Quote Originally Posted by angelic View Post
I have watched this girls videos for years now, I actually asked my friends to VI her a while back because I am pretty sure her and I are the same type, everything about her, the way she thinks, her lifestyle, everything. I have always longed for a life like hers, its been one of my deepest desires and goals. Her mentality is nearly identical to mine too. I have watched nearly every single video but I think this one shook me to my core https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wFsYY71wyk&t it resonated with my thougths so much, the way she describes the longing for nature and a peaceful life, every minute, no every second of that video touched my heart. Now I don't know if shes EII but I know that I am her type in my opinion. I've never seen anyone that had the same desires as me, yet she seems to have been one of the first people I found a deep connection in our way of life.
There are a few things that concern me about the way in which you present yourself that goes against EII
1. That your life goal is to be a mother and a nurturer
With this point I want to say that EII life goal as seen through the video of this EII is to bring beauty to people (other people). To show them the beautiful world through her art. I feel many EII are that way; they want to impart something beautiful of this world to others.

Now I ask you a question ...why are you so much about what you want for yourself rather than what you can bring to others

Do you see where I'm getting at?