Quote Originally Posted by labcoat

OR is -> INTj -> all there is to the model?
This is just a notational thing, maybe, but I notice in some of your recent posts that you seem to represent INTj as if were the accepting function and the creative one.


As to the general topic of type flexibility, I think that what Socionists sometimes miss is that people associate certain traits and motivations with various activities. Indeed, different motivations, different overall messages, may exist in the same individual...even to the point of being contradictory, and yet a person may happily live with those contradictions.

People shift as they engage in different activities they enjoy; they don't necessarily apply the same set of skills to every situation. They also shift around different company.

Does this mean that people, when they shift, are equally strong in several functions, or that they're shifting between strong and weak functions? Not necessarily. Each function in itself involves a large set of related but separate things. A person may be strong in parts (or applications) of Te and part of Fe, for example, but weak in other parts of both Te and Fe.