Quote Originally Posted by universal
YOU. You are sick of being "sweet"? What, do you think you are always an angel? He needs to grow up and take care of _his own well being_, not you. I already told you. Why should he even care about your help the slightest if he doesn't actually feel you care about him? He is a man, right?
Ok, let's see here. I have known this guy for a long time. He is my friend and has been my friend for a long time. We were never romantically involved and I'm very sure that there was never an interest on his part. He very much enjoys my company and I very much enjoy his. I live on the other end of the country. He knows I care about him because, you know, friends care about each other even if they don't sleep with each other. Wow....

What's actually his problem hanging around you then, because I seem to be getting some of your 'sweet and lovely emotion' vibes too, that will depress and drain most guys very quickly, "we and our emotions". The last thing he needs is a mom. Perhaps that is his problem, taking care of his own well-being. Maybe he should eat better, do some workout, taking better care of himself.
Let me clarify: "You and your emotions" related to an entirely different issue and it seems as if it entirely rubbed you the wrong way for some reasons. Is there some sort of projection going on here? And no, rest assured, I don't make him depressed.

It's clear to me that he does not and will not ever benefit from you being his sugar nice emotional friend. I do not accept your being nice and sweet helping him any bit. He needs to grow up or you both need to grow up.
Ok, I will tell him that: " Sorry, honey, I'm too sugary sweet to benefit you. Forget all the years we have been friends and were there for each other. You are a male INTj and I'm too sweet to be your friend. I will depress you."