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Thread: The Switch

  1. #1
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    Default The Switch

    There now appears to me to be a very clear dichotomy forming, and I wonder if other LIIs or alpha/delta people can relate to it. (edited... I suppose it applies to all types, but I will use the LII example here)

    It has to do with what side of your polr/ha you are on.
    In short, they either seem to master you and you are a slave to them, or by addressing them and consciously using your ego block to deal with them, you can liberate yourself.

    This may also lead into further specialization of your type, even though 'specialization' requires a 'liberal arts education' of the other functions (a certain level of awareness ascertained).

    Does this register for anyone else?
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  2. #2
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    This makes no sense to me, or is just my PoLR slapping me in the face?
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    6w7 sp/sx

  3. #3
    Blaze's Avatar
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    I get what you are saying about how to deal with your polr udp, but not the part about how it connects to quadras.


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  4. #4
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    Ah, I understand what your saying now. Well, if this is against an ESTP, your going to be in trouble either way. Though with an ESFP it is best to hit their PoLR in return to even the score. PoLR battles are perfectly healthy and should be practiced worldwide in competitions.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze8
    I get what you are saying about how to deal with your polr udp, but not the part about how it connects to quadras.
    No .... I suppose I need to be more elaborate in what I was specifically referring to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Traveler
    Ah, I understand what your saying now. Well, if this is against an ESTP, your going to be in trouble either way. Though with an ESFP it is best to hit their PoLR in return to even the score. PoLR battles are perfectly healthy and should be practiced worldwide in competitions.
    ? No. That is not remotely close to what I was getting at.

    Quote Originally Posted by Traveler
    This makes no sense to me, or is just my PoLR slapping me in the face?
    I believe it is a lack of clarity in what I was describing; nothing to do with you.

    I will try again later.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
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    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  6. #6

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    uh... what?

  7. #7
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    It has to do with what side of an aspect you are on.

    Let's use dual seeking.

    You can be pitiful and obviously in need of help, or be trying at something and not doing very well, but because you tried you get an Fe response. But this would seem to reward incompetence.

    What is the other side of that?
    Being logical and aware of your incompetencies, in such a way that you do not seem to need assistance. And so in this way, Fe/caregiver response comes out of seeing someone who is ascetic and does not take well to pleasure, etc.

    Does that make any sense? It's a rather intuitive example, but I think there is something to it. You can do that with any function or any situation. You could just as well say "positive / negative". To me, it is somewhat a matter of which is 'healthier'

    The first example would not necessarily lead to growth or progress, but perhaps using the dual as a crutch or as a 'mommy' figure who will take care of you even when you make mistakes. The second example seems much better for an LII, as he is being rewarded "more properly" for using his ego block well.

    The second example would also lead to the dual using her ego block well, because the ESE is not fostering someone's weaknesses with caregiverness, but instead is take care of someone who legitimately could use that sort of help, and appreciate those functions being used by someone else.

    This is another issue.... I'll copy it to joy's 'types?' thread

    There is a paradox for me of "balance" and "growth" (which I think is very important), and "specialization". It would be 'more economical' if each person "specialized" - used their own inherent resources (their natural set of functions), as efficiently as possible. But you cannot do that alone. Just like a state/country specializing in a good: florida's lands are good for producing oranges - telling florida it needs to grow wheat or capture salmon to earn money would not quite be as efficient as sticking to oranges, per se.

    Etc. more later maybe
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    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Makes sense to me.

    One way that people look at duals, as someone to cover for their weaknesses I believe sets the groundwork for dependence, stagnation, and atrophy, the way over-coddling and doing everything for a person handicaps them. But, if instead you see each other as people who compliment your strengths, you get a more balanced relationship, one that allows growth.
    I've always thought that duals kind of "given an input" that the other party would have not tought by him/herself, and then proceeds thinking/doing
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