Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
silliness as the association with inferior body may relate to N
goofiness to easier thinking of F
any NF type gives such impressions to any ST

the main on what you are accented in your dual is _positive_ of his strenghtes. you notice weaknesses as a background where you may need to support and to care about him. in good IR happens so, as the general attitude is positive

in EII women I'm mostly accented on their kind, loving eyes and calm temper, what relates to base Fi. then imaginative, sophisticated mind of N types. I may more accent on negative sides in conflicts with them, when the general attitude some shifts to negative side

Jonna Jinton may to have NF, but I have no impressions of Fi in her. it's not EII
there is small % where I'd agree with your or other one's typing. low average matches
The whole video is so warm kind calm and loving. She's 100% EII

ahhhh sol my goodness sol