Hello, I have been a lurker for a while now and finally decided to get an account to share a dilemma and hopefully get some advice.

I am an INTJ, and I am completely bored with my life. I am a college student (23 years old), taking a full course-load (18 credits) and will probably take even more next semester. I work full-time as an IT Specialist, as well as running a computer consulting business on the side, a second business (in the works) and helping a friend with the business side of starting his own business (accounting, paperwork, etc). I am in school studying management, as I need to earn a degree before I can study law -- my goal is to study corporate law as part of a different business idea I have (more details available if desired).

Anywho, I am completely bored. My school work doesn't challenge me. My work doesn't challenge me. I seem to excel without putting forth any effort, and this sickens me. I need a challenge, but don't really know what to do. Anyone have any ideas, suggestions, or simply want to commiserate?