i find it very difficult to forgive infinite, unadulterated, braindead stupidity which has directly harmed or impeded me in some way.

an exemplary example of the stupidity to which i refer is that demonstrated by my idiotic, insane, obese, and thoroughly illogical health teacher (i think she's ESFj, although at a time i thought she was ESFp, contributing to the source of my confusion over my type. i'm still not sure about her).

there might have been perhaps one day in her class in which she and i didn't spend half the class time arguing about anything, usually about either the insane and unreasonable way she ran the class or about her complete ignorance of the subject matter. thankfully, i am now done with her class and can consider her as nothing more than a horrific memory. she literally taught nothing, knew nothing about biology whatsoever, and ran her class like a complete lunatic. god was she stupid.