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Thread: ESFj description (Filatova) edited!

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    misutii's Avatar
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    Default ESFj description (Filatova) edited!

    Ethical-Sensory Extrovert
    ESE – ESFj – Hugo (Enthusiast)

    Installation of the consciousness of the leading bloc: ESE: emotionally moves people in all of their behaviours – emotion; the greatest value – positive emotions, including people in a life of happiness and convenience, avoiding everything that’s unpleasant.

    Description of the Strong Functions:

    Fe: People of this psycho-type, as the leading function suggests, are utterly emotional. Her emotionality manifests itself vividly in the ability to appear glad at any life event. Everywhere she tries to create a holiday atmosphere. With the aid of others this is easily accomplished, without bragging, by charging those that surround her by her enthusiasm, energy and high tone.

    The most trifling event may serve as a source of enthusiasm; buying an interesting book, taking a day off work, meeting an interesting man…

    Life for her is like an emotional sea in which she bathes. She manages her space, absorbs its energy, and emerges twice as strong. ESE cannot live without contact with other people, they for her are highly valued. She’s inclined to exaggerate their characteristics and prefers not to note their “shadow” sides.

    ESE seeks to avoid all negative human reactions (offense, despondency, irritation, etc.), with the conviction: life is too short, so why spend it so poorly? Nonetheless, in her life, as with all people, there are objectively difficult periods. These are usually caused by tensions in relations with other people, which weigh heavily upon her. She finds these especially difficult to deal with if they’re connected with her house and family. ESE may also find herself in an unpleasant situation due to her gullibility. It occurs that her emotional impetuosity may splash out by excessive garrulity and/or boasting.

    During bad times she finds it difficult to hide her feelings, in such situations ESE attempts to get away from it all, preferring to suffer her troubles in isolation. She assumes that others will seek her out and share their happiness, which she’ll then increase.

    Generally ESE suffers horribly in any conflict situation, even when she isn’t a direct participant: she’s easily emotionally entangled in quarrels and takes everything too close to heart.

    Si: ESE: the romantic and esthete, loves to create a warm social atmosphere. This is noticable in the external manner of her behaviour: after meeting a familiar she will stop and give the gift of her radiant smile (men of this type will bow). One of an ESE’s greatest pleasures is in entrusting gifts to others. Their principal goal in this to is to give another pleasure, to become a witness of their happiness. The price of the gift is considered unimportant: it’s not without reason that ESE is famous, amongst her friends, for her generousity and kindred spirit.

    She quickly answers to any request for help, in such cases she’ll even abandon her work, deemed less important. By helping others she’s compensated with the reward of knowing she did a good deed.

    ESE willingly participates in the nonformal organization of different events – of birthdays, anniversaries, christmas for the children of coworkers, holiday expeditions, excursions; so long as she’s around interesting people she considers such her pleasure.

    Very active and loves productive leisure. In sports she favours enjoying the activity itself rather than just victory over others. Many representatives of this type love nature – the forest, sea, leisurely hikes, but it’s necessary in each case that she be in the company of good friends.

    Like no one else, ESE is capable of organizing their surrounding space in the best way, to make it comfortable and convenient. Frequently she possesses excellent artistic taste. She wants everything around her to be beautiful; for happy eyes answer to people’s prosaic needs.

    Quality is noticable in the ESE’s clothing (especially amongst women): refinement, elegance, faultless style, the ability to use the inexpensive yet just as adequate dressing accessories is one of her distinguishing features. But she never forgets about the functionality of clothing, its convenience.

    One should also note that ESEs make splendid culinary specialists. Everything prepared by them is, as a rule, of superior taste. Even with limited ingredients at her disposal she’ll devise something new and “finger-licking good”!

    Descriptions of the Weak Functions:

    Ni: Weakest function. ESE poorly measures time. Finds it difficult to distribute energy so as to have time to do everything. Prefers to act in the present moment.

    She evaluates people by how they relate to her and can therefore mistake others and their motives. She is trusting and easy to deceive.

    Finds it difficult to penetrate into the deeper, concealed possibilities of events. She reasons poorly in such cases. Therefore in some situations she’ll accept what is deemed appropriate and approved by others while in other situations her temperamental, courageous nature may push her into risky activities.

    Due to a weakly developed intuition ESE frequently seems conservative. She poorly visualizes the aftereffects of various activities and thus prefers concrete knowledge concerned with the short-term.

    Te: This function is distinguished by the ESE’s restless and emotional nature. She does not think deeply over necessary actions in regards to her work. She’s guided by her immediate moods and her behaviour frequently lacks forethought. She realizes her errors, in this regard, and scolds herself for her rashness.
    ESE achieves her goals more often in a turbulent fashion, not though systematic planning.

    ESE at Work and in the House

    ESE deals with everything recklessly. She know how to be inspired by an idea and follow that inspiration to its end. In order to feel herself productive she desires a constant workload and to demonstrate only positive results in her work. In this manner the constant influx of energy allows her to evade fatigue. Generally prefers to work in the emotional sphere. If surrounded by people that take an interest in her work, and display sympathy towards her, she’ll work solely for their thanks.

    Boss-ESE first attempts to join the group and create a friendly atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance. She zealously undertakes her work, without delay, and impels other to do the same. Her poor intuition does not permit her to see the precise prospects for novelties for she is too occupied with details.

    When subordinates under perform ESE reports them, or even opens conflict with them for she identifies herself with the prestige of her collective and wishes that work be carried out qualitatively. She’ll obtain better leadership results, in any enterprise, when in charge of a small group of coworkers.

    She’s very much tied to her family. For many – especially women of this type – family is the most important thing in life. The ability to create not only physical but also psychological comfort and optimism, and the desire to bring happiness to close ones are the strongest sides of an ESE’s nature; and are vividly developed.

    Her weakness, in regards to intuition, means that domestic troubles are experienced in an extremely painful manner.

    Summary of Functions:
    1. Fe: Considers a good mood to be of essential value; finds it necessary to use her energy to increase and create such a mood. Follows moral guidelines for they provide reference points when unsure of herself. Easily associates with others at a close psychological distance; considers each individual notable and worthy of support.
    2. Si: Second to none in creating a comfortable, holiday atmosphere amongst family and friends.
    3. Ni: Finds it difficult to give self up to dreams and to correctly forecast events. Frightened by the uncertainty of a situation for she poorly visualizes what she can obtain from it.
    4. Te: Finds it difficult to execute tasks in a systematic and efficient manner. Turbulent emotions negatively effect her productivity. Works well in an organized, team environment but without such will wish for someone’s help.

    Professional Possibilities:
    The ESE may find suitable work in the sphere of services; to explain, to help, to advise, to politely respond. In the business sphere they’ll gravitate towards human relations and advertising. Many outstanding actors and teachers are also encountered amongst this psycho-type.

    Potentially Favourable:
    LII (INTj), LSI (ISTj), EII (INFj), ILE (ENTp)
    Potentially Adverse:
    ILI (INTp), IEI (INFp), SLI (ISTp), ESI (ISFj)

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    Can anyone else relate to this?

    -- If you want to know the difference in subtypes, ask the dual of that type.

    For me, it is a tale of two ESEs:
    One I could never be with, and the other the only type that has ever 'gotten to me'.

    subtypes are way too close to home. A 'relative' is of that type, and that type I could never be with. Avoiding issues.....

    ESE seeks to avoid all negative human reactions (offense, despondency, irritation, etc.), with the conviction: life is too short, so why spend it so poorly? Nonetheless, in her life, as with all people, there are objectively difficult periods. These are usually caused by tensions in relations with other people, which weigh heavily upon her. She finds these especially difficult to deal with if they’re connected with her house and family. ESE may also find herself in an unpleasant situation due to her gullibility
    I'm sorry... I just cannot have that in a partner.
    Perhaps not all types, and maybe I have some baggage- but I just cannot deal with people who haphazardly choose to avoid issues like that. I've been around an Fe ESE too much, and it is just too ingrained. I can see how an LII would do well there. But I am not an LII. So I'll let the other LII's have those...

    She wants everything around her to be beautiful; for happy eyes answer to people’s prosaic needs.

    Quality is noticable in the ESE’s clothing (especially amongst women): refinement, elegance, faultless style, the ability to use the inexpensive yet just as adequate dressing accessories is one of her distinguishing features. But she never forgets about the functionality of clothing, its convenience.

    One should also note that ESEs make splendid culinary specialists. Everything prepared by them is, as a rule, of superior taste. Even with limited ingredients at her disposal she’ll devise something new and “finger-licking good”!
    Those ESEs are amazing to me. They often have that slight perfectionist streak, in regard to what I bolded. And then..... cooking..... (I'm hungry....)

    Yeah, I think I'll have to find one of those.

    Those are the kind with whom I can really see myself living life the way I want to.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    (Wouldn't a subtype ESFj go better with a subtype INTj?).

    I'm uncertain of my subtype, but I think I prefer the subtype of ESFj too, the variety seems too extreme (though in itself is much needed). I know the experience of helping a ESFj in this situation (It's a very fine feeling):
    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    During bad times she finds it difficult to hide her feelings, in such situations ESE attempts to get away from it all, preferring to suffer her troubles in isolation. She assumes that others will seek her out and share their happiness, which she’ll then increase.
    It seems like ESFjs in that state are like how I feel on the inside - I can easily sympathise for their temporary state. For me, I find it difficult to show my feelings, therefore I must hide away constantly to avoid those areas.

    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    Generally ESE suffers horribly in any conflict situation, even when she isn’t a direct participant: she’s easily emotionally entangled in quarrels and takes everything too close to heart.
    When I see people undergo conflict (when they are put under unnecessary pressure), I take it close to heart (though not too much) - in INTjs case, this is the reason to enter a conflict situation, to defend those under attack.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
    (Wouldn't a subtype ESFj go better with a subtype INTj?).
    What makes you say that?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
    My understanding was all the Alpha functions are favourable to an INTj, but their strong needs to be supported by strong , because the stronger is in a INTj, the weaker their is (the greater the need). I could be wrong about this.
    I've always thought the reasoning is as follows: the stronger the the weaker the so they need lots of to compensate.
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    I always see things on a - , - etc. axis - though obviously, if you have a stronger introverted function than normal, another introverted function loses out. There's some complex matrix involved - like this:

    So if Ti gets stronger, Fi and Fe get weaker, and also Te. And if the Ego block judging function gets stronger, the Ego block perceiving gets weaker (and as a result, the other perceiving functions too). The perceiving functions have their own matrix, but obviously, the two are linked.

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    Maybe I've been around a bad apple, but, IME, the ESEs I've been around have not appealed to me.

    Maybe it is the same thing as seeing a stuck inside of his own Ti, but can get stuck in their own Fe - such that they just "don't look at things". I cannot avoid knowing or looking at something, and having ESE's 'emotionally pout' at me because they don't want to look or don't understand..... that irritates me.

    Perhaps all ESEs do that to some extent, but for whatever reason I'm biased to like types more. We'll see.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    The ESFj I knew really well for a few years a while back was possibly a type - she appreciated dark jokes that I made in a way that strong doesn't seem to like. This established a really calm, happy atmosphere, so the bleakness of my monologues were irrelevant really - the cycle of communication + understanding was very fast between us - there were times when one of use would merely smile or show some secret signal (e.g. acting in a partciular way, or certain body language) that only we understood to make the other laugh. They were extremely happy times for me, but I always had a fear that I wouldn't always be able to provide, or that our relationship would grow stale...that's not a good cycle to get into .

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    This duality is finally making real sense to me.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  12. #12
    Memory of Tomorrow Reuben's Avatar
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    there were times when one of use would merely smile or show some secret signal (e.g. acting in a partciular way, or certain body language) that only we understood to make the other laugh
    I identify with this, assuming that the girl I know is an ESFj. We have this thing going on about hamsters, and she often engages me by mimicking a hamster with her hands, and I do the same. We always try to 'out-funny' the other. I'm not sure about her ESFJ-ness but I clicked with her the moment we talked (I should be INTj by the way, prolly Ne subtype). She's very emotionally expressive, and when down, she'll just go to some place alone and emo by herself. She knows a lot of people and are often very friendly to them. With her around, the whole atmosphere brightens up. When she's pissed, she'll just blow up for a short while, then calms back down almost immediately. Sounds ESFj?

    I note that she likes to call on people's name very often, especially when they do something funny, drawing healthy attention to them. That encourages me to use Fe. However she seems to be rather 'boyish', in that she wears her hair shorter than most girls, enjoy sports, and plays NERF guns with a bunch of classmates (including myself). As for the NERF death match battles, I always lose to her. (Actually I suck the most cos I'm not aware of my surroundings especially while loading my gun.)

    She does not seem to avoid negative interactions. Once I made a few jokes that were out of line and she openly criticized me, though it didn't feel as painful as how it might feel if others did. However there were no hard feelings and we were joking again shortly. Also, she's willing to confront a few team members in her project group about their slackness. Ok, I admit these examples may be a little weak or they may not relate to 'negative interactions' in the way the article is referring to, but I guess ESFj's are still capable of dealing with tough issues by voicing it out. But they don't harp on it and cos a great deal of tension, which is something LII's in general will prefer.

    I agree that for most cases, Fe subtype will complement Ti subtype while Si subtype will complement Ne subtype. It makes sense for the simple reason that Fe and Ti are complementary in the sense of duality, likewise Si and Ne. Pardon me if I have a shallow understanding, but that is how I see it with what information I have (honestly I don't know very much about subtypes.)

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