Quote Originally Posted by Expat
I fully agree with Jessica, implied, and Diana.

It's not an ISTp thing, it's a Fi>Fe thing.
O. Yea. That may be true. I have friends asking me why can't both of us be more "romantic" and they'll tell me that they have pet names for each other and how often they meet and say sweet things to each other. And we don't really celebrate special occasions. Nothing fancy, however it's just the way I like it.

I'm just having problems reading his mind. LOL! I wish I could. It's so much simpler with other people. But not him. I need to understand ISTps more.

Quote Originally Posted by jewels
And Mea, I was saying this from my own experience (as far as how I would be able to tell these guys apart)!! When I re-read my own post I realized it could sound like I was implying something about your situation...not what I meant.
I understand what you meant. > <

From what you've said, I'd guess your ISTp is into you and just doesn't like to say it out loud. If he does some actions that show it, or even just wants to hang w/ you, that's nice
Hmm. Yes. I guess. We don't meet very often anyway. So each meeting is extra special to me. I just like watching him from a distance sometimes, even if he's right next to me.