Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
Yes, it does boil down to that. But now that you mention it, here's a brief lesson on morality: If she is a witch who just wants attention and fun, then he must not fuck it. If she is really interested, and there is more to the circumstances than what meets the eye, then he must not fuck her until the situation can be understood in its entirety. Regardless of which scenario is true, someone is going to get hurt if he blindly chases after it.
First of all, by fuck it I didn't mean fuck her. I meant to fuck with the overanalyzing, to throw caution into the wind and just go for it.

This isn't rocket science. By the time you understand all her "hidden motives" and whatever she probably isn't gonna be attracted to you anymore. With things between men and women you can't really hesitate. You have a brief window of opportunity where you could make a move and if nothing happens during that window your relationship will settle in as only friends. FDG you are only agreeing with raisonpure's advice because it is offering an easy way out for you - just keep analyzing and observing without having to risk anything. The problem is by doing that, you're just blowing your opportunity.

If you do decide to go for it, just invite her over to your house to study or whatever. You say your faces get real close till your lips are almost touching, so just kiss her. Everything will go down after there.

Deep down inside, if you would like to respect her boyfriend, then do so. That's cool too.

Just don't want to be with this girl but not do anything. Pick one path and go down it, don't stay stuck in the middle.