Quote Originally Posted by Mesn View Post
SLI or LSE seems to fit.
@soundofconfusion His predictions are actually based on his experience and models, not on some "magical Ni" (no offence to Ni users). One of his more famous quotes that stuck in for me was about how you shouldn't invest in things you don't know throughfully; he is very experience- and knowledge-based. In fact, his cautiousness in that regard caused him to not invest in technologies for decades (as he considers the market far too unstable). I can find more info if you want to read it (I won't pretend to be an expert on Buffett either, but that's what he said).

He uses mainly fundamental analysis: he calculates business' approximate value and then decides whether to invest or not (he famously made his fortune searching for and then investing in "cigar butt stocks", a.ka. the ones that are criminally underpriced; he loves that technique). You can use Ni for that, but it's definitely not needed.

He strikes me delta, knowing a bit about his overall image and rather secretive life in his old, non-outwardly rich house.
But not taking any sort of risk is trademark of ILI not SLI.