Quote Originally Posted by Joy
Has anyone else noticed this? Female ESTjs, for example, have this sense of "womanliness" about them. You can't be near them without noticing it.

It makes me uncomfortable. (yes, even if they're hot)
Yes I know... it is so very traditionally female. I rather like it .
I can even appreciate if from ESFps from a "You're hot, and I appreciate that, but I know it would never work out between us" standpoint.

I know exactly what you mean there Joy.

Quote Originally Posted by Joy
Quote Originally Posted by FDG
Quote Originally Posted by Joy
Quote Originally Posted by Mea
Why does it make you uncomfortable?
Because it feels like they're putting me in a situation that I don't want to be in. Like... I didn't give them permission to engage me in that manner. I feel like I'm being forced to be aware of something I'd really rather not be aware of. Again, attraction is irrelevant to this.
Sounds like bullshit you're saying trying to subtly prove your Si PoLR, basically.
Not at all... I don't think I'm ENTj.
Well then what do you think you are Joy? Or are you going to say "typeless", blah blah, no socionics, blah...

Quote Originally Posted by Joy
Anyways, this thread wasn't supposed to be about me complaining about how I'm uncomfortable around Si creative people. I was just curious if anyone else feels this aura, too (whether they enjoy it or not). I remember someone saying that it feels like ESFjs are raping you with their eyes... I think she may have been describing the same type of thing I'm talking about here.
Yes... yes indeed.
It's ESE fire ~ LII ice
IT's the only thing that can really melt LII ice.

Quote Originally Posted by strati
Dual Block seeking...
In order to light these external "ices", is required the enormous sincere heat-, expressed in the emotional flow of the specific quality and nature. With the characteristic of it sincere flame and the energy of Hugo it storms this "unapproachable stronghold" so that entire robesp'erovskaya "coldness" is scattered as Hugo's smoke, although it does not hold in control itself in the manifestation of emotions, nevertheless makes this sufficiently tactfully (Robesp'er it does not allow violence above itself). Hugo manifests his emotions very aesthetically, is intelligent, with the taste, s. by a constant concern about feelings and about conveniences in its partner. Hugo - only of all types of "etikov-sensorikov", capable of emotionally acting on Robesp'era very optimally. Only in the society of Hugo Robesp'er feels itself by properly calm, protected. Only it can properly be weakened next to it
IME, that is quite true. ESFps can tease and flirt well, but obviously their irrational approach is offsetting to an LII, etc. ENFjs are okay, but they are victims. ESTjs are probably the closest thing to it, but its Te and not Fe, which is a big difference. ANd also IME, there is something I have only felt by getting blasted with , sincerely, from an ESFj.

PS: (Joy - do you see yourself as a victim or an aggressor attitude? Or what attitude do you think you are? I'm just curious, based on your claims)

You've mentioned repeatedly how you don't like it when people encroach upon your emotional territory. It almost sounds like you are irrational, and you don't like people affecting your moods. ISTp? Just a random, random guess.