*sorry, you are to late to see...*
*sorry, you are to late to see...*
My first thought is ESTj.
Not in ego, rational-sensor vibe, I could also see her as Delta. Also a bit of role vibe.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
I was thinking INFj. Delta seems correct. And I sensed some NF.
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog: http://firsttimeinusa.blogspot.com/
New blog: http://having-a-kid.blogspot.com/
Thank you for your input,but how did you come to this impression?
What do you think about ENFP or ENFJ?
Cause that was my impression, even though I'm not that informed about socionics, just a little bit about MBTI.
- She seemed quite idealistic (nf), when she describes her current job as nurse and her plan to study medicine as a "social activity".
- She could reate very very well between the lines (n)
- She's definitly an E
- Soft face and dreamy expression (pic 3)
- She could open me (Infp, at least in MBTI) up very fast. When she approached me, I felt immediatly "at home". The conversation was a flow, very natural, open, interesting and very funny.
What's your type liberty?
I was thinking ENFp.
Ditto.Originally Posted by Mea
I was inclined to think INFj earlier on 'cos we got the same dreamy expression.
you people are nuts. She is a sensor. I have absolutely no doubt about this.
So what type do you think? ISFp?Originally Posted by heath
@ mea: I'm not that sure...
In MBTI I'm a INFP for sure (strong I, very strong N, borderline F, very strong P) but in socionics I haven't decided yet. I read that MBTI-INFPs are usually socionics-INFJs. But there are some significant points in the INFJ-description that fit me not at all. I'm a chaos-fanatic, I don't hate order, but I have none and don't care about it at all...
@Eunice: She reminds me very much of an INFJ I know concerning our conversation. She has the dreamy expression, too...But the INFJ-girl I know, would have never approached me. She doesn't likes to party and dance that much. Do you?
@heath: why? and which one?
Spot on.Originally Posted by liberty
I *think* ISFj-Fi.Originally Posted by heath
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
Everything I know now, is that I don't know anything
You have very different impressions...and I think the reason is her very different look between pic 2 and pic 3.
In reality she has that look from pic3 i guess. Not that serious as in pic 2, more relaxed and funny.
I know that change of expressions from an ENFP...what do you think?
I gave my reasons, based on VI only. I don't know her.Originally Posted by liberty
Perhaps ENFp, but I still think ESTj is possible. Most likely a Delta extrovert. INFj is also a possibility.Originally Posted by liberty
Do not try to analyze my choices with your understanding of MBTI criteria, that will get you nowhere.
One problem with ENFp is the relative restraint of her expressions; ENFp females are more likely to have a sort of "hey, wow!" look.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
INFj is probably not a possiblity. Her body type is very non-INFj. A sensing type is much more likely.
@ Expat: I was that shocked of your choice because of the immediate attraction between us. I thought this couldn't happen that easily between Estj and Infps. Now I read about conflicting relations:
"These are relations of constantly developing conflict. Conflicting relations have the worst compatibility between partners among all other relations. However, it does not seem to be so obvious, especially in the earlier stages of development. Conflicting partners appear rather attractive, interesting and with impressive abilities. "
So we'll see...
Sorry for mixing the ideas of MBTI and socionics, but at the moment it's the only possibility for me...
*shrug* then perhaps you, yourself, are an INFj in socionics.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
could be...but how do you know?
what did i do to qualify for a infj?
You did nothing to "qualify" as INFj in particular.
I have suggested that she might be ESTj; most others have agreed that she's probably Delta.
You basically said "she can't be ESTj because I'm INFp and it didn't feel like conflict". So fine, rather than she not being ESTj (or any other Delta), another possibility is that you're not INFp. That was all.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
thank you expat.
You could be right, if I'm a INFJ and she ESTJ. So we have a dual relation, right?
"They are also the most comfortable, because partners do not need to change their own personality in order to adapt to the other. In other words, you may "remain yourself" in communication with your dual."
I didn't knew why I was attracted that much. I guess this the solution. I never spoke to a girl and felt comfortable "remaining myself" that much.
Gonna read more about this concept of duals...
You know any resources that describe it simple? Its yery disturbing to tip every word of a description in a translator, and there seem to be neraly no infos in German.
Makes sense, yeah.
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
Yes, but it's not necessarily indication of duality -- it may mean another intra-quadra relationship, or perhaps semi-duality.Originally Posted by liberty
I don't know any good resources in German, it's really best to read translations of the Russian ones.Originally Posted by liberty
But very simplistically, duality works because of this:
- same quadra, so same quadra values, leading to a broad understanding in priorities
- both are rational or both are irrational, meaning, they share the same kind of --rhythm in life
- one is an extrovert, the other is introvert, so one complements the other
- finally, they share the same functions as quadra values, but in a way that they don't "compete" but rather support one another in the areas they most wish to be supported.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied