play, or breaking down into smaller groups so people can play.

    Maybe more on this later. Just realized I need to get running to catch a bus if I'm going to make it to the bank in time for my appointment.
    I could help you go off the wall and go crazy again, and I don't mean that in an inappropriate way. I think we'd have a huge amount of fun together irl
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  15. #55
    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    I know some ILE women, here they are:

    age about 80: former researcher in biochemistry
    age about 30: engineer, now studying gardening
    age about 50: biochemistry, now studying gardening
    age around 35: psychology
    age 25: teacher (languages)
    age 50+: architect
    age 40-something: theoretical linguistics

    This woman on youtube is so funny:

  16. #56
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Based on what I have observed of IEE and ILE types around me.

    ILE vs IEE

    ILE - More stable, more distant with people, action oriented, can appear serious, work oriented, private, harder edged and critical

    IEE - More adventurous, more in touch with people, discussion oriented, less serious, exhibitionist, more fragile

    I find women often bit more diligent and conscientious then men, but ILE women more so then IEE.

    I find a lot in common with IEE's I've met, girl and guys, but almost always, there's basically nothing for us to talk about.

  17. #57
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Candidate ENTp female, imo:

  18. #58
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    I knew one that picked her nose

    mining for nose gold as they say
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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    def ILE female no doubt looks like me, looks like my daughter, reminds me of vero. yep ILE.


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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nowisthetime View Post
    I know some ILE women, here they are:

    age about 80: former researcher in biochemistry
    age about 30: engineer, now studying gardening
    age about 50: biochemistry, now studying gardening
    age around 35: psychology
    age 25: teacher (languages)
    age 50+: architect
    age 40-something: theoretical linguistics

    This woman on youtube is so funny:
    YouTube - entp
    awesome dead on ILE. totally agree.

    man, i've been waiting for good examples of female ILE for years at this forum and look at y'all, all coming up w them left and right. dag, good job.


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  21. #61
    EffyCold thePirate's Avatar
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    you could have just started a thread on it ya know

    sarah silverman makes alot of sense as ILE actually, superficially anyway
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

  22. #62
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    Sarah Silverman
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  23. #63
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    wow. this is an exact description of how i teach.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vero View Post
    Oh. My. Heavens. She's like my identical twin. That's so weird.
    Glad my radar isn't off! I pretty much would have married her on the spot if she wasn't already.
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  24. #64
    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    A Spanish journalist, ILE Ti, I think

    ILE "Searcher"
    Socionics: ENTp
    DCNH: Dominant --> perhaps Normalizing
    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
    Astrological sign: Aquarius

    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    you could have just started a thread on it ya know
    yeah somebody had started one a couple of years ago....but no one could think of any! lol


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  26. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    I had this one graduate teaching assistant that was heading up my sociology of families class last fall that I think was entp. She was off the chain at explaining the logical development of family, gender, and sexuality issues in a sort of energetic way. She tried to use a lot of body language like waving her hands to make points. What really got me about her was how she liked to break us up into small groups to puzzle out different questions and she'd go around, group by group to see what we came up with, pose interesting questions or suggestions, and she just did it with this sort of amped up but almost over exuberant enthusiasm. You know, kind of in a quirky, cute way. She was pretty much amazing.
    This graduate teaching assistant reminds me of my university physics prof whom I believe is ENTp. The combination of brainstorming, logical development and general enthusiasm for a subject is infectious. It engages a student to want to learn. It also helps to unleash one's imagination.

  27. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Gah, I hope not. Otherwise I'd need to re-post her pics into the "embarrassing identicals" thread .
    She reminds me so much of a female ENTp I know. Right down to the choice of glasses.

  28. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    And down to the "Unicef" t-shirt? I prefer to watch UFOs.
    Actually, I don't know this person. If she's anything like Sarah Silverman, you can't take too much at face value.

  29. #69
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    ENTp females (apart from the really nerdy ones), normal ones are friendly, nice, smile too much. BUT, underpinning all that is a rational mind. Simple.
    ENTp... love it


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