Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
I didn't make it... it's from mind distortion.net (read the reason why the guy created it on the main site).

My purpose was to show people what it is like to be depressed (in a way that they can understand) because until you have been there you have no sympathy for people who are depressed. I don't think people realize how many walking dead are out there waiting for proof that they shouldn't end their misery, maybe this will wake them up and/or push people who haven't been depressed into it so it can act as a refining fire on them and force them ever closer to the end of all things. People are too content in their banalities... they need to expunge them.

Hopefully Kim will better understand her friend's situation by seeing that video also.
It's a nice effort, but honestly I have no doubt that it will fail.

Most people simply can't understand depression and they can't even imagine why someone would even consider doing what the guy in the cartoon did. They tend to think that depression is an affectation, an attempt to get attention, a weakness -- that depressed people simply have "to get their act together", and that what they need is a good kick.

For example -- the husband of a very dear friend of mine has been depressed for 5 years now and it's very hard on her. The advice her best friends are giving her is to give him an ultimatum -- either he snaps out of it or in six months she's leaving him. Now you can imagine how a depressed person would react to that.

She knows better - she's an INFJ, by the way - but I think that advice represents well how most people would react.