Quote Originally Posted by pezzonovante
FDG you are only agreeing with raisonpure's advice because it is offering an easy way out for you - just keep analyzing and observing without having to risk anything. .
Yawn. Do you really think this hits a nerve? I'm just choosing the right option. I've done the straight-full-on-attack multiple times when the situation calls for it. If that was the case - I would proceed with the attack. I've even scared girls off with straightforwardness. But of course if I'm asking advice is because I know this time the situation is different.

How do you explain that I have blowed away a large number of opportunities by being too straightforward? If a tactic doesn't work, let's change it, don't you think? Going there and saying "Hey, wanna come at my place tonight" after some initial wooing works some time, but usually when you don't know the girl well. A sudden change in attitude is generally not well-received.