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  1. #81
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    ESI's dual representative in Russian Socionics is Jack London, so I imagine they have an adventurous streak to them....

    oh and I think you're right about Dumbledore, it was between IEI and ILI
    EII INFj
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  2. #82
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Yo, Dumbledore is not a fucking ILI holy shit.

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  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
    I can't picture an ESI being the kind of random explorer Harry is in the first three books.
    That's not true. I love exploring. I am just not the best at initiating the exploring.
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  4. #84
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    Am I forgetting the stories? I don't remember him being a random explorer so much as looking for specific things he needed for some reason. I would re-read at least a bit of the book before deciding for sure on his type. I was thinking EII and arguing for it, and then I read book #1 to my daughter and it was clear reading the book that I was wrong. I had based my typing on the movie, but the book came first and I think that's the right way to type that character.
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  5. #85
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    Those of you saying Fi leading or being unsure between ESI and EII it's because neither Se PoLR nor Ne PoLR make any sense (especially the 2nd one)... which is also why I think IEE-Fi is a perfect fit. For the film character, that is.

    I haven't read the books but I'm really curious as to what could be so different there that would make him Se creative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mariella View Post
    Am I forgetting the stories? I don't remember him being a random explorer so much as looking for specific things he needed for some reason. I would re-read at least a bit of the book before deciding for sure on his type. I was thinking EII and arguing for it, and then I read book #1 to my daughter and it was clear reading the book that I was wrong. I had based my typing on the movie, but the book came first and I think that's the right way to type that character.
    Haha, I don't think there's a "right way" to do anything, just what works and what doesn't.... So why not have different typings for different versions of the character? I mean, if they differ that much... and I guess EII is acceptable for the movie.
    Last edited by Park; 01-15-2010 at 07:42 PM.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

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    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    Another thread full of failed typings...

    (conclusive typings of the movie versions)

    Harry: INFp
    Hermione: ENTj
    Ron: ENFp
    Those twin guys: ENTps (maybe ESTps, the disregard to Fi is most visible in them)
    The nasty blond kid: ESTp
    His two dense lackeys: ISTjs
    Voldermort: probably INTp, but haven't seen enough of him to be sure
    Severus Snape: INTj - not ISTj like often claimed. ISTjs are MORE positive than INTjs contrary to what some people think. Learn some fricking reinin, please.
    Sirius: ENTp

    And just how the fuck is Harry beta? Fi/Te is as clear as day.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post
    And just how the fuck is Harry beta? Fi/Te is as clear as day.
    Can you explain why is it clear? I think he could be SEI so I'd like to hear your arguments against Fe-creative.

  8. #88
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    Can you explain why is it clear? I think he could be SEI so I'd like to hear your arguments against Fe-creative.
    Fi is about relationships and bonds, and frequently creates a sense of duty and responsibility towards others. Fe is more about emotional expression, sensing the emotions of others, and emotional expression as a good in itself. Fi is about sentiments towards others or between two or more people (fields), while Fe is more about emotions experienced by an individual, either one's self or another person (objects).

    While Harry can be extremely emotionally expressive, this is generally only when he's raving in all caps about something horrible that's happened, e.g., Sirius' death or the like (I call this emo Harry). While all types can be emotionally expressive, Fe egos are extremely emotionally expressive even at their best. Harry, I think, is only extremely emotionally expressive when he's angry or hurt, not as a normal state of being.

    Also, he is very concerned with his relationship bonds with other people. His actions are almost always motivated by desire to help or protect somebody else, as in when he breaks up with Ginny in Book 6, or when he insists that Ron and Hermione don't come with him either at the end of Book 6 (although they come anyway), or when he (spoiler?) sacrifices himself in Book 7, or even when he decides he needs to visit Godric's Hollow in Book 7. I'm citing examples from the last books mostly because those are the ones I remember most, but even in Book 1 when Ron, Hermione and Harry fight the troll and become good friends because of it, the description given sounds very gamma, very Se + Fi. It's something about when you fight a troll together (Se) you're bound to be friends (Fi) or something like that. It was better in the book than my botched paraphrase, obviously. Also, note his fierce loyalty to Dumbledore in books 5, 6, and 7 (I'm thinking specifically of when Scrimgeour asks him about the Quidditch snitch Dumbledore left Harry). That can definitely be seen as strong Fi bonds.

    Also, re: EII vs. ESI for Harry, I haven't made up my mind about it, but here's food for thought: Harry's relationship with Ginny seems to indicate infantile > aggressor, no? Harry didn't really "go after" Ginny, although I suppose one could attribute that to the fact that she's Ron's sister or whatever. Ginny seems like an aggressor romance style to me.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

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  9. #89
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    I dont' know. She's very literally a victim in the books. Not as a romantic style necessarily but still, if JK Rowling's characters can be assumed to follow a type, then she might have seen some victim in that character.
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    Harry - he's soo indistinct, and I have no idea for a type, so i would say IEI
    voldemort - enough evil that there could be only two possibilities :wink: (ENTj / ESTp) and i will say - ESTp
    Hermione - ST. more like delta than beta, so ESTj.
    Ron - ENFp
    Ginny Weasley - definitely Gamma SF and also extremely irritating most likely See subtype.
    twins -
    Draco Malfoy - ESTp
    Crabbe - ESTp
    Luna Lovegood - ENTp
    Neville Longbottom - clumsy INFj
    Viktor Krum - INTp/INFp

    older decade:
    Sirius - possible ESFj (or ENFp)
    Remus Lupin - not sure, can be ISTp
    James Potter - ENFp
    Lily Potter - INFj
    Snape - ISTj
    Peter Pettegrew - he's too pathetic for INFj, so maybe INFp...
    Mundungus Fletcher - a.b.
    Nymphadora Tonks - ESFj
    Molly Weasley - +
    Hagrid - ESI

    death eathers:
    Lucius Malfoy - ESTp
    Bellatrix Lestrange - maybe ESFp, or ESTp

    Rita Skeeter - ENTj
    Last edited by kitteh; 06-22-2010 at 09:38 AM.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratXII View Post
    hufflepuff... thats where the alphas are.
    Alpha SFs, yes. Alpha NTs are more Ravenclaw like.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  12. #92
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    Harry: ESI-Fi, 2w3 sx/so
    Ron: ESE-Si, 7w6 sx/sp
    Hermione: LII-Ti, 1w2 sp/so
    Ginny: SEE-Fi, 4w3 sx/sp
    Fred and George: EIE-Ni, 7w6 sp/sx
    Percy: LSI-Ti, 3w4 sp/so
    Arthur: EIE-Ni, 7w6 sx/sp
    Molly: ESI-Fi, 6w7 so/sp
    Dumbledore: IEI-Ni, 1w9 sp/so
    McGonagall: LSI-Se, 1w9 so/sp
    Neville: SEI-Si, 6w7 sx/sp
    Luna: IEI-Ni, 4w5 sx/sp
    Remus: IEI-Fe, 9w1 sx/so
    Teenage Sirius: EIE-Ni, 7w8 sp/sx
    Adult Sirius: IEE-Fi, 4w5 sx/sp
    James: SLE-Se, 7w8 sp/sx
    Pettigrew: LSI-Ti, 6w5 sp/sx
    Fudge: LSI-Se, 8w9 sp/so
    Scrimgeour: LIE-Te, 8w7 so/sp
    Voldemort: LIE-Te, 8w7 sp/sx
    Snape: LII-Ti, 4w5 so/sx
    Draco: SLE-Se, 3w4 sx/so
    Lucius: LSI-Se, 6w5 sp/sx
    Narcissa: LSI-Se, 6w7 sx/so
    Bellatrix: EIE-Fe, 8w7 sx/sp
    Tonks: EIE-Fe, 7w6 sx/so
    Umbridge: SEE-Se, 8w9 so/sp
    What do these signs mean—, , etc.? Why cannot socionists use symbols Ne, Ni etc. as in MBTI? Just because they have somewhat different meaning. Socionics and MBTI, each in its own way, have slightly modified the original Jung's description of his 8 psychological types. For this reason, (Ne) is not exactly the same as Ne in MBTI.

    Just one example: in MBTI, Se (extraverted sensing) is associated with life pleasures, excitement etc. By contrast, the socionic function (extraverted sensing) is first and foremost associated with control and expansion of personal space (which sometimes can manifest in excessive aagression, but often also manifests in a capability of managing lots of people and things).

    For this reason, we consider comparison between MBTI types and socionic types by functions to be rather useless than useful.

    -Victor Gulenko, Dmitri Lytov

  13. #93
    Dance Magic Dance CloudCuckooLander's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aleksei View Post
    Remus: IEI-Fe, 9w1 sx/so
    Teenage Sirius: EIE-Ni, 7w8 sp/sx
    James: SLE-Se, 7w8 sp/sx
    Pettigrew: LSI-Ti, 6w5 sp/sx
    Agreed on at the very least James, Sirius, and Remus, and I think Lily was IEI-Ni. The Marauders seem to me to be a good example of Beta quadra.

    In fact, I agree with most of the above typings in general (such as Ron and Hermione being ESE-LII duality, and both Dumbledore and Luna are such obvious IEIs it's hilarious).
    Last edited by CloudCuckooLander; 10-18-2010 at 07:06 PM.
    2-subtype system: IEI-Fe
    8-subtype system: D-IEI-Fe
    16-subtype system: IEI-ESE

    IEI-Fe 2w3 > p6w5 > 8w7 sx/so

    "He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of living." - Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas père)

  14. #94
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    Good typings Aleski. The more I think about Harry the more I like the ESI typing. The conflicting quadras for Ron/Hermione and Harry is surprising, ESE-LII duality does make sense for Ron and Hermione. I agree that Harry and Ginny are both Gamma SFs. Dumbledore is a dead obvious IEI. Luna I would have been more willing to consider ILI, as I don't think she has much of an idea what her emotional impact is (as opposed to IEIs who just stop caring.) I don't ever see Luna deploying her Fe, as IEIs often do. But Ni-leading is the blatantly obvious feature of her personality, and the second function is just quibbling really. Great call on LSI McGongall. Dumbledore and McGongall definitely seem like an activation pair. Molly is a stereotypical ESI mother. That's a dead-on typing.

    I would probably type James SLE as well, although I'm wary of typing the cool kids as my dual, lol. But I'd be quicker to call teen Sirius (and adult Sirius, for that matter), LSI than EIE. Agreed with LII for Snape. Clear Se polr.

    I think Umbridge is more delta. I see her as an unhealthy LSE. But I know, I know, don't type the bad guy as your conflictor, lol.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

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  15. #95
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    This whole series is so Si/Ne it makes my eyes bleed .

    I didn't really feel all this familiar with socionics before this thread was bumped, so I dropped the argument, but now I think even more that JKR and Se/Ni just don't go together. And I can't say I see Fi-valuing everyone is talking about, either.

    I still think Harry is most likely SEI, Ron an ESE (and 6w7 on top of that) and Hermione an LII. IEI works for Luna, and Beta NF for Dumbledore. Don't know about Molly, LSE would have been my guess, if I had to throw a typing.

    JKR herself could be a Delta ST, though. I seriously, seriously doubt Gamma NT for her. There are some MBTI typings floating about, but I have yet to see the assumption she must be LIE justified. Si-ego makes much more sense to me, at least based on her writing.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    This whole series is so Si/Ne it makes my eyes bleed .

    I didn't really feel all this familiar with socionics before this thread was bumped, so I dropped the argument, but now I think even more that JKR and Se/Ni just don't go together. And I can't say I see Fi-valuing everyone is talking about, either.

    I still think Harry is most likely SEI, Ron an ESE (and 6w7 on top of that) and Hermione an LII. IEI works for Luna, and Beta NF for Dumbledore. Don't know about Molly, LSE would have been my guess, if I had to throw a typing.

    JKR herself could be a Delta ST, though. I seriously, seriously doubt Gamma NT for her. There are some MBTI typings floating about, but I have yet to see the assumption she must be LIE justified. Si-ego makes much more sense to me, at least based on her writing.
    Agreed that the overall message/perspective of the series feels Si/Ne. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the heroes have to be alpha or delta. Especially with the whole "flawed characters" business, the "flaw" can be Ni/Se valuing, lol.

    I don't see SEI for harry. I don't see him as comfort seeking, and I *definitely* don't see him as having valued Fe in the slightest. As I said, he can get emotional, but it's only in his darker periods. Harry's focus throughout the series is on bond, attachment, relationship, belonging. Maybe that's just 'cause he's an orphan, and any type would be obsessed with those things if they were orphaned at a young age, but I still think it would be expressed differently. Like I know an IEI who was abandoned at a young age, and the way he expresses his need to belong is much more univeralizing, much more Ni + Ti, than Harry's very particular need to belong to a community.

    I'm voting ESI > EII largely because of Harry's innate leadership skills, which I feel like an EII might be uncomfortable with. Harry seems very much capable of mobilizing groups of people based on his will, his capacity to get people to join a common cause. It has much more in common with what I see as Se charisma-of-leadership than Fe charisma-of-emotion. I don't see that Harry stirs up his followers' emotions. It has much more to do with him being take-charge, a little hot-headed (which could go back to a Delta ST author's take on a Gamma SF character), and willing to stand up and be the front man, be the leader. Maybe EIIs are more comfortable with that than I think? I personally don't think IEIs are very comfortable with roles that require us to exercise a lot of power directly (we much prefer exercising power through proxies, hidden in the shadows but secretly running things. Mwa ha ha! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!)

    EDIT: Actually, I think that Si/Ne author writing about Ni/Se characters fits here, because its really all about people with power learning not to use or like it. It's about Dumbledore learning not to love power. It's about Harry not acting in his own interests, not trying to overcome the laws of the world or whatever (a beta hero would certainly have tried to get the Deadly Hollows, and then the whole book would have taken a tragic romantic, Promethean turn), but learning to live well in an ok world with friends and family. So you have these Se/Ni characters who want power, who want control, who want to exercise themselves, and then the story teaches them Si/Ne values instead. And I dunno, the Fi-valuing just seems obvious. Like I said, when there's a real strong emotional expression, it's almost always negative.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
    I would probably type James SLE as well, although I'm wary of typing the cool kids as my dual, lol. But I'd be quicker to call teen Sirius (and adult Sirius, for that matter), LSI than EIE. Agreed with LII for Snape. Clear Se polr.

    I think Umbridge is more delta. I see her as an unhealthy LSE. But I know, I know, don't type the bad guy as your conflictor, lol.
    I could certainly see Umbridge being LSE, but I'm not sure how Sirius is LSI. Care to elaborate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    This whole series is so Si/Ne it makes my eyes bleed .
    I count... four Si/Ne characters, and of those two are portrayed as pussies who take a level in badass later, and one is outright seen as evil up till the end.

    Rowling is probably IEI-Fe, herself. Her books are overloaded with Beta characters, and she seemed to absolutely adore fucking with her fans.
    Last edited by Aleksei; 10-18-2010 at 09:28 PM.
    What do these signs mean—, , etc.? Why cannot socionists use symbols Ne, Ni etc. as in MBTI? Just because they have somewhat different meaning. Socionics and MBTI, each in its own way, have slightly modified the original Jung's description of his 8 psychological types. For this reason, (Ne) is not exactly the same as Ne in MBTI.

    Just one example: in MBTI, Se (extraverted sensing) is associated with life pleasures, excitement etc. By contrast, the socionic function (extraverted sensing) is first and foremost associated with control and expansion of personal space (which sometimes can manifest in excessive aagression, but often also manifests in a capability of managing lots of people and things).

    For this reason, we consider comparison between MBTI types and socionic types by functions to be rather useless than useful.

    -Victor Gulenko, Dmitri Lytov

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
    Agreed that the overall message/perspective of the series feels Si/Ne. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the heroes have to be alpha or delta. Especially with the whole "flawed characters" business, the "flaw" can be Ni/Se valuing, lol.
    That may very well be, but I completely don't see the author as focusing on his flaws, many as they are. Additionally, if there's one character which it is hard if not impossible to detach from the series, it is Harry. The vast majority of the book is written from his point of view, effectively, so all the Si in style ends up being demonstrative of his perception of things, on top of his general I-just-want-things-to-be-nice-and-pretty attitude.

    I don't see SEI for harry. I don't see him as comfort seeking, and I *definitely* don't see him as having valued Fe in the slightest. As I said, he can get emotional, but it's only in his darker periods. Harry's focus throughout the series is on bond, attachment, relationship, belonging. Maybe that's just 'cause he's an orphan, and any type would be obsessed with those things if they were orphaned at a young age, but I still think it would be expressed differently. Like I know an IEI who was abandoned at a young age, and the way he expresses his need to belong is much more univeralizing, much more Ni + Ti, than Harry's very particular need to belong to a community.
    Then we're going to disagree, as I don't see what you describe here as Fi.

    And the comfort seeking is obvious for me. It's forever about how bad or how good he feels and its how and why and all the details, both physically and emotionally. It's visible whenever he comes to Hogwarts or Weasleys' house, but especially when Ron and Hermione are arguing over their pets. An awful lot of attention is paid to emotional atmosphere and how its lack of harmony affects him, while as good as disregarding their relationship.

    I'm voting ESI > EII largely because of Harry's innate leadership skills, which I feel like an EII might be uncomfortable with. Harry seems very much capable of mobilizing groups of people based on his will, his capacity to get people to join a common cause. It has much more in common with what I see as Se charisma-of-leadership than Fe charisma-of-emotion. I don't see that Harry stirs up his followers' emotions. It has much more to do with him being take-charge, a little hot-headed (which could go back to a Delta ST author's take on a Gamma SF character), and willing to stand up and be the front man, be the leader. Maybe EIIs are more comfortable with that than I think? I personally don't think IEIs are very comfortable with roles that require us to exercise a lot of power directly (we much prefer exercising power through proxies, hidden in the shadows but secretly running things. Mwa ha ha! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!)

    EDIT: Actually, I think that Si/Ne author writing about Ni/Se characters fits here, because its really all about people with power learning not to use or like it. It's about Dumbledore learning not to love power. It's about Harry not acting in his own interests, not trying to overcome the laws of the world or whatever (a beta hero would certainly have tried to get the Deadly Hollows, and then the whole book would have taken a tragic romantic, Promethean turn), but learning to live well in an ok world with friends and family. So you have these Se/Ni characters who want power, who want control, who want to exercise themselves, and then the story teaches them Si/Ne values instead. And I dunno, the Fi-valuing just seems obvious. Like I said, when there's a real strong emotional expression, it's almost always negative.
    Wait, you almost got me wondering if we're really talking about the same character. You know, the pathetic one, unaware for the better part of his own influence, whose typical speech beginning was "Eee..."?

    I agree with the part about Dumbledore and learning, but it's being underlined over and over again that Harry is one person who doesn't truly have this issue and how uncomfortable he is with leadership. He never really wants power, it's all about harmony and fitting in and getting on with people, from the very beginning - unless, as you point out, when having a strong emotional reaction. Coming to a realization he can't just live out his life comfortably changes the game, but he's still largely oblivious of power.

    I guess I see all of this completely different than you do, so it's hardly surprising we come to different conclusions.

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    ESI does seem to fit Harry rather well. It seems like all of his adventures are motivated by Ni-HA. And he isn't very emotionally expressive, this is true. He has a set of ethical guidelines that he uses to judge what is encountered through his Ni-HA. What makes the most sense isn't important to him, something that Hermione tries to remind him of before he goes on some adventure, which he completely ignores. Super-ego works well between Harry and Hermione.

    For once, Aleksei, I actually agree with you on Hermione and Harry.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Divided View Post
    For once, Aleksei, I actually agree with you on Hermione and Harry.
    That's a shame, because I changed my mind about Hermione. Ron is probably not ESE, given that 1) he's not much of a partier, and 2) he's definitely not Harry's extinguishment (they had one fight over the course of the series, and it was an Fi-accepting vs Se accepting conflict -- typical of mirrors). He's an SEE-Se with self-confidence issues, which makes Hermione his LIE-Te activation.

    Further, I believe I was wrong about Molly and Arthur. Arthur is ILE (his purpose in life is, erm... finding out the inner workings of a rubber ducky), and Molly is his EII supervisor.
    What do these signs mean—, , etc.? Why cannot socionists use symbols Ne, Ni etc. as in MBTI? Just because they have somewhat different meaning. Socionics and MBTI, each in its own way, have slightly modified the original Jung's description of his 8 psychological types. For this reason, (Ne) is not exactly the same as Ne in MBTI.

    Just one example: in MBTI, Se (extraverted sensing) is associated with life pleasures, excitement etc. By contrast, the socionic function (extraverted sensing) is first and foremost associated with control and expansion of personal space (which sometimes can manifest in excessive aagression, but often also manifests in a capability of managing lots of people and things).

    For this reason, we consider comparison between MBTI types and socionic types by functions to be rather useless than useful.

    -Victor Gulenko, Dmitri Lytov

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    And the comfort seeking is obvious for me. It's forever about how bad or how good he feels and its how and why and all the details, both physically and emotionally. It's visible whenever he comes to Hogwarts or Weasleys' house, but especially when Ron and Hermione are arguing over their pets. An awful lot of attention is paid to emotional atmosphere and how its lack of harmony affects him, while as good as disregarding their relationship.
    I think that JKR herself values Si and generally think that this comes across throughout the books and naturally would sink its way into her characters, particularly Harry as the main character.

    I find that Harry is defined by a sense of moral indignation about things that he disagrees with or believes to be wrong and flies off the handle impulsively based on these things... injustice as he perceives it sets off his temper like nothing else. I think that the book follows his feelings and inner experience (he's an inwardly emotional person) but I think he often keeps a lot of this to himself and we're only aware of it because we can see into his pov as the reader.

    Anyway I find this picture to be one of probably an Fi dominant, more so ESI than EII given Harry's impulsive fly-off-the-handle-ness. He gets himself into trouble and can't hold himself back from rushing into action at times.

    A character Harry kind of reminds me of is Peter Petrelli on Heroes (who I see as EII). I don't know how to explain how but the overall picture of one very concerned with doing the right thing who is very emotionally driven towards that is similar (my problem with this is that Ti could be concerned with "doing the right thing" depending on how it's defined).

    I suppose one thing about Harry is that he doesn't seem to have a huge focus on relationships and the feelings of others? I just can't remember as it's been a while since I read the books. Although I would actually expect SEI to have a greater focus on the feelings of others maybe.

    I also think that Fi types being very in tune with their inner emotional experiences are often very in tune with how they feel about everything (if it makes them feel good or bad) and I don't think feeling good or bad and being aware of it is more strictly "Si" or something like that, though I don't know that you were implying it was. One example that comes to mind is the character of Rocky Balboa who would often say rather sincere things about how various things made him feel and is obviously internally chewing over various ethical situations through a lot of the first movie at least.

    Anyway, I would have trouble seeing Harry as SEI tbh.

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    Harry - ISFp
    Ron - ESFp
    Hermione - ISFj
    Luna - IxTp
    Neville - Se/Ni introvert
    Fred and George - ENTp
    Ginny - ENTp

    Dumbledore - INTj
    Snape - ISTj
    Voldemort - ENTj

    Lily - INFp
    James - ESTp
    Sirius - ENTp
    Tonks - ENTp
    Lupin - INFp
    Hagrid - ESFj

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    Dudley- ESTp

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    my thoughts

    Harry - EXI
    Hermione - LIE or ILI
    Ginny - SEI
    Fred & George - something like ESE or ILE or EIE (Fe extroverts)
    Voldemort - EIE
    Snape - unsure, I could see LSI
    Luna - ILI > IEI
    Dumbledore - unsure, I could see LII
    Draco - Beta, not LSI, probably irrational
    James - possibly Se dominant - if Snape is LSI, it might make more sense for James to be SEE
    Hagrid - Si
    Slughorn - maybe SEI, although his "collecting" of potential future talented people is odd...
    Winky - SEI
    Sirius - could see ILE (seems very EP) I wonder if Sirius and Lupin both reflect Ti values in how they dealt with Pettigrew
    Umbridge - ESE
    Lily - ethical
    Ron - ?

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    j.k. rowling is gamma NT.
    basically: gammas - good guys, betas - evil or opportunistic.

    Harry - ESI sx/sp
    Hermione - LIE sp/so
    Ron - SEE so/sx

    Voldemort - EIE
    Dumbledore - gamma NT
    Snape - LSI / ILI ? sp/sx
    Bellatrix - LSI sp/sx

    Draco - beta so/sp
    Luna - SEI
    Hagrid - SLI sx/sp
    Neville - EII? sp/so
    Ginny - SEE so/sx
    Fred & George - IEE?
    Umbridge - ESE so/sp
    Gilderoy Lockhart - ILE
    Trelawney - EIE

    Sirius - ? sx/sp
    Remus - delta NF sp/so
    James - SxE so/sx
    Peter - IEI
    Lily - ESI sp/so

    Last edited by lynn; 10-19-2017 at 09:39 PM.

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    Books are Delta, not Gamma - lots of exhausting, idyllic descriptions of sweets, banquets, the same pleasant yearly traditions, etc. The sympathetic characters are somewhat irreverent, whereas most of the assholes are lofty, ambitious/status-conscious types like the Slytherins, Percy, Mr. Crouch, Voldemort, etc.
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    I recently read the first book. Children's books automatically seem to have a kind of alpha flavor as a default mode, but I do think book was Si/Ne. Struck me as being similar to Roald Dahl in writing style/humor.

    Edit to add: But Dahl was much more interesting.
    Last edited by squark; 05-11-2016 at 08:00 PM.

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    Fwiw James was a bully. The was exactly stated in several books. He went more for affect then vision. Being the most popular kid in his school and grade. He was brutely charming. His friends were high minded intellectual types who all scoffed at authority. For instance the marauders Map and the vow to solmenly swear to do mischief; Sirius Black; Reamus Lupin. This is conventially thought of sf/nt partnerships in gamma.

    Lily was Rowling's personification of herself: a fiercely ethical woman who sympathized with the under dog. She was independant and thoughtful as well as compassionate. However she was also placating but not ever demure. She gave her last dying breath into saving infant Harry. She lies anywhere in the Te/ Fi dicotomy most likely delta idealism mixed with rationality. It can almost be envisioned of Rowling sitting in her coffee shop after she dropped off her daughter, single Mother and basically penniless, persuing a make believe world she, like Lily, shaped to every ethical codemnation and ideal she has into Harry's universe. Values like standing by your friends, the pursuit of knowledge as well as adventure. Rowling is the one who parents Harry, not Lilly.

    Harry is a clever mixed between the two with all the usual neuroses of an abandoned and neglected child. He clings to Hermoine's encyclopedic logic and Ron's unflappable friendship in the first three novels as anchorage points to his widely sensitive and influential personality. His Father's confidence gives Harry a sense of pride oft augemnted by his orphaned past leading to the chip on his shoulder.

    Yet beyond the defining personality penned for Harry by Rowling, the trouble with his characterization lies not in its scope and boundaries, but in the artistic impressionism readers are allowed to persue. Harry is every boy who has felt different and unusual. He is every little girl who steps into a new world. He is the vehicle in which wizardry is taught to us as readers. Clues for this can be found in the amount of literary exposition. Even after 5 books, readers are stilll being tutored by Rowling about Harry's world. The trouble with Harry is that he is often blind to the bigger picture, or becomes fixated on small inter personal strifes. This is of course Rowling's attempt to appeal to the most broadest audience by appealling to universal naivete of any reader who is about, currently, or past adolescent.

    If anything could be said for him, Harry is defined as a cossumate defender of what he believes is right. His sense of duty to his friends, influenced usually by forces he only comes to discover both within his self and those around him usually after the fact, makes him, at least to me, a kind of crusader. That he is attracted towards NTs is not surprising.
    Last edited by wacey; 05-11-2016 at 06:42 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    On the Acknowledgements page for her novel The Silkworm, she dedicates the work to her editor David Shelley who is described as her "stalwart supporter and fellow INFJ".

    She found out she was INFJ when she was given the MBTI test to take while she was a Temp in some office.

    On twitter when asked about this long-lived Harry Potter MBTI typings chart:
    she said that "Er - no. They've got Lupin and Dumbledore the wrong way round for starters.”

    i.e. she considers Dumbledore to have the same type as herself, and Lupin to be an ENFJ (her perception of the Lupin typing should of course be understood in the context of only having one character per type and contrasting Lupin with Dumbledore). Many including myself have considered Lupin an introvert, although this is perhaps more down to his circumstances rather than explicitly mentioned character traits.

    ...none of the characters in the books are directly taken from life. Real people did inspire a few of them, but of course once they are on the page they become something completely different. But, yeah, Hermione is a caricature of what I was when I was eleven — a real exaggeration, I wasn't that clever — Hermione is a borderline genius at points — and I hope I wasn't that annoying...sometimes she is an incredible know-it-all."
    Rowling has gone on to say that Hermione, Harry and Ron are all "a bit like different parts of my personality" as well as her favourite characters, along with Rubeus Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore, Fred and George Weasley, and Luna Lovegood, and that Hermione and Dumbledore were the most useful characters for exposition.
    (I think knowing this there is a stronger good case for Hermione being an INFJ/EII too).
    James is difficult for me to type. I probably thought he was EP temperament when reading the books, and that Sirius was possibly similar, although he is perhaps more difficult to read because of Azkaban, despite there being more material for him.

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    JKR is either an EII or IEI. I tend to think the latter, but who knows? Her official MBTI is INFJ btw.

    HP is most likely ESI or soming like that(SEE?).

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    I've been marathon watching the entire movie series, just finished it. What I am sure about is that Dumbledore is IEI. Predicted and orchestrated every event, warned and waited, used his ability to change other people's emotional states as a proxy. Symbolism (deathly hollows sign) and memory (Pensieve), all very backed up by Beta collective mentality. Fi demonstrative links the right people, emphasizes friendship and doing what is right for each other at the right point in time, again .

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    I also have Ron as ESE (Se lead? Where is the force?) and Hermione as LSI (perfect logical coherence, creative in making others execute her analysis, has Malfoy's EIE ass under control). Hagrid SEI, feel-good comfort. Umbridge Beta ST with rules and power, Voldemort Beta extrovert. EIE more than SLE, his talent rests within persuasion/planning more than conquest/attack.

    I've been trying to see through Snape but he is by far the most interesting character. His coldness hiding devoted attachment makes me think Fi HA. Te/Ti factual accuracy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    I've been marathon watching the entire movie series, just finished it.
    Hahah, did the same here! Here's my take

    Harry: ESI, 6-9 ?

    Ron: IEE, 6w7 sx/sp
    Hermione: LSE, 1w2 sp/so
    Ginny: SEE
    Fred and George: ILE, 7 sx
    Molly: ESE-Si
    Hagrid: SEI-Si
    Dumbledore: IEI
    Aberforth Dumbledore: SLI
    Grindelwald: SLE
    McGonagall: LSI-Ti, 1w2
    Neville: EII
    Luna: IEI, 9w1
    Remus: SLI
    Sirius: SLE
    James: SEE
    Pettigrew: SEI 6w7 sp
    Voldemort: SLE-Ti
    Snape: ILI
    Draco: SLE
    Lucius: LSI
    Bellatrix: EIE
    Umbridge: SLE

  34. #114
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    Harry: ESI 9w8
    Ron: SEE 6w7 so/sx (less obvious SEE cuz 6)
    Hermoine: LSE maybe LIE, 1w2
    Draco Malfoy: SLE 3w4 7w8 8w7
    Lucius: LIE 3w4 + 8w9, 6?
    Narcissa: LSI 3w4
    Dumbledore: IEI
    Luna: IEI 9w1
    Ginny: SEE works, was way better in the books
    Fred and George: ILE 7 so/sx
    Molly: ESE
    Arthur: LII 9
    Hagrid: SEI
    Tonks: SEE/SLE 7w8 + 8 sx/so
    Bellatrix: SLE 6w7 sx/so
    McGonagall: LSI 1w2
    James: SEE
    Lily: IEI?
    Dudley: SLE
    Vernon: LSE
    Voldemort: Ni ego, not IEI
    Sirius: SLE/SEE 7w8 + 4 + 8 sx/sp
    Pettigrew: SEI
    Snape: ILI
    Neville: Ne/Si introvert, EII works
    Remus: IEI
    Unbridge: ESE, LSE, unbearable bitch
    Dobby: SEI
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Harry: LSI-Se
    Ron: ESI-Se
    Hermione: LII-Ti
    Fred and George: SLE
    Arthur: ILE-Ne
    Molly: SEI-Fe
    Dumbledore: EIE-Ni
    Voldemort: EIE-Ni
    Snape: SLI
    Umbridge: LSE-Te
    McGonagall: SLI-Te
    Draco: ILI-Te
    Tonks: IEE-Ne
    Lupin: IEI?
    Sirius: SLE-Ti
    James Potter: SLE-Se
    Lily Potter: maybe IEI
    Luna: EII-Ne
    Mad-Eye: LSE-Si
    Ginny: SLE
    Neville: ESI-Fi
    Bellatrix: IEE
    Last edited by Number 9 large; 10-20-2017 at 12:55 AM.

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    Harry: ESI-Se, So/Sx 9w8
    Ron: Phobic 6w7, likely ISFx
    Hermione: SLI-Te, So/Sp 1w2
    Fred and George: ILE-Ti in the movie, Sx/So 7w6
    Molly Weasley: ESE-Si, Sp/So 2w1
    Dumbledore: IEI
    Voldemort: ILI-Te, So/Sp
    Bellatrix: IEE-Fi, Sx/So 4w3 (at least in the movie)
    Snape: ILI, Sp/Sx 5w4
    Umbridge: LSE
    McGonagall: SLI-Te
    Draco: So/Sp, possibly ISxx-xe
    Lupin: IEI, 9w1
    Sirius: LSI-Se, 6w7
    James Potter: likely Beta ST
    Lily Potter: likely IEI
    Luna: EII-Ne, Sp/Sx 4w5 (or possibly 9w1)
    Dobbey: SEI-Si, 9w1
    Neville: Phobic 6w5, likely ISFx
    Pettigrew: Sp/Sx 6w5, possibly EII
    Hagrid: SEI-Si, Sp/Sx 9w8 or 6w7
    Gilderoy Lockhart: 3w2, likely SEE-Fi
    Krum: LSI-Se in the movie; maybe SLE in the book
    Cho Chang: likely SEI, Social 9w1 in the movie; maybe ESE in the book
    Ginny: ESI (in the movie)
    Last edited by Olimpia; 10-19-2017 at 10:24 PM.
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    Harry's always struck me as NF. EII-Fi perhaps?

    Ron - SEI

    Hermione - LSE-Te

    Draco - SLE-Se

    Luna - IEI-Ni

    Neville - EII

    Dumbledore - IEE-Fi maybe

    Hagrid - ESE-Si

    Voldemort - LIE?

    ive also read somewhere long ago how rowling was actually planning on having hermione/harry be a thing but then changed her mind last minute so theres that. take what i say for a grain of salt tho bc my memory is shoddy
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    Harry- ESI-Fi
    Hermione- LSE-Si
    Draco- ESE-Fe
    Luna- LII-Ne
    Ginny- SEE-Se
    Sirius- SEE-Se
    James- SLE-Se
    Peter- EIE-Ni
    Lily- IEE-Fi
    Voldmort- ILI-Te
    Dumbledore- IEI-Ni
    Snape- EII-Fi
    MacGonagall- LSE-Te
    Lupin- IEI-Fe
    Lockhart- EIE-Fe
    Mad Eye Moody- LSE-Si
    Quinn- LSI-Ti
    Tonks- IEE-Fi
    Lucius- EIE-Fe
    Belatrix- SEE-Se
    Krum- LSI-Se
    Skeeter- ESE-Fe

  39. #119
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    snape krew represent

    I've never actually seen harry potter, but once someone spoiled the essence of snape's story I loved it completely

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    snape krew represent

    I've never actually seen harry potter, but once someone spoiled the essence of snape's story I loved it completely
    The movies are vastly different in terms of character representation though, Snape is ILI in the films for example. It's like Marvel.

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