Please list some famous Deltas (anyone more current than, e.g., that guy who played MacGyver?)

ESTj -- George H.W. Bush

ENFp -- George Orwell; Michael J. Fox

INFj -- Abraham Lincoln

ISTp -- Ulysses S. Grant; the guy who played MacGyver


I just looked at Rick's old pages of famous deltas (emphasis on old--I'm not sure if he'd stand by the pages now,) and I'm beginning to understand why there's still confusion re: what's SLI vs. what's LSI ... Angelina Jolie, Vladimir Vytosky and John Goodman are listed as SLI... (Spencer Tracy is as well--and I haven't seen enough of him to know if he is, but his photos make me suspect that he's not... Gerard Depardieu as well.)

Jean Gabin is the only person on that page who looks like an SLI