Quote Originally Posted by cwsparklingdazzy View Post
I rather new to socionics. I always felt I had a knack at peg people personality by looking at them. Rachel Ray for instance seems to fit the socionics.com description of ENFp. I peg her as fun and loving to laugh. I always have felt I favor Oprah in personality. I have tons of picture that we share identical expression or mannerisms.

the feature I was group all those celebrity by was the tightness around the cheek and wide smile.
Mkay, that's the image I had of ENFp's too when I first started studying socionics. But it's not quite right.

ENFp's don't value Fe. They love to laugh and are forthcoming with emotions, yes, but only when it serves Fi. Fi is ENFp's creative function. So Fe in service to the creative Fi may make ENFp more intermittent/reserved with their expressiveness than INFj even, I think. Wide smile tends to suggest Fe to me.

For ENFp, think Mick Trimming from Survivor.

Rachel Ray, honestly, I think is Fe-ego. And she tends to be like in-your-face, which seems more Se-valuing. So my verdict is EIE for her. Or i dont know, maybe ESE. . .

p.s. I thought about it a little more and I'm not sure if Rachel Ray's aggressive demeanor represents Se-valuing. And with her love for cooking and appreciating food, I think ESE fits really well actually. Or SEI. She fits the socionics.com physical description of the bouncy, fun type of SEI.