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Thread: ISTp-SLI Subtypes

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    meatburger's Avatar
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    Default ISTp-SLI Subtypes

    Hi All. Jadae was kind enough to provide me with some information on the subtypes so i have had a crack at translating. See what you think. Jadae, let me know if you think there are any errors in my translation / a better way to describe something

    Sensing subtype Si-ISTp (Si-SLI)

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    Si-SLI Appearance:
    The sensory subtype is composed and cordial, not demonstrative, obstinate and uncompromising in defending his views and interests. Supports his positions rationally by logic and facts, and not by thought-up or assumed accounts. Diligent, laborious, patient, persistent in his work and studies. If some project captures his interest, he will tirelessly try to improve his results, both intellectual and material. At times he needs a change of occupation, but will attempt to bring previous work to completion. From time to time he becomes contemplative, withdraws into himself, distances from his social circle, submerges into his own problems. Somewhat restricted in dialogue, may be brief and to the point, but tries to be cordial and good-natured if he feels tensions come up conversation. Prefers items that are original and of good quality, yet simple and unpretentious, enjoys handmade things. Aesthete, pays attention to his health, appearance, and figure, tries to dress tastefully. Has graciously lazy gestures, at the same time confident and precise movements. Gait is a little relaxed and springy. Doesn't like to hurry, but neither is he slow. Seems somewhat proud and haughty.

    Si-SLI Character:
    Original person with strongly expressed individuality, but due to indecisiveness and modesty may prefer to be in the background. Combines sober realism and practicality with a drive for self-development. If he finds his calling, can pursue it for a long time, eventually achieving high skill and professionalism. He is never fully satisfied with what has been achieved and constantly develops it further, providing the best form for the content. Curious, tangentially interested in other ways for expressing and apply his talents and abilities, trying himself in various directions. However, he poorly sees future prospects of projects and work, and due to this may miss out on important opportunities. Frequently feels disappointed regarding lost opportunities.

    Aesthete who loves convenience, nature, travel. Willingly shares his impressions and stories of the world around him with those he's sympathetic towards. Possesses a sense of humor with a touch of irony. Notices many details. Very impressionable. Intolerant of boorishness, poor tastes, callousness and crassness. Dislikes pathos, demonstrative appeals and calls, as well as prideful attitudes, conceit. He's impressed by bold, sincere, friendly, and open people, who encourage him, instill belief in success and lift his spirits. An unpredictable and independent by nature partner sparks in him a sense of curiosity and a desire to keep such a person.

    Uncompromising in matters of principle. Does not like to concede once conquered positions, although also knows how to take into account the rules and regulations of his milieu. Quite mobile, cherishes inner personal peace and freedom of action. Sometimes finds it interesting to test himself in complex situations, to overcome difficulties, which adds to his self-affirmation, however, dislikes taking excessive risks and recklessness. Suffers from changeable moods that affect his performance. Does not like forcing himself to do something. If others violate his inner balance, he can get hot-tempered, flare up, of which later he may regret. In most situations tries to be composed and loyal.

    Poorly tolerates routine, monotony, and boredom. Falls into apathy and depression if he needs to have the same engagement for a long time. Cannot engage in lengthy paper-pushing or purely intellectual work. Dislikes abstract conversations, prefers deeds instead. Needs specific, practical activities, outdoor engagements, and frequent change of impressions for vitality. Dislikes obeying someone else's will and schedule. Won't take up useless work, but if he is passionate about something, develops high work capacity. Prepares for tasks and assignments in advance, thinking through the details of work he needs to do, to later work smoothly, accurately, and quickly. Is thorough and conscientious in his work and studies. Does everything qualitatively. Knows his own worth and feels proud of the results of his work.

    Somewhat restrained in communication and emotional expression. With skepticism refers to active emotional displays, but is very sensitive towards compliments. Sometimes he seems unapproachable and official, though he tries to create an atmosphere of simplicity and ease. Internally emotional and vulnerable, but manages to avoid conflict by showing good judgment and diplomacy. Critical, ridiculing, sarcastic, but tries to spare the feelings of others and thus speaks of their flaws only at the appropriate time and in harmless manner. Not interested in the personal lives of others and speaks of his own with reluctance. Tries to be faithful in relationships and to always keep his promises.

    Sometimes becomes distracted by other activities living at home in "artistic mess", but then mobilizes to quickly restore organization and order. Skillfully solves daily problems. Strives towards well provided for life, which motivates him to work and activity. Inclined to arrange everything with convenience for himself, although tries taking interests of others into account. Can delay making a decision, needs support and inspiration. Once the decision is made, despite seeming inertia and relaxation, shows enviable perseverance in achieving his goals. Does not explain to anyone else the process of his work. His achievements and results are often a surprise to others.

    This is a person of heightened sensitivity: poorly reacts to sultry air, unpleasant odors, uncomfortable shoes and clothing, unsightly appearance of people or food. Does not tolerate drunkenness, dirtiness, poor behavior. Sensitive towards discomfort, both external and internal. Afraid of falling sick and growing old, so takes care of himself and is very concerned about his loved ones. Values uniqueness and originality in clothing and in the interior of the room, does not like standards, pays much attention to quality. Appreciates handmade creative work, whether it's playing a musical instrument, embroidery, or handicrafts. Tries to dress elegantly and tastefully. Holds himself confidently, with calm and quiet dignity.

    Si-SLI Description by Victor Gulenko: Aesthete, oriented at pleasant impressions. More easily comes into contact with other people and is more flexible than the logical subtype. More optimistic, but less disposed to performing work. Has developed refined tastes, a connoisseur and a sybarite. Gravitates towards humanitarian disciplines: literature, art, linguistics, history. Presents him/herself with pleasant aesthetics, choosing clothing and settings that emphasize his or her good looks, selecting for harmonious and complimentary tones.

    Sexual behavior of subtypes:

    Logical subtype Te-ISTp (Te-SLI)

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    Te-SLI Appearance:
    The logical subtype is impatient and active, loves frequent changes and new impressions. Industrious, hardworking, and very caring. His behavior is unpredictable and characterized by unexpected transitions from aloof contemplation to expedient activity. Keeps certain reserve and distance from other people, and at times can be overly direct, harsh, and inconsiderate in conversation. Very independent and proud, does as he wishes. In conversation he is prickly and ironic, but becomes friendly and shows consideration if he has sympathy and respect for his conversation partner. Noticing that he has offended someone, regrets it and softens his communication, tries to turn everything into a joke, or may even apologize and try to calm the person down. Behind his external seeming inaccessibility he is quite impressionable and vulnerable. Dislikes lack of comfort in all of its manifestations; thus strives to fix, adjust, and adapt everything for greatest convenience. Responsible, reliable, and punctual. Demanding towards himself and others. Holds himself with cold dignity, but at times he can be emotional. His gestures are impulsive, confident, resolute. Gait is quick and measured.

    Te-SLI Character:
    A creative person of practical inclinations. Technological, rational, quick-thinking in business. Has low tolerance for unoriginality, cliches, and primitivism in working methods. Seeks and searched for new methods for improving labor. Skeptical and distrustful towards new ideas, oriented at quick and concrete results. Does not suffice with old approaches and takes risks in testing innovative solutions in practice.

    After verifying the effectiveness of a new method or approach, develops, improves and polishes it further, demonstrating ingenuity and perseverance. Knows how to squeeze the most out of an idea. Hardworking and energetic, cannot stand wasteful expenditures of time and efforts. Likes to work as hard as he can, quickly and efficiently, with high productivity. Appreciates convenience and good working conditions.

    This is an individualist, on whom it's difficult to impose anything. Prefers to solve his problems on his own, by the means he has at his disposal. Does not like asking for help or loaning anything. Prefers to have all he needs at his disposal, to not depend on anyone else. Everything that is needed for work, project, or business he acquires in advance. Tries to have the entire inventory of "tools" needed for rational labor and active leisure time.

    All of the adaptations, equipment, and tools needed for his work he keeps in perfect order, which allows to save time in work when they become needed. Becomes very upset if he forgets to put something in its place and then has to search for it for a long time. Dislikes paperwork drudgery and finds opportunities to reduce it to a minimum. All the needed documentation he keeps in order to avoid further wasting of time.

    Usually reaches a high level of professionalism and excellence in his occupation, but is somewhat unsure in himself and diffident, prone to having doubts and fluctuations. In need of moral and material incentives. Undemonstrative, but is very sensitive to the assessment of his abilities and becomes offended if his work is not noticed and not praised. At the same time, dislikes undeserved compliments. Respects capable and talented people; tries to create all the possible conditions for the development of their abilities.

    Contrasting in his behavior: relaxed and quietly contemplative, then suddenly active and mobile. Cannot be in the same place or engage in the same task for a long time. Impatient, does not like it when the same subject is discussed at length. Himself is usually not very wordy and may be quiet. Good at distributing his own activities and assignments: if there is time he does not rush
    things, but once he feels that there is time to act, he becomes very mobile, hurrying himself and others. Usually does everything by the deadlines, despite the fact that he often gets distracted by other activities. Very efficient, proactive, and clever when it comes to taking care of household and economic problems. Willingly engages in physical labor, repairs things, facilities and equipment. Can do much with his own hands.

    Strives to be knowledgeable over various topics. Very curious and may read a lot. Has many diverse interests, easily learns something new. A good lecturer or teacher, as he can explain complex things simply and effectively. Does not tolerate criticism and suggestions on topic on which he views himself competent. In conversation, tries to persuade others using logic and facts. It is hard to convince him in a dispute. In what he considers to be true, he is persistent up to being obstinate: does not go for a compromise even in the most critical situations. Proving his own correctness he becomes hot-tempered, impulsive and unhinged.

    Secretive and suspicious. Dislikes being the center of attention. Finds it difficult to fit into a society he is unfamiliar and unaccustomed with. Reluctantly makes contact with unfamiliars and strangers, prefers to communicate with like-minded people. Not accepting of familiarity, can with a look or gesture to put a person in his or her place. Has a heightened sense for maliciousness, affectedness and falsehood. Cannot bring himself to talk to the needed, but unpleasant to him people. After break relations with someone, does not go for reconciliations and concessions first, even if he has realized that he was in the wrong.

    If others don't understand him, he withdraws into himself and becomes cold, sharp, and unapproachable. Does not know how to eliminate tension in communication, prefers to leave and separate himself from the previous conversation partner with a wall of silence. Responsive only to the kindness and sincerity. Cannot stand hypocrisy. Himself if very honest in relationships, conscientious, obligated and punctual. He can always be relied upon: reliable in friendship, love and business. Readily comes to aid of the first request, sympathizes with another's misfortune or grief. However, he can always turn away from a person who has lost his trust and respect.

    Grows tired of monotony and routine. Willingly travels. Interactions with nature calm him down. New occupations, interests, and hobbies raise his vitality and help him to overcome apathy. Often he enjoys sports, the excitement in the competition. Not averse to experiencing thrilling and risky sensations, but without the risk of injury. Careful towards all living things: people, nature, animals, and even insects. Does not "play" with his own or another's life. Does not tolerate coercion, and himself does not know how to pressure others. Find it difficult to hit anyone, but, at the same time, he is very independent and not always considerate of the interests of others when they do not coincide with his own. When someone tries to limit his freedoms, he may break up the relations.

    Has a hard time enduring through physical and mental discomfort, and tries to do everything possible to remove it. For the same reason, avoids bad habits. Closely monitors his health and physical form. Appreciates beauty and harmony in everything, although finds it difficult to reach an internal balance. Very impressionable, inclined to fall into depression even over minor reasons. A fatalist at heart, believer in the inevitability, and does not try to forcibly change the course of events. Often lacks in resoluteness.

    Suspicious and proud. Afraid to show awkward emotions or to seem intrusive, thus hides his problems from the outsiders, preferring to suffer them alone. Finds it difficult to express his feelings in words. Does not like to demonstrate how he feels in front of strangers. Tries to talk of love in a joking humorous manner, risking being misunderstood. Not sentimental, manifestation of tenderness come to him with much difficulty. Proves his love by actions and deeds and not by words. Very attentive, caring, and dedicated. If misunderstandings happen, he usually does not attempt to justify himself or make excuses. Internally he feels himself lonely, if there is no sensitive tactful person by his side, capable of understanding everything without extraneous words, and of encouraging him in times of pessimism and melancholy.

    This logical subtype of SLI is not very common, and, as we have noticed, for this reason gives the greatest number of errors in typing not only by ours, but also by foreign experts. Most often, this type is confused for type SLE (due to secrecy and distrust of the latter, which get falsely interpreted as introversion) and ILI, who often overestimates his practicality and considers himself a realist due to analytical mind and a well-developed logic of actions, as well as other types.

    Developed by us theory of i.e. accentuations, which provides both visual clues and characteristic manifestations, related to the heightened expressions of the 12 information elements of TIMs, - or rather, the subtypes - will help avoid many errors in typing and testing.

    Te-SLI Description by Victor Gulenko: Outwardly seems business-oriented, somewhat severe, cold and unapproachable. A realist and skeptic, distrustful of novelty, and of those who advance ideas of declarative nature [slogans?]. Will always avoid working on useless projects due to pragmatic nature. Very dynamic and technologically effective. Can extract maximum benefits even from something that is seems useless. His products are always at the forefront and will stand up to any competition on the market. In clothing he is restrained, conservative, and prefers a sporty, technological style.
    Last edited by silke; 09-14-2017 at 09:08 PM. Reason: updated with translations
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  2. #2
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Hmmm my husband sounds somewhat like both, but definitely more logical. He becomes pensive and withdrawn like the sensory description, and he uses few words, but he doesn't often smile with people he doesn't know. He will sometimes do that with me and our daughter.

    He isn't currently that healthy due to a period of depression from his early to mid-20s where he didn't take care of himself (and drank too much/smoked too much weed) but he's working very hard on getting back into shape, and it's very important to him.

    He is not prone to changing jobs. In fact, he's only ever had a few jobs. One of them he stayed with for a long time even though he hated it. But he certainly likes working with his hands and is through and tedious. So long as it's work he likes to do. If he's fixing the kitchen sink (which still needs work) he rushes through it and doesn't bother to take much care.

    So he largely fits the sensory subtype description, but the logical description is 100% on. Almost frightening how on it is.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Default Re: ISTp Subtypes

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    Hi All. Jadae was kind enough to provide me with some information on the subtypes so i have had a crack at translating. See what you think. Jadae, let me know if you think there are any errors in my translation / a better way to describe something

    ISTp Sensory:
    This subtype is modest and will not try to stand out. They are generally restrained and polite. They can be obstinate when their motives are challenged. In argument, it will argue with logic and the facts. Sometimes it will become penive and withdrawn, distancing itself from other and immersing itself in its own problems. When communicating, this subtype
    will often use few words, but will try to smile to lighten the mood when required. Its dress sense is tasteful, it is drawn to original items of quality. Modest things. It is healthy, often posessing a good body, taking care of its appearance. An astetic person, it loves working with its hands. When working, this subtype is thorough and tedious. It is patient and persistent. Over time, the sensory's untiring and careful work will improve production, intellectually and in material matters. It can be prone to change of jobs, however before leaving will ensure it acomplishes everything in that job. When moving, this type will appear graceful, somewhat lazy & smooth. It will move confidently and precisely, not wasting needless energy. Its gait can appear not particularly upright/powerful, yet not sluggish. This type can appear haughty(scornfully proud)

    ISTP Logical:
    This subtype can tend to keep others at a psychological distance, it can sometimes be direct in speech, not glossing anything over. They can also be very fixed in their views. The ISTp Logical Subtype is a very proud and independent type, it will tend to only associate / go out to events which it will enjoy & that are convienient. While conversing, it can be pricky and ironic, however they will display interest & become affable if sympathy and respect is shown from their internoculator. If it offends someone, it will feel geniunine regret and will joke about the situation, possibly saying sorry & calming down(not being so forward). This is its way of apologising. Outwardly it will appear innacessable, however on the inside this type does have an element of vunerability and sensitivity. This type is mobile and Impatient, it enjoys change and excitement(new impressions). It is active, likes do do things and is very thoughtful. It's program function Si makes Discomfort horrible and not enjoyable. This type will correct / repair items to avoid inconvienience. When required, this type is punctual and reliable. It can ask for a lot from itself and others. It can appear cold, however it does feel internal emotion. This subtype can be hard to predict, sometimes cold and contemplative, then out of the blue, showing impulsive action. Its movement can be impulsive, yet descisive. Its gait, rapid and measured.
    Thanks Meaty, I know two ISTPs of each subtype. This description holds fairly true for both of them.

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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    I have a dear friend ISTp sensory, perfect desc.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  5. #5
    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    I'm married to the ISTp sensory subtype. The way that description fits him perfectly is eerie. I'll show it to him and see what he thinks.

    Thanks for translating it, meatburger.

  6. #6
    jessica129's Avatar
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    The Logical subtype is 100% accurate for me. wow

  7. #7

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    Nice one meatburger, thanks for the translation.
    For me both have parts that fit but sensory fits better on the whole.
    Friendly ISTp
    Interested in everything, yes, EVERYTHING
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    Slacker mom, I agree... I can be one and than the other. I believe it is largely dependant on mood/living conditions.

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    woah. istp invasion.
    YAY! Welcome ISTPs Youve probably been here all along havent you? For initiation however, you must arm wrestle Icepick
    tip: his left arm is weaker than the right.

    Alternative initation;
    You must beat schrödinger's cat in a game of encore. You must sing at least 8 words to any song having the word "Tuesday" . Get set... and Go..!

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

  10. #10
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    Default ISTp Subtypes

    I met another ISTp

    I was just staying with an ENTp friend and his housemate was an ISTp. I typed him in about 0.0000001 seconds. He was like the cookie cutter image of an ISTp friend i had for years.

    This guy was a bike courier. Funnily enough so was the other ISTp i knew so it seems like bike courier is a common ISTp job.

    He was really intense to talk to and had a strangely strong stare. I suppose he talked like he was angry. He loved bikes. He basically talked about being a bike courier 24/7. His room was an absolute pig sty. I felt slightly sad for him as i can imagine relating to people would be tough. When he said things his voice innotations were sharp and abrasive. My ENTp friend said his stories are sometimes total fabrications. He had contempt for the police and used to get his household goods by stealing them from the buildings he delivered too. He didn't really appear too driven which doesn't bother me. I thought he was a little simple at first, but he did suprise me by describing in detail how their drinking water finds its way from the mountains to his tap. ISTp's seem to know shit like this sometimes.

    I know another ISTp from work who seems to get on with people better. He sometimes looks angry etc but he has quite a loud and hearty laugh. Girls seem to like him quite a lot. I feel more relaxed around him.

    Anyway i suppose they are different Subtypes? I suspect the second guy must be an Si one? I seem to get on with them better they seem to calm me down. I have realised now that im an Ne subtype ENFp. I seem to be becomming more and more Ne every day .
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  11. #11
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    Default Re: ISTp Subtypes

    ISTp Si algorithm:
    1) have sex
    2) eat well
    3) repeat 1 and 2 a couple of times
    4) do something useful
    5) go back to 1

    ISTp Te algorithm:
    1) do something useful
    2) repeat 1 a couple of times
    3) have sex
    4) eat well
    5) go back to 1

  12. #12
    jessica129's Avatar
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    Default Re: ISTp Subtypes

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    ISTp Si algorithm:
    1) have sex
    2) eat well
    3) repeat 1 and 2 a couple of times

  13. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    ISTp Si algorithm:
    1) have sex
    2) eat well
    3) repeat 1 and 2 a couple of times
    4) do something useful
    5) go back to 1

    ISTp Te algorithm:
    1) do something useful
    2) repeat 1 a couple of times
    3) have sex
    4) eat well
    5) go back to 1

    Im almost certainly Si subtype, and your algorithm is pretty good, but replace 4) do something useful with have fun doing something and its spot on hehe
    Friendly ISTp
    Interested in everything, yes, EVERYTHING
    Flower's motto: Life's too short even to do the things you want to, let alone the things you dont!!

  14. #14
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    Hehe ok. I have a plan
    I take the ISTp out to the Star Light Restaurant at Windy Point near my house. Buy her a really nice dinner and nice bottle of wine. We will have our own butler and they will give us Sorbet to clense our pallets.
    - ISTp #2

    Then we can go home and
    - ISTp #1

    Then she can help me paint my house #4

    Then we can do #1 again


    Actually i think i was talking to an ISTp girl in a bar on my holidays. I mentioned how the place was too loud and she said she was going to start selling ear plugs under the table.

    Later i was at the bar with my mates girlfriend and i touched some girl on the back who walked past. She thought i was with my mates girlfriend so she stared mega daggers at me. I just smiled as i thought she was being an ISTp. Then my mates girlfriend told me that she thought i was being a dog so i ran down and told her the whole story and apologised. I was just touching the other girls back because i was totally fucked and felt like it. Didn't even like her lol. She thought it was hillarious.

    Now im annoyed i didn't do #1 with her :wink:
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Eh, I don't know if my boyfriend is ISTp.

    I'll just describe him a lil to see if he fits in any ISTp subtype.

    He's basically a serious person, doesn't usually smile. He looks serious almost all the time, and he looks very emotionless. And that look in his eyes, can look very cold, but I don't think he is.

    He loves to relax and be comfortable. He'd lie on his bed just for the sake of being comfortable. Even if he's using his computer, he'd hug his pillow (just like a lil kid. )

    But he doesn't seem too worried about his own health, but worries about mine, although it's not obvious. He'd tell me I'm not looking after myself well enough, that I should sleep more and drink less.
    And he doesn't ever clean his room. He lets his mom do the cleaning. If he were hungry, he'd just stay in his room and sleep, not bothering to cook for himself. But if I were hungry, although he's too lazy to step out of the house to buy food, he'd cook for me.

    He rarely expresses his emotions, it's hard for me to know what he's feeling or thinking. But I can feel that he cares for me. He rarely calls me, we don't meet often (we meet once a week?)

    He prefers staying at home to going out. He has a fixed group of friends and meets no one else but them. Usually, it's just him, and 2 other friends and they'd only meet for dinner/supper. He has no problems starting conversations with strangers. And when he does he's always polite. But he's not talkative.

    When I first met him, I thought he was an emotionless arrogant idiot. I was proved wrong when we started talking to each other. And he made the first move. He'd call me and we'd chat for hours. He didn't really say "I like you", but his intentions were clear. We seemed so different, but we could agree with each other on many things.

    When we're together, we don't necessary do fun things, but we enjoy each other's company a lot. Like I'd go to his house, and we'd watch dvds, yet we're not bored. On our birthdays, we don't do anything necessarily special, and it doesn't really bother both of us. Hmm, my friends think we're a weird couple.

    He used to complain that I go out too much, but he said it's only because he's afraid I'd ruin my health because I won't have enough sleep. He doesn't pressure me to do anything that he knows I don't like. And he's calm all the time. Even if something irritates him, he usually still looks calm.

    There are others who would say that he looks fierce, I felt the same way when I first say him, but not anymore. And I just can't get enough of him! I just can't help but wonder what does on in his head. But somehow, i know I mean a lot to him.

    Edit: Also, he's pretty stubborn when defending his point of view. And puts it in a way I end up agreeding with him.

    Wow, I didn't expect the description to be this long, and I'm not done yet! LOL. Well, anyway, I'm still not sure if he's ISTp. Umm, some help would be nice. And maybe which subtype he is if he's ISTp. Thanks.

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    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    That sounds ISTp to me. Before my husband lived with me, he didn't clean his flat - his mom would come by and clean it When we first got together he did do most of the cleaning because I was working more hours. Now he doesn't do any cleaning because I'm home to do it. But if I get behind or something he usually will pitch in.

    Anyway, it sounds ISTp to me.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    That sounds ISTp to me. Before my husband lived with me, he didn't clean his flat - his mom would come by and clean it When we first got together he did do most of the cleaning because I was working more hours. Now he doesn't do any cleaning because I'm home to do it. But if I get behind or something he usually will pitch in.

    Sounds just like my boyfriend.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    Anyway, it sounds ISTp to me.
    I find it hardest to type ISTps IRL, and typing my boyfriend is even harder.

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    That’s basically a word for word description of myself. The only thing I can’t agree with when I read many descriptions of ISTP’s is their…”level-headedness”. I have quite possibly the quickest and worst temper of anyone I know. I can get over things very fast, however. It leaves as quickly as it comes.

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    yes controlling emotions is a weird game as an ISTp. I often feel my feelings are justified, although I may not be able to explain them 100 percent... So I find its better to leave ths situation than to create drama which I hate.

    Anyways lunch break is over, lates.
    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

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    istps are bad-ass!

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    Hehe ok. I have a plan
    I take the ISTp out to the Star Light Restaurant at Windy Point near my house. Buy her a really nice dinner and nice bottle of wine. We will have our own butler and they will give us Sorbet to clense our pallets.
    - ISTp #2

    Then we can go home and
    - ISTp #1

    Then she can help me paint my house #4

    Then we can do #1 again


    Actually i think i was talking to an ISTp girl in a bar on my holidays. I mentioned how the place was too loud and she said she was going to start selling ear plugs under the table.

    Later i was at the bar with my mates girlfriend and i touched some girl on the back who walked past. She thought i was with my mates girlfriend so she stared mega daggers at me. I just smiled as i thought she was being an ISTp. Then my mates girlfriend told me that she thought i was being a dog so i ran down and told her the whole story and apologised. I was just touching the other girls back because i was totally fucked and felt like it. Didn't even like her lol. She thought it was hillarious.

    Now im annoyed i didn't do #1 with her :wink:
    You and your plans meatburger

    Do you think we can make algorithms for other types:

    Let me try,

    ENFp algorithm:
    #1) Find people in near vicinity, talk to them (usually quiet loudly)
    #2) Fool around and play tricks silly tricks on them.
    #3) Repeat 1 and 2 a couple of times
    #4) Post on a forum, watch a film, play a game, read a book.
    #5) Go back to 1

    Any good?
    Friendly ISTp
    Interested in everything, yes, EVERYTHING
    Flower's motto: Life's too short even to do the things you want to, let alone the things you dont!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    That sounds ISTp to me. Before my husband lived with me, he didn't clean his flat - his mom would come by and clean it When we first got together he did do most of the cleaning because I was working more hours. Now he doesn't do any cleaning because I'm home to do it. But if I get behind or something he usually will pitch in.

    Sounds just like my boyfriend.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    Anyway, it sounds ISTp to me.
    I find it hardest to type ISTps IRL, and typing my boyfriend is even harder.
    Absolutely sounds like my ISTp ex, almost word for word (including the cleaning part )
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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    Default Re: ISTp Subtypes

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    ISTp Si algorithm:
    ISTp Te algorithm:
    1) do something useful
    2) repeat 1 a couple of times
    3) have sex
    4) eat well
    5) go back to 1

    Dang! No wonder I'm so out of it lately! I've been skipping step #3.

    I always get mildly-annoyed at the "messy" and "doesn't clean" thing that ISTp's get saddled with in the descriptions. I clean.

    My philosophy on cleaning is. "Clean it once, and then KEEP it clean." I'm always cleaning as I go. I refuse to clean up after others though.
    ; 5w6

  24. #24
    Memory of Tomorrow Reuben's Avatar
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    Dear mea,

    Your boyfriend is ISTp.

    Typing ISTp's are very easy. They always seem to be concentrated. The reason is because they are sensing every single thing around them *within* them. And they look fierce because they want people to piss off their zone. (When people overstep their territory and *break* into his, the ISTp will usuallly get pissed, as he is sensitive to other people's own spaces and will usually give it to them, but then the way some people just blatantly disregard his space totally piss him off. That's the reason why ISTp's dislike people, and without an ENFp's calming presence, they may even grow to [justify their] hate people) When they look calm, it's because they are in the presence of someone (like you, and all the other ENFp's out there) who will not compete with their space, thus they do not need to compromise on their own space. In fact all an ISTp ever wants to do is to invite an ENFp into their space. It's comforting to their emotions in the way a piece of fluffy, vibratingly hyper kitten sitting on their groin is comforting to their tummy and surrounding areas. So yes. An ISTp takes care of your physical needs the way you take care of his emotional needs. You must listen to what he is telling you before he will make an effort to you when you try to drag him out of the shell. And also, noticing the little things that he does and thanking him for it is an EXTREMELY *BIG* gift you can give him. Because he is so used to reading your body language to find out if you enjoyed his touch or not he does not expect an answer.

    But if you tell him that "What you did just now (insert description) made me feel so Relaxed/Hot, Sexy N' Bothered/Horny, Slick, and Wet!" (just say this happily/sexily/hornily, i.e. how you felt intuitively, when he made an effort to bless you with any of these sensations), he'll be so happy he'll make your day tonight in bed.
    She is wise
    beyond words
    beautiful within
    her soul
    brighter than
    the sun
    lovelier than
    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

    Why I love LSEs:
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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    Default Re: ISTp Subtypes

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    ISTp Si algorithm:
    1) have sex
    2) eat well
    3) repeat 1 and 2 a couple of times
    4) do something useful
    5) go back to 1

    ISTp Te algorithm:
    1) do something useful
    2) repeat 1 a couple of times
    3) have sex
    4) eat well
    5) go back to 1
    very precise description (and funny at the same time) if you ask me.

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    You guys underestimate the lazyness, half the time I cant tell if people say shit for fun though
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    Default SLI subtypes

    There doesn't seem to be any new information available on the differences between Si-SLI and Te-SLI subtypes, other than a few translations I've read, which have only been minimally helpful. Please tell me in your own words, if you are one of the subtypes, what made you identify with one over the other. I can see both characteristics in myself.
    Last edited by Skepsis; 02-01-2013 at 05:46 PM. Reason: oopsy

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    Robot Assassin Pa3s's Avatar
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    I mostly chose the Te-subtype because I do see some strong rational traits in myself which even out the irrational base type. They even made me think that I'm a rational type before (LII). I exhibit a frequent use of Te while I'm still clearly introverted, so LSE and LIE are not very likely. I imagine the Si-subtype to be more inert, artistic and hedonistic compared to me, while I have a rather pragmatic, businesslike and functional mindset.

    PS: You wrote SLE instead of SLI in your OP.
    „Man can do what he wants but he cannot want what he wants.“
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    Freudian slip...

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    One of my best friends is Si-SLI 9w8 Sx/Sp (I don't presume you're familiar with the Enneagram, so if the last bits don't make sense just leave it be). He's a sort of closet introvert I think, in that he generally seems pretty diffuse in how he interacts with people but still likes to hang out with people. Despite being prone to rambling and making weird sounds when bored, he's made mention of how much less energy he claims to have compared to me, a guy who doesn't often make goofy sounds or interact socially. In MBTI he tested as ENFP, which doesn't surprise me given his overall positive and artistic nature.

    I guess what separates him from the very few Te subtypes I know is that he's very environmentally attuned. His music, both that which he produces and listens to, seems geared more towards establishing a background mood like a haze circulating through the room, whether he's aware that he's doing it or not. I don't see him as strongly goal-oriented, even though he has set and followed through with many of the plans he's talked with me about; he seems more focused on self-sustainability than ongoings not within his personal bubble.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pa3s View Post
    PS: You wrote SLE instead of SLI in your OP.
    Error corrected, thanks

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    I think I've been mostly balanced between the two until recently. It has been a big change within the last year. At work, I've always been Te strong, but lately I've had a 'slow and steady wins the race' approach to work and life. This is to the point where some coworkers have asked me what's wrong, which bothers me, but I tell them that nothing is. Someone said the other day that I don't seem to give a shit anymore, which just isn't true. Its just because I've been taking a more holistic approach to work. So I've been tipping more in the Si direction, but it feels more natural. I'm wouldn't say I'm hedonistic, but I do enjoy pleasure, as long as it isn't hurting anyone else or myself. I think I've answered my own question. Maybe now that major pressures in my life have subsided, I'm slipping into comfortable Si.

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Glad we could help.

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    Easy answer (almost pointless actually) is that a SLI-Te resembles more an ILI (Gamma like) and an SLI-Si resembles more a SEI (Alpha like).

    But what does that mean in real world terms? Let's just say that Alpha and Delta are naturally cooperating and Beta and Gamma are naturally competing. So an SLI-Te is more comfortable in win-lose situations than an SLI-Si is. That's why SLI-Te is more interested in business: earning money always means taking it from someone else and the more wish you to make, the more you have to take away from others. Both are caregivers in theory but an SLI-Si is not going to feel comfortable interacting with others with the primary intention of receiving instead of giving so they gravitate toward more artistic activities where they can create their own stuff and share it with others (so it becomes a win-win). As a general rule, in Socionics Ne/Si and Ti/Fe tendency is for union (say, community minded) and Ni/Se and Fi/Te for division (say, individualistic).

    As a whole, an SLI-Te would like to present themselves as competent and business like individuals. SLI-Si as practical caregivers (though invtroversion would limit this tendencies to close relationships).
    [] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)

    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex View Post
    Easy answer (almost pointless actually) is that a SLI-Te resembles more an ILI (Gamma like) and an SLI-Si resembles more a SEI (Alpha like).

    But what does that mean in real world terms? Let's just say that Alpha and Delta are naturally cooperating and Beta and Gamma are naturally competing. So an SLI-Te is more comfortable in win-lose situations than an SLI-Si is. That's why SLI-Te is more interested in business: earning money always means taking it from someone else and the more wish you to make, the more you have to take away from others. Both are caregivers in theory but an SLI-Si is not going to feel comfortable interacting with others with the primary intention of receiving instead of giving so they gravitate toward more artistic activities where they can create their own stuff and share it with others (so it becomes a win-win). As a general rule, in Socionics Ne/Si and Ti/Fe tendency is for union (say, community minded) and Ni/Se and Fi/Te for division (say, individualistic).

    As a whole, an SLI-Te would like to present themselves as competent and business like individuals. SLI-Si as practical caregivers (though invtroversion would limit this tendencies to close relationships).
    Definitely not pointless for me. Thanks for clarifying even further for me.

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    I personally don't believe that subtypes exist for various reasons; once an SLI always an SLI, now is there various degrees of introversion, yes, and sometimes, external circumstances revolving around environmental factors contribute to behavioral differences. You might be more introverted than another SLI, hence emphasis may be placed on Si rather than Te, but I believe that there are so many factors that really picking a subtype is just superfluous. You may choose to not go with a subtype either, that can very well be fine, too.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa Darmandzhyan View Post
    I personally don't believe that subtypes exist for various reasons; once an SLI always an SLI, now is there various degrees of introversion, yes, and sometimes, external circumstances revolving around environmental factors contribute to behavioral differences. You might be more introverted than another SLI, hence emphasis may be placed on Si rather than Te, but I believe that there are so many factors that really picking a subtype is just superfluous. You may choose to not go with a subtype either, that can very well be fine, too.
    Yes, I consider myself to be really introverted. That could explain a stronger natural preference for Si.

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX View Post
    ISTp Si algorithm:
    1) have sex
    2) eat well
    3) repeat 1 and 2 a couple of times
    4) do something useful
    5) go back to 1

    ISTp Te algorithm:
    1) do something useful
    2) repeat 1 a couple of times
    3) have sex
    4) eat well
    5) go back to 1
    Yes LOL

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    Default Te-SLI examples

    Can anybody give me an example of a Te-SLI?
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