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Thread: Favouritest Lyrics Thread

  1. #41
    le petit prince raisonpure's Avatar
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    Thank you, Subterranean

    Now for some Japanese songs, with Youtube links:
    [table fontsize=11:4087353535][mrow:4087353535]Luna Sea
    "I for you"[col:4087353535]
    You told me
    That you couldn't love anybody
    When I saw that you were afraid of everybody
    I finally realised what you meant

    Wouldn't it be too sad
    If the two of us met
    only to get hurt?

    With all my heart
    I have to tell you this
    All I want is to see the real YOU

    You still don't smile very well
    Because even now, you still wear sadness around you

    If the only reason I was born
    was so I could meet you,
    do you think I'll be able to change everything?

    With all my heart
    I have to tell you this
    We're hurt, but we've still got time
    With all my heart
    I love you
    I want to wipe away
    All the pain that falls on you
    I for You

    With all my heart
    I have to tell you this
    If only you could smile at me like that
    With all my love
    I love you
    I want to gather every piece of light
    and give it all to you
    I for You
    [mcol:4087353535]Yonekura Chihiro

    I've always searched those same eyes
    those same dreams, my friends
    Those tears of the past and the laughter that will come
    I wish to take them all in

    Fear nothing Not even the rainy mornings nor the long darkness of the night

    I want to become the wings that shall protect you like this sky
    I shall soar far beyond eras
    the future that begins now, I shall give you
    I'll face the winds, stamp on the earth
    and live forever with you

    The world touched by the warmth of
    those hands brims with light
    Just by staying beside you I grow stronger than anyone

    This little miracle of our encounter
    shall someday be a part of history

    Such that I ease your pain and sadness
    like the way this sea does
    I shall be the light that lights up the future as
    we drift across the distant waves
    Till the end of this long journey I
    shall live forever with you

    I want to become the wings that shall
    protect you like this sky
    I shall soar far beyond eras and the
    future that begins now I shall give you
    I'll face the winds, stamp on the earth
    and live forever with you

    I shall live forever with you
    "Powder Snow"

    * ENFp-ISTp[col:4087353535]We always miss each other in the season of fluttering powdered snow
    Though we're lost in the crowd, we're looking up at the same sky
    And blown by the wind, we both feel the same chill

    I'm sure I don't know everything about you
    But still I found you out of a hundred million people
    I have no proof, but I truly believe that

    We can't spend time together without quarreling over little things
    If we can't be honest with each other, happiness and sadness are empty

    If the powdered snow dyed our hearts white
    Would we be able to share our loneliness?

    I want to press my ear against your heart
    And descend quietly into the depths where that voice leads me
    Let's meet there once again

    I'm the one who said I wanted us to understand each other, but just brushed the surface
    When just by holding your cold hand we're connected

    Powdered snow, the eternity before us seems too fragile
    Like the stained surface of rough asphalt

    Powdered snow, unable to rely on time, my heart is swaying
    But even so I want to keep protecting you

    If the powdered snow has made our hearts white
    It will enfold our loneliness and return it to the sky [mcol:4087353535]Hayashibara Megumi
    "Lively Motion"
    [col:4087353535]All this time, I thought that nothing would change with the passage of time
    But I was wrong,
    Everyday something changes little by little

    I don't need such things as eternity,
    But for the moment I spend here with you
    I want to feel the beat of my heart, passionately and painfully
    I want to feel this throbbing

    I want to protect you,
    Yet I am protected by your warm look
    Strength is not power; Let us engrave these words into our hearts

    * Believing in the believable path that we'll embark from here on

    I am here; you are here
    We don't need anything more than that
    I feel that I am living
    Rather than look for the reason I was born
    Rather than the answer,
    I'm finding more important things one by one

    When things didn't go well,
    I often felt frustrated at being left behind
    But I was wrong,
    Everyday something is changed little by little

    You always smile for me
    But what can I do for you?
    Rather than "I'm sorry", I want to say
    From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

    Protecting, yet being protected
    Together, let's support each other
    Tears are not signs of weakness; This we know deep in our hearts

    When we're alone or together
    The time each one spends with everybody is filled with
    Moments that make our hearts tremble
    The searchable happiness that we seek must be there
    Because I'll find the things that matter more than the answer
    One by one
    [mrow:4087353535]Okazaki Ritsuko
    "For Fruits Basket"
    [col:4087353535] I was so happy, you were laughing
    With a smile that melts everything away

    Spring is still far away, inside the cold earth,
    Waiting for the time to sprout

    For instance, even if today is painful
    And yesterday's wounds remain
    I want to believe that I can free my heart and go on

    I cannot be reborn
    But I can change as I go on, so
    Let's stay together always

    Smile only at me and touch me with those fingers
    This simple desire is everlasting

    I want things to be simple
    Let's finally get across this sea of mournful sorrow

    For instance, even if today is painful
    Someday it will become a warm memory
    If you leave everything up to your heart

    I understand the meaning our living here
    It is to know the joy of having been born
    Let's stay together always

    For instance, even if today is painful
    Someday it will become a warm memory
    If you leave everything up to your heart

    I understand the meaning our living here
    It is to know the joy of having been born
    Let's stay together always
    [mcol:4087353535]Iwao Junko
    "Scarlet"[col:4087353535]Can you still see your dreams in the distant, starry sky?
    Are they more vivid than they were when you were little?

    When one forgets to put the emotions that overflow in her heart
    to rest, they burn the color of passion.

    I used to believe without a doubt that I could reach my dreams, no matter how far off they were.
    But that me from long ago now sleeps inside my heart.

    Dreams are more fragile and fleeting than a glass rose,
    so then why are we destined to dream?

    Sometimes two dreams can turn into love,
    but there are also times when they can't.

    Even when they're alone, people want to share their feelings, but it can be so hard.
    Words are powerless to express one's feelings, and sometimes they become a silver knife.

    Even when they're alone, people want to share their feelings, but it can be so hard.
    Words are powerless to express one's feelings, and sometimes they become a silver knife.

    I used to believe without a doubt that I could reach my dreams, no matter how far off they were.
    But that me from long ago now sleeps inside my heart.
    [mrow:4087353535]Hamasaki Ayumi
    "Fly High"[col:4087353535]I couldn't leave at all, because
    there's scenery I've gotten so used to seeing.

    Even if I come here again some time
    I'll see the same sky in the same way
    Maybe I thought too much
    about whether or not you could call it beautiful.
    After a little sleep let's hurry again tomorrow.

    I'm afraid. The steps I can't take
    pile up, and turn into a long, long
    path untraveled; I'm too late.
    During that time, I started thinking that
    somehow maybe even this place isn't so bad.
    I kept giving myself reasons.

    In reality, since as long as I haven't understood even once,
    I've been pretending to understand everything.

    I couldn't leave at all, because
    there's scenery I've gotten used to seeing.

    Somehow everything seems small, and
    what I thought was a small lump was
    the sky I look up at that has no end.
    Maybe because it's too wide.
    Maybe because I was next to you.

    I wanted to understand it with my head, but
    I envy looking back at
    someone, somewhere that I missed.

    I'll forever be demanding something that isn't there.
    I've been thinking like that since I met you.

    It's all in this hand for sure.
    I mustn't leave my dreams here.
    It's all in this hand for sure.
    I don't need a predetermined future.
    [mcol:4087353535]Do As Infinity
    "Deep Forest"
    [col:4087353535]Inside the deep, deep forest, even now there is surely
    hidden an abandoned heart.

    Without the power to search for it, people
    tire and disappear into the eternal darkness.

    If I were still small I could probably still see it.

    As we live we lose it, little by little.
    Wearing falsehoods and lies we are petrified, without even voices.

    While we don't even notice the color of the blue, blue sky,
    the days that pass constantly change.

    Surpassing our artificial boundaries, we live in the now;
    the rusted heart begins to move again.

    If you know the rhythm of time, you can surely fly again.

    We live on while wandering to the ends of the earth;
    We walk in search of the light we believe in; you and me, now.

    As we live we lose it, little by little.
    Wearing falsehoods and lies we are petrified, without even voices.

    We live on while wandering to the ends of the earth;
    We close the path behind us and walk on into eternity.
    We're petrified, without even voices.
    We live on into eternity.

    Okay, this is getting painfully repetitive...
    “I think, therefore I'll think" - Ayn Rand (ESTp, UR GUARDIAN ANGEL)

  2. #42
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Looks like a very Ni song, oyburger.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  3. #43

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    i listen mostly to oldies.

    Windmills of Your Mind

    Round, like a circle in a spiral
    Like a wheel within a wheel.
    Never ending or beginning,
    On an ever spinning wheel
    Like a snowball down a mountain
    Or a carnaval balloon
    Like a carousell that's turning
    Running rings around the moon

    Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
    Past the minutes on it's face
    And the world is like an apple
    Whirling silently in space
    Like the circles that you find
    In the windmills of your mind

    Like a tunnel that you follow
    To a tunnel of it's own
    Down a hollow to a cavern
    Where the sun has never shone
    Like a door that keeps revolving
    In a half forgotten dream
    Or the ripples from a pebble
    Someone tosses in a stream.

    Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
    Past the minutes on it's face
    And the world is like an apple
    Whirling silently in space
    Like the circles that you find
    In the windmills of your mind

    Keys that jingle in your pocket
    Words that jangle your head
    Why did summer go so quickly
    Was it something that I said
    Lovers walking allong the shore,
    Leave their footprints in the sand
    Was the sound of distant drumming
    Just the fingers of your hand

    Pictures hanging in a hallway
    And a fragment of this song
    Half remembered names and faces
    But to whom do they belong
    When you knew that it was over
    Were you suddenly aware
    That the autumn leaves were turning
    To the color of her hair

    Like a circle in a spiral
    Like a wheel within a wheel
    Never ending or beginning,
    On an ever spinning wheel
    As the images unwind
    Like the circle that you find
    In the windmills of your mind

    Pictures hanging in a hallway
    And the fragment of this song
    Half remembered names and faces
    But to whom do they belong
    When you knew that it was over
    Were you suddenly aware
    That the autumn leaves were turning
    To the color of her hair

    Like a circle in a spiral
    Like a wheel within a wheel
    Never ending or beginning,
    On an ever spinning wheel
    As the images unwind
    Like the circles that you find
    In the windmills of your mind


    I'm broke but I'm happy
    I'm poor but I'm kind
    I'm short but I'm healthy, yeah
    I'm high but I'm grounded
    I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed
    I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby

    What it all comes down to
    Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine
    I've got one hand in my pocket
    And the other one is giving a high five

    I feel drunk but I'm sober
    I'm young and I'm underpaid
    I'm tired but I'm working, yeah
    I care but I'm worthless
    I'm here but I'm really gone
    I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby

    What it all comes down to
    Is that everything's gonna be quite alright
    I've got one hand in my pocket
    And the other one is flicking a cigarette

    What it all comes down to
    Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet
    I've got one hand in my pocket
    And the other one is giving the peace sign

    I'm free but I'm focused
    I'm green but I'm wise
    I'm shy but I'm friendly baby
    I'm sad but I'm laughing
    I'm brave but I'm chicken shit
    I'm sick but I'm pretty baby

    And what it all boils down to
    Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet
    I've got one hand in my pocket
    And the other one is playing the piano

    What it all comes down to my friends
    Is that everything's just fine fine fine
    I've got one hand in my pocket
    And the other one is hailing a taxicab...

    Til Kingdom Come"

    Steal my heart and hold my tongue.
    I feel my time, my time has come.
    Let me in, unlock the door.
    I've never felt this way before.

    The wheels just keep on turning,
    The drummer begins to drum,
    I don't know which way I'm going,
    I don't know which way I've come.

    Hold my head inside your hands,
    I need someone who understands.
    I need someone, someone who hears,
    For you, I've waited all these years.

    For you, I'd wait 'til kingdom come.
    Until my day, my day is done.
    And say you'll come, and set me free,
    Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me.

    In your tears and in your blood,
    In your fire and in your flood,
    I hear you laugh, I heard you sing,
    "I wouldn't change a single thing."

    The wheels just keep on turning,
    The drummers begin to drum,
    I don't know which way I'm going,
    I don't know what I've become.

    For you, I'd wait 'til kingdom come,
    Until my days, my days are done.
    Say you'll come and set me free,
    Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me.
    Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me.
    Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me

  4. #44
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    Immortal Technique: Dominant Species
    Yo, in a hundred years form now
    Everyone who's living on this planet will be dead
    So it's inconsequential really
    All the shit that you talk
    All the bullshit that you stand for
    It's more important what, what your ready to build
    What you're ready to pass down to your children
    What you're ready to create
    You better fucking remember that
    When you challenge a mother fucker like me
    Remember, I'm the dominant species

    [Verse 1]
    I'm stuck inside the future and life is chaotic
    The government is psychotically racist and robotic
    The matrix of entrapment is socio-economic
    Erotic conspiracy theory becomes reality
    Life is war, and every day's a battle to me
    I'm on the brink of insanity, between extreme intelligence and split personalities
    But I elevate to the point of reversing gravity
    Revolutionary conceptuality spitting out of me
    Even the dead people in my family tell me they proud of me
    Stupidity's not allowed by me
    Cuz I don't got time to play
    I'm the black whole lyricist that'll take your shine away
    Darkness at any time of day
    I'm the Technique and your nobody so what you trying to say
    Stellar density becomes your physical alignment
    1.8 billion tons per square inch confinement

    Yo, yo, yo, I drop knowledge so heavy it leaves the world unbalanced
    Exterminate the spiritual force of all that challenge
    I'm the lyrical apocalypse that crumbles the granite
    Replacing you as the dominant species on the planet

    [Verse 2]
    Yo, yo, lyrically I'm infinite like possibilities
    But you don't have the capability like infertility
    Cuz opening your mouth to question my validity
    Is like trying to contradict the theory of relativity
    When I spit is the epitome of heavy artillery
    My enemies are obsessed with me like the bitch in Misery
    But break out like father running form responsibility
    Every time I step and abuse the mic with versatility
    I balance humility, with brutal instinct
    I'll make your whole cypher look like those crackers from N'Sync
    And I don't care about your link, or your luxury car
    I shed light with more magnitude than all of the stars
    My breyon talk pick thick
    So don't ever talk shit
    And remember something nigga, while you rave and rant
    A roach can live for nine days without its head but you can't


    [Verse 3]
    I'm explicit like video tapes of conjugal visits
    Some niggaz are too stupid to understand it like astrophysics
    Technique is exquisite
    I'll make your thoughts a victory
    Get pessimistic with the quickness
    If you think that I will just become another statistic with anything but success
    When I bless the mic as I spit this
    Specifically prolific with coprocessor coma type sickness
    My style is like a ten year old child with a slit wrist, too much reality
    For the fucking hit list
    I got a Black Panther mentality with a spick fist
    So you can get dissed
    Even if you're locally gold, vocally bold, or globally
    Multi-platinum sold
    I'm emotionally cold, disciplined, and ready to kill
    Like spirits in the same room with you, I'm giving you chills
    I drop knowledge while these mother fuckers clumsily spill
    And I drop it so heavy, it leaves the world unbalanced
    Exterminate the spiritual force of all that challenge
    I'm the lyrically apocalypse that crumbles the granite
    Replacing you as the dominant species on the planet
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  5. #45

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    uh what comes to mind right now

    "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails. Generally i think INFp lyrics are a little overdone but sometimes there's just an arresting image.. i like "my empire of dirt" ..

    I hurt myself today
    To see if I still feel
    I focus on the pain
    The only thing that's real
    The needle tears a hole
    The old familiar sting
    Try to kill it all away
    But I remember everything

    What have I become?
    My sweetest friend
    Everyone I know
    Goes away in the end
    You could have it all
    My empire of dirt
    I will let you down
    I will make you hurt

    I wear this crown of shit
    Upon my liar's chair
    Full of broken thoughts
    I cannot repair
    Beneath the stains of time
    The feelings disappear
    You are someone else
    I am still right here

    What have I become?
    My sweetest friend
    Everyone I know
    Goes away in the end

    You could have it all
    My empire of dirt
    I will let you down
    I will make you hurt
    If I could start again
    A million miles away
    I would keep myself
    I would find a way

    Also I like Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. Poignant...

    Heh and my guilty pleasure is 5 Years by Bjork. Astonishing to hear, and fun to sing.

    EDIT: have a listen on the chorus
    "5 Years"

    You think you're denying me of something
    Well I've got plenty
    You're the one who's missing out
    But you won't notice
    'Til after five years
    If you'll live that long
    You'll wake up
    All loveless

    I dare you
    To take me on
    I dare you
    To show me your palms

    I'm so bored with cowards
    That say they want
    Then they can't handle

    You can't handle love
    You can't handle love
    You just can't handle

    I dare you
    To take me on
    I dare you
    To show me your palms

    What's so scary ?
    Not a threat in sight
    You just can't handle
    You can't handle love

    You can't handle love, baby
    You can't handle love
    It's obvious
    You can't handle

    I dare you
    To take me on
    I dare you
    To show me your palms

    I'm so bored of cowards
    That say they want
    Then they can't handle

    You can't handle love, baby
    You can't handle love,
    It's obvious
    You can't handle

    I dare you, I dare you
    I dare you, I dare you

  6. #46

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    i like the johnny cash one of that

    viva palestina

  7. #47

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    oh.. i also think "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac has .. complete lyrics. I don't like all of them so i wont post them.. the reason why i didn't post the Ring of Fire lyrics is also because it makes me uncomfortable to post them all together. heh I know i seem like a werido

  8. #48

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    eh.. what the heck..


    I took my love and I took it down
    Climbed a mountain and turned around
    And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
    'til the landslide brought it down
    Oh, mirror in the sky -What is love?
    Can the child within my heart rise above?
    Can I sail through the changin'...ocean tides
    Can I handle the seasons of my life?
    I don't know.....I don't know
    Well I've been afraid of changin'
    because I've built my life around you
    But time makes you bolder, even children get older
    And I'm getting older too....
    So, take my love...take it down
    Climb a mountain and turn around
    and if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills...
    well the landslide will bring it down
    The landslide will bring it down

  9. #49

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    lol fdg.

    I also have a "baby got back" song i like its just fun hahahha . "What's Your Fantasy" by Ludacris can't post the lyrics not suitable for daytime television.

  10. #50
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    There quite a few lyrics here that I would completely ignore if I was listening to the song, just because of my hatred of some artists. I really, really like raisonpure's choices...maybe there's something wrong with me? When I listen to those Japanese songs though it just sounds so weird - the only one I really liked was the Luna Sea one - think I'll have a look on ebay!

    Also, I liked Sara's 'Windmill of Your Mind', UDP's 'Dominant Species', and Ms. K's 'Landslide', but who woke up and made me music critic?

  11. #51

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    i love when people get inspired to actually buy music that has been mentioned or recommended. <3

    I actually tried to think of a really good Bob Dylan or Beatles song with awesome lyrics but. none come to mind. shocker.

  12. #52
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    The Beatles - 'Across The Universe'

    Words are flying out like
    endless rain into a paper cup
    They slither while they pass
    They slip away across the universe
    Pools of sorrow waves of joy
    are drifting thorough my open mind
    Possessing and caressing me

    Jai guru deva om
    Nothing's gonna change my world
    Nothing's gonna change my world
    Nothing's gonna change my world
    Nothing's gonna change my world

    Images of broken light which
    dance before me like a million eyes
    That call me on and on across the universe
    Thoughts meander like a
    restless wind inside a letter box
    they tumble blindly as
    they make their way across the universe

    Jai guru deva om
    Nothing's gonna change my world
    Nothing's gonna change my world
    Nothing's gonna change my world
    Nothing's gonna change my world

    Sounds of laughter shades of life
    are ringing through my open ears
    exciting and inviting me
    Limitless undying love which
    shines around me like a million suns
    It calls me on and on across the universe

    Jai guru deva om
    Nothing's gonna change my world
    Nothing's gonna change my world
    Nothing's gonna change my world
    Nothing's gonna change my world
    Jai guru deva
    Jai guru deva

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    uh what comes to mind right now

    "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails. Generally i think INFp lyrics are a little overdone but sometimes there's just an arresting image.. i like "my empire of dirt" ..

    I hurt myself today
    To see if I still feel
    I focus on the pain
    The only thing that's real
    The needle tears a hole
    The old familiar sting
    Try to kill it all away
    But I remember everything

    What have I become?
    My sweetest friend
    Everyone I know
    Goes away in the end
    You could have it all
    My empire of dirt
    I will let you down
    I will make you hurt

    I wear this crown of shit
    Upon my liar's chair
    Full of broken thoughts
    I cannot repair
    Beneath the stains of time
    The feelings disappear
    You are someone else
    I am still right here

    What have I become?
    My sweetest friend
    Everyone I know
    Goes away in the end

    You could have it all
    My empire of dirt
    I will let you down
    I will make you hurt
    If I could start again
    A million miles away
    I would keep myself
    I would find a way

    lol, i drew this picture to go to that song....

    SEE Unknown Subtype
    6w7 sx/so

    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  14. #54


    LOL I serriously read Ms. Kensington's post then stalled out trying to think of a good Beatles song for a full minute. settled on Across the Universe and scroll down...

  15. #55
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    lol, it would have been funny if 5 people had posted the same song, then someone else did 'A Day In The Life' or something - erm, no, we don't like that song!

    I don't really like Dylan, but my favourite album is 'Blood on the Tracks', so:
    'Tangled Up In Blue'

    Early one mornin' the sun was shinin',
    I was layin' in bed
    Wond'rin' if she'd changed at all
    If her hair was still red.
    Her folks they said our lives together
    Sure was gonna be rough
    They never did like Mama's homemade dress
    Papa's bankbook wasn't big enough.
    And I was standin' on the side of the road
    Rain fallin' on my shoes
    Heading out for the East Coast
    Lord knows I've paid some dues gettin' through,
    Tangled up in blue.

    She was married when we first met
    Soon to be divorced
    I helped her out of a jam, I guess,
    But I used a little too much force.
    We drove that car as far as we could
    Abandoned it out West
    Split up on a dark sad night
    Both agreeing it was best.
    She turned around to look at me
    As I was walkin' away
    I heard her say over my shoulder,
    "We'll meet again someday on the avenue,"
    Tangled up in blue.

    I had a job in the great north woods
    Working as a cook for a spell
    But I never did like it all that much
    And one day the ax just fell.
    So I drifted down to New Orleans
    Where I happened to be employed
    Workin' for a while on a fishin' boat
    Right outside of Delacroix.
    But all the while I was alone
    The past was close behind,
    I seen a lot of women
    But she never escaped my mind, and I just grew
    Tangled up in blue.

    She was workin' in a topless place
    And I stopped in for a beer,
    I just kept lookin' at the side of her face
    In the spotlight so clear.
    And later on as the crowd thinned out
    I's just about to do the same,
    She was standing there in back of my chair
    Said to me, "Don't I know your name?"
    I muttered somethin' underneath my breath,
    She studied the lines on my face.
    I must admit I felt a little uneasy
    When she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe,
    Tangled up in blue.

    She lit a burner on the stove and offered me a pipe
    "I thought you'd never say hello," she said
    "You look like the silent type."
    Then she opened up a book of poems
    And handed it to me
    Written by an Italian poet
    From the thirteenth century.
    And every one of them words rang true
    And glowed like burnin' coal
    Pourin' off of every page
    Like it was written in my soul from me to you,
    Tangled up in blue.

    I lived with them on Montague Street
    In a basement down the stairs,
    There was music in the cafes at night
    And revolution in the air.
    Then he started into dealing with slaves
    And something inside of him died.
    She had to sell everything she owned
    And froze up inside.
    And when finally the bottom fell out
    I became withdrawn,
    The only thing I knew how to do
    Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
    Tangled up in blue.

    So now I'm goin' back again,
    I got to get to her somehow.
    All the people we used to know
    They're an illusion to me now.
    Some are mathematicians
    Some are carpenter's wives.
    Don't know how it all got started,
    I don't know what they're doin' with their lives.
    But me, I'm still on the road
    Headin' for another joint
    We always did feel the same,
    We just saw it from a different point of view,
    Tangled up in blue.

  16. #56
    le petit prince raisonpure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
    There quite a few lyrics here that I would completely ignore if I was listening to the song, just because of my hatred of some artists. I really, really like raisonpure's choices...maybe there's something wrong with me? When I listen to those Japanese songs though it just sounds so weird - the only one I really liked was the Luna Sea one - think I'll have a look on ebay!

    Also, I liked Sara's 'Windmill of Your Mind', UDP's 'Dominant Species', and Ms. K's 'Landslide', but who woke up and made me music critic?
    Glad you like them

    Luna Sea's "I for you" was the opening theme to the Japanese drama God, please give me more time. I've always liked the song, but now that I understand and relate to the lyrics, it's become an all-time favourite. In the promotional video, the camera travels over various landscapes after a little girl unclasps her hands and the glow of light within them, as if saying "My feelings for you are boundless; spanning cities and seas". I find that really touching, but I linked to the live concert because he sings with so much passion that it's like he's exposing himself, which befits the song as well.

    Additions: Powder Snow (with subtitles)

    [table fontsize=11:8bcb06bd2e][mrow:8bcb06bd2e]Kuraki Mai
    "Secret of My Heart"[col:8bcb06bd2e]If I were to change the words I say to you, do you suppose they would reach you?
    Countless seasons have passed since then
    With you always smiling by my side
    But there’s still one more thing that I can’t say

    Secret of my heart, there’s no doubt
    That as long as we have a little bit of a future ahead of us
    We can find the truth
    I can't say, just for a little longer
    I'm waiting for a chance

    In such a peaceful time, I want to be more connected to you
    I’m so afraid to show you everything that I’m walking slightly apart from you
    For some reason, your profile looks fragile
    I want to protect you, I want to get closer to you

    Secret of my heart, you understand
    That everyone wants to run away sometimes
    But nothing comes of that
    I can't say, surely, no matter what
    I'm calling for a chance

    Can I tell the truth?
    With these lips that are going to waste because they can’t say those words
    Feeling in my heart, I can’t hide it anymore
    'Cause I love you
    I will be with you wherever you are
    Can you feel my heart?

    Can't you see? You're my dream
    I don’t want to lose you
    I believe enough to give up
    This precious time I spend with you
    I just wanna say, I’m not going to hold back anymore

    Can't you see? You're my heart
    A day will come
    When everything we’ve built up will simply be destroyed
    But still we’ll never change
    Secret of my heart, our future is forever[mcol:8bcb06bd2e]K
    "Only Human"[col:8bcb06bd2e]

    On the opposite coast of sadness
    is something called a smile

    On the opposite coast of sadness
    is something called a smile
    But before we can go there,
    is there something we’re waiting for?

    In order to chase our dreams, we can’t have a reason to run away
    We’ve got to go, to that far away summer’s day

    If we find it tomorrow, we can’t sigh
    Because like a boat that opposes the stream
    we have to walk straight on

    In a place worn down by sadness
    something called a miracle, is waiting
    Yet we are still searching
    for the sunflower that grows at the end of spring

    The warrior who awaits the morning light
    before he can clasp it with red nails, his tears glitter and fall

    Even if we’ve grown used to loneliness
    only relying on the light of the moon
    We have to fly away with featherless wing
    just go foward, just a little further

    As the rainclouds break
    the wet streets sparkling
    Although it brings only darkness
    A powerful, powerful light
    helps push us to walk on[/table:8bcb06bd2e]
    “I think, therefore I'll think" - Ayn Rand (ESTp, UR GUARDIAN ANGEL)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clover
    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    uh what comes to mind right now

    "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails. Generally i think INFp lyrics are a little overdone but sometimes there's just an arresting image.. i like "my empire of dirt" ..

    I hurt myself today
    To see if I still feel
    I focus on the pain
    The only thing that's real
    The needle tears a hole
    The old familiar sting
    Try to kill it all away
    But I remember everything

    What have I become?
    My sweetest friend
    Everyone I know
    Goes away in the end
    You could have it all
    My empire of dirt
    I will let you down
    I will make you hurt

    I wear this crown of shit
    Upon my liar's chair
    Full of broken thoughts
    I cannot repair
    Beneath the stains of time
    The feelings disappear
    You are someone else
    I am still right here

    What have I become?
    My sweetest friend
    Everyone I know
    Goes away in the end

    You could have it all
    My empire of dirt
    I will let you down
    I will make you hurt
    If I could start again
    A million miles away
    I would keep myself
    I would find a way

    lol, i drew this picture to go to that song....

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    heres one i really like

    thrice - of dust and nations

    The towers that shoulder your pride
    The words you've written in stone
    Sand will cover them, sand will cover you
    The streets that suffer your name
    Your very flesh and your bones
    Sand will cover them, sand will cover you

    So put your faith in more than steel
    Don't store your treasures up, with moth and rust
    Where thieves break in and steal
    Pull the fangs from out your heel
    We live in but a shadow of the real

    Step out from time, see the dust of nations
    Step out from time, hear the stars ovation

    Saturn will not sleep, until the sand has made us clean
    Still we stack our stones and bury what we can
    But it all will be undone, and nothing built under the sun
    Will ever stand before the endless march of sand

    viva palestina

  19. #59
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    Christ fuck honey is starting to replace hemoglobing in my veins by reading this topic. Let's correct the situation

    Annihilator - Human Insecticide

    Incarcerated in an age old asylum , his cell runs rampant with menacing little
    creatures who flaunt their freedom by roaming so freely. Powerless to
    the cruelty and extreme disconcern of his human restraints, he finds
    timeless contentment by playing officer, judge and executioner over his
    'cell mates'. The final sentence is always obliteration."

    Psychotic tendencies have put me here for life
    Dreams of smashing little things before they ruin my life
    Find means capable of smothering a flea
    Extermination is their end, escaping not from me

    Decapitate - I love to see them bleed
    I am human insecticide

    Creepy black mass, I see one down below
    Prepare to strike, act quickly now, strike the fatal blow
    Extinguishing the menace, they will know my name
    Destroying these, the lives of waste, delivered now to pain

    Decapitate - I love to see them bleed
    I am human insecticide

    Asphyxiate the flame of life
    From hatred they will die
    Power kept in my control
    Their souls are caged with mine

    Expelled from life, they cannot hide, I will find them out
    Their game's lost, I hunt them down, their end without a doubt
    Psychotic tendencies, my dreams are coming true
    My plans are set without repent, I'm tightening the screw

    Decapitate - I love to see them bleed
    I am human insecticide
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Christ fuck honey is starting to replace hemoglobing in my veins by reading this topic.
    *giggles madly
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  21. #61
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    Stuck in a moment - U2

    I'm not afraid
    Of anything in this world
    There's nothing you can throw at me
    That I haven't already heard

    I'm just trying to find
    A decent melody
    A song that I can sing
    In my own company

    I never thought you were a fool
    But darling look at you
    You gotta stand up straight
    Carry your own weight
    These tears are going nowhere baby

    You've got to get yourself together
    You've got stuck in a moment
    And now you can't get out of it

    Don't say that later will be better
    Now you're stuck in a moment
    And you can't get out of it

    I will not forsake
    The colors that you bring
    The nights you filled with fireworks
    They left you with nothing

    I am still enchanted
    By the light you brought to me
    I listen through your ears
    Through your eyes I can see

    And you are such a fool
    To worry like you do
    I know it's tough
    And you can never get enough
    Of what you don't really need now
    My, oh my

    You've got to get yourself together
    You've got stuck in a moment
    And you can't get out of it

    Oh love, look at you now
    You've got yourself stuck in a moment
    And you can't get out of it

    I was unconscious, half asleep
    The water is warm 'til you discover how deep

    I wasn't jumping, for me it was a fall
    It's a long way down to nothing at all

    You've got to get yourself together
    You've got stuck in a moment
    And you can't get out of it

    Don't say that later will be better
    Now you're stuck in a moment
    And you can't get out of it

    And if the night runs over
    And if the day won't last
    And if our way should falter
    Along the stony pass

    And if the night runs over
    And if the day won't last
    And if your way should falter
    Along this stony pass

    It's just a moment
    This time will pass

  22. #62
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    I like walking in the park
    When it gets late at night
    I move round in the dark
    And leave when it gets light
    I sit around by day
    Tied up in chains so tight
    These crazy words of mine
    So wrong they could be right

    What do I get out of this
    I always try, I always miss
    One of these days you`ll go back to your home
    You won`t even notice that you are alone
    One of these days when you sit by yourself
    You`ll realise you can`t shaft without someone else
    In the end you will submit
    It`s got to hurt you a little bit

    I like talking in my sleep
    When people work so hard
    They need what they can keep
    A choice that leaves them scarred
    A view without a room
    Unveils the truth so soon
    And when the sun goes down
    You`ve lost what you had found

    What do I get out of this
    I always try, I always miss
    One of these days you`ll go back to your home
    You won`t even notice that you are alone
    One of these days when you sit by yourself
    You`ll realise you can`t shaft without someone else
    In the end you will submit
    It`s got to hurt you a little bit

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    Here is the time for us to know
    a secret sky for us to go,
    you've never been before, oh no.
    A jumbo jet, just you and me,
    no parachute, it's pilot free.
    I guess it's time to go, oh no.
    Don't be shy, say goodbye,
    let's find out if heaven is a lie.
    Never let me go.
    I'll never let you fall.

    Above the clouds, above them all,
    we draw the lines with smoke and coke.
    But then you want some more.
    Sex turbulences, seats D and B,
    we drop our love bomb full of c.
    Then we watch them fall, never.
    The more we fly, the more we climb,
    the more we know that heaven is a lie.
    Never let me go.
    I'll never let you fall.

  24. #64
    le petit prince raisonpure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
    I really, really like raisonpure's choices...maybe there's something wrong with me?
    Holy hell, I totally understand what you mean now that I'm losing sleep over an ESTp-Se who has pervaded my mind all of a sudden -- my apologies for the overdose
    I feel like an endangered prey just by being a meter away from him, and feel an uncontrollable spurt of admiration when he commands me to "HOLD THIS" or takes over something that I'm fumbling with
    The irony of it all is that he started *cough* hunting *cough* me only after I started letting out the around my ESTj teacher, but I can't bring myself to be spontaneous with him because I get too self-conscious

    zomg, I need some lyrics to tamp down the "RAAAAAAAAAWWWWWR" feeling that's threatening to overtake me
    “I think, therefore I'll think" - Ayn Rand (ESTp, UR GUARDIAN ANGEL)

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
    I really, really like raisonpure's choices...maybe there's something wrong with me?
    Holy hell, I totally understand what you mean now that I'm losing sleep over an ESTp-Se who has pervaded my mind all of a sudden -- my apologies for the overdose
    I feel like an endangered prey just by being a meter away from him, and feel an uncontrollable spurt of admiration when he commands me to "HOLD THIS" or takes over something that I'm fumbling with
    The irony of it all is that he started *cough* hunting *cough* me only after I started letting out the around my ESTj teacher, but I can't bring myself to be spontaneous with him because I get too self-conscious

    zomg, I need some lyrics to tamp down the "RAAAAAAAAAWWWWWR" feeling that's threatening to overtake me
    Strapping Young Lad - Rape Song

    "4. Rape SOng

    Rape is just cause for murdering
    Waste life... Die bastard die bastard burn

    Rape gives strength to weakness
    Lies prone... cold and alone
    He says...

    I want you for your body
    I want you for your body
    I want you for your body
    I want you for your body
    Body... Body... Body... Body... Body

    Here now alone with all who love her
    Now feel this come down on you
    You fucking pig... now you die
    I want you for your body
    I want you for your body
    I want you for your body
    I want to see you fucking dead""

    Hoping it does not have the opposite effect. Whops...

    This might be a good declaration of love, though:

    Strapping Young Lad - Possessions

    I want your HEART
    Your SOUL...
    ...and your MIND
    You'll give me TRUST
    ...Your body,
    Then you're mine!
    ...And being HUMAN FUCKED as it is.
    With all these questions
    Of FAITH, and of...KIDS!!!
    So what do you wanna do now baby???
    ...Do you wanna have a fucking BABY!?


    Whoa no...God no...
    Whoa no...God...

    GIVE IT AWAY (Goddamn I need it...)
    GIVE IT AWAY (Goddamn I need it...)
    GIVE IT AWAY (Goddamn I need it...)
    GIVE IT AWAY (Goddamn I need it...)
    GIVE IT AWAY (Goddamn I need it...)
    GIVE IT AWAY (Goddamn I need it...)
    GET AWAY (Goddamn I need to...)
    GET AWAY (Goddamn I need to...)
    GET AWAY (Goddamn I need to...)
    GET AWAY (Goddamn we need to...)
    GET AWAY (Goddamn we need to...)
    GET AWAY (Goddamn we need to...)

    Far!!! Far!!! Far!!! Far!!!

    Vacation, procreation, sterilization,

    ...should we do it?
    ...d'ya wanna DO IT?!?!?!?!
    I'll protect you...


    Children and money and family and DEATH and

    TAKE IT!!!
    FUCK IT ALL!!!


    HERE IT COMES!!!!!
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  26. #66
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    so Dead Wrong it's more offensive than my new screen name:

    [Puff]Bad Boy baby
    [Big]Yeah.. yeah..Junior M.A.F.I.A., yeah..
    [Puff]Yeah.. B.I.G. 2000...B.I.G. 2000 Born Again.. c'mon..

    Chorus: Notorious B.I.G.
    The weak or the strong, who got it goin on
    You're dead wrong
    The weak or the strong, who got it goin on
    You're dead wrong

    [Notorious B.I.G.]
    Relax and take notes, while I take tokes of the marijuana smoke
    Throw you in a choke - gun smoke, gun smoke
    Biggie Smalls for mayor, the rap slayer
    The hooker layer - motherfucker say your prayers
    Hail Mary full of grace.. smack the bitch in the face;
    take her Gucci bag and the North Face
    off her back, jab her if she act
    funny with the money oh you got me mistaken honey
    I don't wanna rape ya, I just want the paper
    The Visa, kapeesha? I'm out like, "The Vapors"
    Who's the one you call Mr. Macho, the head honcho
    Swift fist like Camacho, I got so
    much style I should be down wit the Stylistics
    Make up to break up {*singing in background*} niggaz need to wake up
    Smell the indonesia; beat you to a seizure
    Then fuck your moms, hit the skins til amnesia
    She don't remember shit! Just the two hits!
    Her hittin the floor, and me hittin the clits!
    Suckin on the tits! Had the hooker beggin for the dick
    And your moms ain't ugly love; my dick got rock quick
    I guess I was a combination of House of Pain and Bobby Brown
    I was "Humpin Around" and "Jump-in Around"
    Jacked her then I asked her who's the man; she said, "B-I-G"
    Then I bust in her E-Y-E (Yo Big, you're dead wrong)

    Chorus 2X + "I don't care what nobody say" sample (4X at start)

    [Notorious B.I.G.]
    When I get dusted, I like to spread the blood like mustard
    Trust it, my hardcore rain leaves you rusted
    Move over Lucifer, I'm more ruthless, huh
    Leave your toothless, you'll kibbitz, I'll flip it
    Tears don't affect me, I hit 'em with the tech G
    Disrespect me - my potency is deadly
    I'm shootin babies, no ifs ands or maybes
    Hit mummy in the tummy if the hooker plays a dummy
    Slit the wrist of little sis
    After she sucked the dick, I stabbed her brother with the icepick
    because he wanted me to fuck him from the back
    but Smalls don't get down like that
    Got your father hidin in a room; fucked him with the broom
    Slit him down the back and threw salt in the wound
    Who you think you're dealin with?
    Anybody step into my path is fuckin feelin it!
    Hardcore, I got it sucked like a pussy
    Stab ya til you're gushy, so please don't push.. me
    I'm using rubbers so they won't trace the semen
    The black demon, got the little hookers screamin
    Because you know I love it young, fresh and green
    with no hair in between, know what I mean?

    Chorus 2X + "I don't care what nobody say" sample (4X at start)

    [Puff]Ladies and gentlemen..

    There's several different levels to Devil worshippin: horse's heads,
    human sacrifices, canibalism; candles and exorcism
    Animals havin sex with 'em; camels mammals and rabbits
    But I don't get into that, I kick the habit - I just,
    beat you to death with weapons that eat through the flesh
    And I never eat you unless the fuckin, meat looks fresh
    I got a lion in my pocket, I'm lyin, I got a nine in my pocket
    and baby I'm just, dyin to cock him
    He's ready for war, I'm ready for war
    I got machetes and swords for any ****** that said he was raw
    My uz' as, heavy as yours, yeah you met me before
    I just didn't have as large an arsenal of weapons before
    Marshall will step in the door, I lay your head on the floor
    With your body spread on the bedspread, red on the wall
    red on the ceilin, red on the floor, get a new whore
    Met on the second, wet on the third;
    then she's dead on the fourth - I'm dead wrong

    Chorus 2X + "I don't care what nobody say" sample (4X at start)
    IEI - the nasty kind...

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    back to the essence... Incarcerated Scarfaces by Raekwon the Chef:
    [Intro: LP Version]
    He looks determined without being ruthless
    Something heroic in this man, there's a courage about him
    Doesn't look like a killer
    Comes across so calm, acts like he has a dream
    Full of passion

    You don't trust me huh?
    Well you know why
    I do, we're not supposed to trust anyone in our profession anyway

    [Intro Two: Raekwon the Chef]
    Knock niggaz out the box all the time
    Bitches on my motherfuckin records Pah
    Big ones, yeah, big fuckers
    Straight up, fuck your whole team
    Yeah bust it
    Yo, yo, fly G.I. niggaz

    [Chorus: Raekwon the Chef]
    Now yo yo, whattup yo, time is runnin out
    It's for real though, let's connect politic - ditto!
    We could trade places, get lifted in the staircases
    Word up, peace incarcerated scarfaces

    [Verse One: Raekwon the Chef]
    Thug related style attract millions
    Fans, they understand my plan
    Who's the kid up in the green Land?
    Me and the RZA connect, blow a fuse, you lose
    Half-ass crews get demolished and bruised
    Fake be frontin, hourglass heads niggaz be wantin
    Shuttin down your slot; time for pumpin
    Poisonous sting which thumps up and act chumps
    Raise a heavy generator
    But yo, guess who's the black Trump?
    Dough be flowin by the hour's
    Wu, we got the collars, scholars
    Word life, peace to power and my whole unit
    Word up! Quick to set it, don't wet it
    Real niggaz lick shots, peace Connecticut


    [Verse Two: Raekwon the Chef]
    Chef'll shine like marble, rhyme remarkable
    Real niggaz raise up, spend your money, argue
    But this time is for the uninvited
    Go head and rhyme to it, big nigga mics is gettin fired
    Morphine chicks be burnin like chlorine
    Niggaz recognize from here to Baltimore to Fort Greene
    But hold up, Moet be tastin like throw-up
    My mob roll up, dripped to death whips rolled up
    Ya never had no wins, slidin in these dens wit Timbs
    Wit Mac-10's and broke friends
    Ya got guns, got guns too, what up son, do
    you wanna battle for cash and see who Sun too?
    I probably wax, tax, smack rap niggaz who fax
    niggaz lyrics is wack nigga
    Can't stand unofficial, wet tissue, blank bustin Scud missles
    You rollin like Trump, you get your meat lumped
    For real, it's just slang rap democracy
    Here's the policy, slide off the ring, plus the Wallabees
    Check the status, soon to see me at
    Caesar's Palace eatin salads
    We beatin mics and the keys to Dallas
    I move rhymes like retail, make sure shit sell
    From where we at to my man's cell
    From staircase to stage, minimun wage
    But soon to get a article in RapPage
    But all I need is my house, my gat, my Ac
    Bank account fat - it's goin' down like that
    And pardon the French but let me speak Italian
    Black Stallion, dwellin on Shaolin
    That means the island of Staten
    And niggaz carry gats and mad police from Manhattan


    [Verse Three: Raekwon the Chef]
    I do this for barber shop niggaz in the Plaza
    Catchin asthma, Rae is stickin gun-flashers
    Well-dressed, skatin through the projects wit big ones
    Broke elevators, turn the lights out, stick one
    upstairs, swithc like a chameleon
    Hip Brazilians, pass the cash or leave your children
    Leave the buildin
    Niggaz, yo they be foldin' like envelopes under pressure
    Like Lou Farigno on coke
    Yo, Africans denyin niggaz up in yellow cabs
    Musty like funk, wavin they arms, the Arabs
    Sit back, coolin like Kahlua's on rocks
    On the crack spots, rubberband wrapped on my knots
    You bitches who fuck dreds on Sudafeds
    Pussy's hurtin, they did it for a yard for the Feds
    Word up cousin, nigga, I seen it
    Like a 27-inch Zenith - believe it!


    ...politic ditto
    ...get lifted in the staircases
    IEI - the nasty kind...

  28. #68


    Eazy-E - Eazy Duz It

    Well I'm Eazy-E, I got bitches galore
    You may have a lot of bitches but I got much more
    Wit my super duper group coming out to shoot
    Eazy-E, muthafukas cold knocking the boots
    'Cause I'm a hip-hop thugster, I used to be a mugster
    If you heard Compton, you think I own a drugstore
    Getting stupid because I know how
    And if a sucker talks shit, I give him a (POW)
    8 ball sipping, the bitches are flipping
    Slow down, I hit a dipping, continue my tripping
    Hitting my switches, collect from my bitches
    The money that I make so I can add to my riches
    Fill my stash box and start rubbing my gat
    Feeling good as hell because my pockets are fat
    A hardcore villian cold roaming the streets
    And wit a homie like Dre just supplying the beats

    Because I'm a gansta having fun
    Never leave the pad without packing a gun
    Hitting hard as fuk, I make you ask what was it
    Boy you should have known by now, Eazy duz it

    I was knocking muthafukas out
    What's your name boy
    Funky, fresh Eazy-E
    Kick, kick that shit
    Where you from fool, Compton, yea

    Rolling through the hood, cold tearing shit up
    Stick my head out the window and I say what's up
    To the niggaz on the corner cold bumping the box
    But you know that's an alibi for slanging the rocks
    A dice game started so I said what the fuk
    So I put my shit in park and had to try my luck
    Hard to roll wit my bitch jocking 24-7
    Rolled them muthafukas, ate 'em up, hit 11
    Got another point, I made a ten a fo'
    Was taking niggaz money and was itching for mo'
    Laughing in their faces and said you're all making me rich
    Then one punk got jealous, cold slap my bitch
    He pulled out his gat, I knew he wouldn't last
    So I said to myself, homeboy, you better think fast
    He shot (gunshots), I shot (gunshots)
    As you can see, I cold broke his ass (ha ha)


    (Wait a minute, wait a minute, who does it)
    Muthafuking Eazy duz it
    But how does he do it
    Eazy duz it do it eazy
    That's what I'm doing
    Man whatcha gonna do now

    Now I'm a break it down just to tell a little story
    Straight out the box from the gangsta category
    About a sucker, a sucker muthafuka
    He's addicted, he's a smoker but in Compton called a clucker
    he used to have a house car and golden rings
    But the cooky cooky crack took all those things
    he must of been starving 'cause he broke in my house
    Caught the nigga on the street and straight took his ass out
    Now I wanted for a murder that I had to commit
    Yea I went to jail but that wasn't shit
    Got to the station about a quarter of nine
    Call my bitch to get me out 'cause I was down for mine
    The bitch was a trip cold hung up the phone
    Now my only phone call was in the ganking zone
    All the things I did for her like keeping her rich
    I swear when I get out, I'm gonna kill the bitch
    Well by now you should know it was just my luck
    The baliff of the station was a neighborhood cluck
    I looked him straight in the eye and said what's up
    And said let's make a deal, you know I'll do you up
    Now back on the streets and my records are clean
    I creeped on my bitch wit my uzi machine
    Went to the house and kicked down the do'
    Unloaded like hell, cold smoked the ho


    From around the way, born in '73
    Harcore B-boy named Eazy-E
    It's '88 now, '73's obselete
    A nigga wit a serious ass attitude and 100% street
    And if you all wanna hear some more
    In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother
    Word to the muthafuka

  29. #69
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    A tribute to all those called 'Joy' - 'Song Of Joy' by Nick Cave:

    Have mercy on me, sir
    Allow me to impose on you
    I have no place to stay
    And my bones are cold right through
    I will tell you a story
    Of a man and his family
    And I swear that it is true
    Ten years ago I met a girl named Joy
    She was a sweet and happy thing
    Her eyes were bright blue jewels
    And we were married in the spring
    I had no idea what happiness and little love could bring
    Or what life had in store
    But all things move toward their end
    All things move toward their their end
    On that you can be sure
    La la la la la la la la la la
    La la la la la la la la la la
    Then one morning I awoke to find her weeping
    And for many days to follow
    She grew so sad and lonely
    Became Joy in name only
    Within her breast there launched an unnamed sorrow
    And a dark and grim force set sail
    Farewell happy fields
    Where joy forever dwells
    * Hail horrors hail *
    Was it an act of contrition or some awful premonition
    As if she saw into the heart of her final blood-soaked
    Those lunatic eyes, that hungry kitchen knife
    Ah, I see sir, that I have your attention!
    Well, could it be?
    How often I've asked that question
    Well, then in quick succession
    We had babies, one, two, three
    We called them Hilda, Hattie and Holly
    They were their mother's children
    Their eyes were bright blue jewels
    And they were quiet as a mouse
    There was no laughter in the house
    No, not from Hilda, Hattie or Holly
    "No wonder", people said, "poor mother Joy's so melancholy"
    Well, one night there came a visitor to our little home
    I was visiting a sick friend
    I was a doctor then
    Joy and the girls were on their own
    La la la la la la la la la la
    La la la la la la la la la la
    Joy had been bound with electrical tape
    In her mouth a gag
    She'd been stabbed repeatedly
    And stuffed into a sleeping bag
    In their very cots my girls were robbed of their lives
    Method of murder much the same as my wife's
    Method of murder much the same as my wife's
    It was midnight when I arrived home
    Said to the police on the telephone
    Someone's taken four innocent lives
    They never caught the man
    He's still on the loose
    It seems he has done many many more
    Quotes John Milton on the walls in the victim's blood
    The police are investigating at tremendous cost
    In my house he wrote "his red right hand"
    That, I'm told is from Paradise Lost
    The wind round here gets wicked cold
    But my story is nearly told
    I fear the morning will bring quite a frost
    And so I've left my home
    I drift from land to land
    I am upon your step and you are a family man
    Outside the vultures wheel
    The wolves howl, the serpents hiss
    And to extend this small favour, friend
    Would be the sum of earthly bliss
    Do you reckon me a friend?
    The sun to me is dark
    And silent as the moon
    Do you, sir, have a room?
    Are you beckoning me in?
    La la la la la la la la la la
    La la la la la la la la la la

  30. #70
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    Curtis Mayfield - Pusherman
    i'm your mamma, i'm your daddy
    i'm that nigga in the alley
    i'm your doctor, when in need
    want some coke, have some weed
    you know me, i'm your friend
    your main boy, thick and thin
    i'm your pusherman
    i'm your pusherman


    ain't i clean, bad machine
    super cool, super mean
    feelin' good, for the man
    Superfly, here i stand
    secret stash, heavy bread
    baddest bitches, in the bed

    i'm your pusherman
    i'm your pusherman
    i'm your pusherman

    solid life, of crime
    a man of odd circumstance
    a victim of ghetto demands
    feed me money for [style]
    and i'll let you trip for a while
    insecure from the past
    how long can a good thing last?
    woo-hoo, no
    got to be mellow, y'all
    gotta get mellow now
    pusherman gettin' mellow y'all

    heavy mind, have you signed?
    makin' money all the time
    my [LD] entrusts me
    for all junkies to see
    ghetto prince is my thing
    makin' love's how i swing
    i'm your pusherman
    i'm your pusherman

    too bad, [Splee]
    for a generous fee
    make your world what you want it to be
    got a woman i love desperately
    wanna give her something better than me
    been told i can't be nothin' else
    just a hustler in spite of myself
    i know i can rake it
    this life just don't make it
    lord, lord
    got to get mellow now
    gotta be mellow, y'all
    got to get mellow now

    i'm your mamma, i'm your daddy
    i'm that nigga in the alley
    i'm your doctor, when in need
    want some coke, have some weed
    you know me, i'm your friend
    your man boy, thick and thin
    i'm your pusherman
    i'm your pusherman

    IEI - the nasty kind...

  31. #71
    le petit prince raisonpure's Avatar
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    Dedicated to marmalade, the "irrational demon-child" within me :wink:

    [table fontsize=11:fb78565501][mrow:fb78565501]Yoko Kanno
    Beauty is Within Us
    [mcol:fb78565501]Steve Conte & Maaya Sakamoto
    "The Garden of Everything"
    [mcol:fb78565501]Sakamoto Maaya
    [mrow:fb78565501]= What you symbolise[mcol:fb78565501]= The garden in my dream[mcol:fb78565501]= The rest of the dream[row:fb78565501]
    O mother dear

    Look what you've done
    To your forlorn and once beloved son
    Why was I born at all?
    O mother dear
    I'm such a freak
    A mutant man, a woman underneath
    Why was I born at all?

    It's you I blame for all the shame
    This anguish and this aching
    The mirror turned against the wall
    Myself despised, forsaken
    *You say, "Beauty is within us, your mother knows"
    "There's a beauty that's within us, just like a rose"
    You say, "Beauty is within us, so let it grow"
    But it's grown so dark and ugly

    O mother dear
    I curse you so
    For breathing life into your wretched son
    Why were you born at all?
    O mother dear
    I love you so
    O please forgive this anger in my soul
    Without you I'm alone

    It's me who's been eternally damned
    Trapped inside this cage, a ruined man
    All damaged and depraved

    O mother dear
    This misery
    Has settled like a stain upon my skin
    -a vast unspoken sin

    And my mistake is much too late
    But your mistake was trusting
    That out of grief, a goodness comes
    And love comes out of lusting

    You say, "Beauty is within us, your mother knows"
    "There's a beauty that's within us, just like a rose"
    You say, "Beauty is within us, so let it grow"
    But it's grown so dark I can not see you anymore

    "O beauty is within us, mother knows"
    "O beauty is within us, like a rose"
    "O beauty is within us, let it grow"
    O mother dear, let me out of here!
    Here you are Daylight's star Made out of miracles
    Perfection Of your own You Alone O so incredible

    Each atom
    Sings to me
    "Set me free
    From chains of the physical"
    O free me, O free me

    The mirror melts I'm somewhere else Inside eternity
    Where you on Outstretched wings Sing within The Garden of Everything
    Where memories Call to me Backward dreams? Or phantom reality?

    Call to me, they call to me
    And so here we are
    Lovers of Lost Dimensions
    Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
    Every touch, a temptation
    And for every sense, a sensation

    Eyes of pure Deep azure Quite unbelievable
    The sun's daughter You've been made Not to fade Quite inconceivable

    Each atom sings to me
    "Set me free
    From chains of the physical"

    O free me O free me

    A love like ours A starry flower Through seasons and centuries
    As rivers reach the sea You'll reach me With songs of your symmetry
    A small boat There will float To far off coasts The Isle of Infinity

    Come with me. O come with me

    Here we'll see Love's lost tree Made out of miracles
    Emotions, crystal leaves To cover me And you in eternity

    Each atom sing to us Through the blood "Love is a miracle"

    Sings softly, it sing softly

    And so here we are
    Lovers of Lost Dimensions
    Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
    Every touch, a temptation
    And for every sense, a sensation

    And so here we are
    Twin stars of brilliant brightness
    Lanterns lit by life for all the depths of night
    And every day will return us
    To arms of the ever eternal

    And so here we are
    So far from earthly orbits
    Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
    Where every day will return us
    To arms of the ever eternal
    [col:fb78565501]In any case, what can I possibly do?
    What can I do to change the reality of this confined garden?

    I haven't even lived through half of my life yet
    Opposing and embracing
    Experiences are unconsciously tattooed onto me

    When I stood at the edge of the cliff,
    "Adversity" grabbed my arm
    I was able to see my existence for the first time
    Towards a huge field, somewhere bigger and deeper
    I can only go to a world which exceeds all expectations

    Tell me the definition of "power"
    Is it to persevere no matter what?
    Or to sacrifice even myself
    To protect the things that I must protect?

    Clouds of dust whip up in the savannas of gazelles
    Until the winds die down, they have no choice but to remain standing

    People continue walking in order to live
    Progressing to rewrite the incomplete data in their lives
    It seems I've already walked out into the beginnings of the wilderness, alone
    Till the day I turn into ash, I want to live up to myself

    Where did I come from, long ago?
    Where will I go, in the far future?
    Being thrown around in ignorance; time will come to an end before I realize it.
    It seems I've already walked out into the beginnings of the wilderness, alone
    Till the day I turn into ash, I want to live up to myself

    When I stood at the edge of the cliff,
    "Adversity" grabbed my arm
    I was able to see my existence for the first time
    Towards a huge field, somewhere bigger and deeper
    I can only go to a world which exceeds all expectations

    I want to know myself
    “I think, therefore I'll think" - Ayn Rand (ESTp, UR GUARDIAN ANGEL)

  32. #72
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    Browse by artist name:
    # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    Free Music Downloads: Access over 3,000,000 tracks today!

    «-- Download New Order Blue Monday

    New Order - Power, Corruption And Lies

    Blue Monday

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    How does it feel to treat me like you do?
    When you've your hands upon me
    And told me who you are
    I thought I was mistaken
    I thought I heard your words
    Tell me, how do I feel
    Tell me now, How do I feel

    Those who came before me
    Lived through their vocations
    From the past until completion
    They'll turn away no more
    And I still find it so hard

    To say what I need to say
    But I'm quite sure that you'll tell me
    Just how I should feel today

    I see a ship in the harbor
    I can and shall obey
    But if it wasn't for your misfortune
    I'd be a heavenly person today
    And I thought I was mistaken
    And I thought I heard you speak
    Tell me how do I feel
    Tell me now, how should I feel

    Now I stand here waiting...
    I thought I told you to leave me
    While I walked down to the beach
    Tell me how does it feel
    When your heart grows cold

    this is a great anger song, esp the orgy version, that i play when i'm pissed at my effing ex husband and his ho.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  33. #73
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    you moved like honey in my dream last night
    yeah, some old fires were burning
    you came near to me and you endeared to me
    but you couldn't quite discern me

    does that scare you? I'll let you run away
    but your heart will not oblige you
    you'll remember me like a melody
    yeah, I'll haunt the world inside you

    and my big secret - Gonna win you over
    slow like honey, heavy with mood

    i'll let you see me, I'll covet your regard
    i'll invade your demeanor
    and you'll yield to me like a scent in the breeze
    and you'll wonder what it is about me

    it's my big secret - Keeping you coming
    slow like honey, heavy with mood

    though dreams can be deceiving
    like faces are to hearts
    they serve for sweet relieving
    when fantasy and reality lie too far apart

    so I stretch myself across, like a bridge
    and I pull you to the edge
    and stand there waiting
    trying to attain
    the end to satisfy the story
    shall I release you?
    must I release you?
    as I rise to meet my glory

    but my big secret
    gonna hover over your life
    gonna keep you reaching
    when I'm gone like yesterday
    when I'm high like heaven
    when I'm strong like music
    'cuz I'm slow like honey, and
    heavy with mood

    fiona apple, great sexy song


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  34. #74
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    These lyrics are undoubtly awesome:

    Keep bangin' on the wall
    Keep bangin' on the wall
    2022 -A new European order
    Robot guards patrolling the border
    Cybernetic dogs are getting closer and closer
    Armoured cars and immigration officers
    A burning village in Kosovo
    You bombed it out now you're telling us go home
    Machine guns strut on the cliffs of Dover
    Heads down people look out! we're going over
    Burnin up! can we survive re-entry
    Past the mines and the cybernetic sentries
    Safe european homes built on wars
    You don't like the effect don't produce the cause
    The chip is in your head not on my shoulder
    Total control just around the corner
    Open up the floodgates Time's nearly up
    Keep banging on the wall of Fortress Europe
    Keep banging
    Keep banging on the wall of Fortress Europe
    We got a right , know the situation
    We're the children of globalisation
    No borders only true connection
    Light the fuse of the insurrection
    This generation has no nation
    Grass roots pressure the only solution
    We're sitting tight
    Cos assylum is a right
    Put an end to this confusion
    Dis is a 21st century Exodus
    Dis is a 21st century Exodus
    Burnin' up can we survive re-entry
    Past the landmines and cybernetic sentries
    Plane, train, car , ferry boat or bus
    The future is bleeding coming back at us
    The chip is in your head not on my shoulder
    Total control around the corner
    Open up the floodgates Time's nearly up
    Keep banging on the wall of Fortress Europe
    Keep banging
    Keep banging on the wall of Fortress Europe
    Dis is a 21st century Exodus
    Dis is a 21st century Exodus
    They got a right - listen not to de scaremonger
    Who doesn't run when they're feel the hunger
    From where to what to when to here to there
    People caught up in red tape nightmare
    Break out of the detention centres
    Cut the wires and tear up the vouchers
    People get ready it's time to wake up
    Tear down the walls of Fortress Europe
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  35. #75
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    Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!
    Britons never, never,* never shall be slaves!
    Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!
    Britons never, never,* never shall be slaves!
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  36. #76
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    This isn't my favoritest, but it is one of my favorites.

    Never Alone – by Barlow Girl

    I waited for you today
    But you didn't show
    No no
    I needed you today
    But where did you go
    You told me to call
    Said you'd be there
    And though I haven't seen you
    Are you still there?

    I cried out with no reply
    And I can't feel you by my side
    So I'll hold tight to what I know
    You're here and I'm never alone

    And though I cannot see you
    And I can't explain why
    Such a deep reassurance
    You've placed in my life
    We cannot separate
    Cause you're part of me
    And though you're invisible
    I'll trust the unseen

    I cried out with no reply
    And I can't feel you by my side
    So I'll hold tight to what I know
    You're here and I'm never alone
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    Ghost of corporate future by Regina Spektor

    And people make you nervous
    You'd think the world was ending
    And everybody's features have somehow started blending
    And everything is plastic
    And everyone's sarcastic
    And all your food is frozen
    It needs to be defrosted
    You'd think the world was ending
    You'd think the world was ending
    You'd think the world was ending right now

    Well maybe you should just drink a lot less coffee
    And never ever watch the ten o'clock news
    Maybe you should kiss someone nice
    Or lick a rock
    Or both
    Maybe you should cut your own hair
    Cause that can be so funny
    It doesn't cost any money
    And it always grows back
    Hair grows even after you're dead

    People are just people
    They shouldn't make you nervous
    The world is everlasting
    It's coming and it's going
    If you don't toss your plastic
    The streets won't be so plastic
    And if you kiss somebody
    Then both of you'll get practice

    The world is everlasting
    Put dirtballs in your pockets
    Put dirtballs in your pockets
    And take off both your shoes
    Cause people are just people
    People are just people
    People are just people like you
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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    I wanna be
    the very best
    like no one ever was

    udndun dundnd

    to catch them is my real test
    to train them is my cause


    I will travel across the land
    searching far and wide


    teach pokemon to understand
    the power that's inside


    gotta catch em all
    it's you and me
    I know it's my destiny


    ohhh you're my best friend
    in a world we must defend


    gotta catch em all
    a heart so true
    our courage will pull us through

    you teach me
    and I'll teach you


    gotta catch em all


    every challenge along the way
    with courage I will face


    I will battle everyday
    to claim my rightful place

    come with me
    the time is right
    there's no better team

    on and on we'll win the fight
    it's always been our dream


    (too lazy but this is where the chorus goes)

    and this is the slow build-up before the singer goes ham



    I'M TOO lazy to type out the rest but it's seriously one of my favorite songs and it randomly plays in my head throughout the day

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    Settle down
    This won’t last long
    I’ve been out
    And I want back in
    So why not completely fade away

    When my bones begin to break
    And my head begins to shake
    It’s my own blood

    When my house becomes a cage
    And the neighbours turn away
    It’s my own blood

    Settle down
    This won’t last long
    I’ve been out
    And I want back in
    So why not completely fade away

    “Where the butcher’s hand is home”
    Laughs the blade above the throne
    “It’s my own blood”

    “Oh, this apple makes me sick”
    Cries the pig upon his stick
    “It’s my own blood”

    And I can’t forget the taste
    Can’t forget the taste of my own tongue
    And I can’t forget the taste
    Can’t forget the taste of my own tongue

    And If I had a heart
    I’d waste it on you
    But it’s all together far too long
    Since I took you down

    Settle down
    This won’t last long
    I’ve been out
    And I want back in
    So why not completely fade away

    When we’ve licked all of the lips
    And the salt-stained fingertips
    It’s our own blood

    When our lambs and lions made
    Debts no righteous man can pay
    It’s our own blood

    And I can’t forget the taste
    Can’t forget the taste of my own tongue
    And I can’t forget the taste
    Can’t forget the taste of my own tongue

    Baroness, Eula

  40. #80
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    Just wanted you to know!

    Oh my God, I feel it in the air
    Telephone wires above
    Are sizzlin' like a snare
    Honey I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere
    Nothin' scares me anymore

    Kiss me hard before you go
    Summertime sadness
    I just wanted you to know
    That baby, you're the best

    "You have 30 minutes!" They said... I didn't believe them, but orders, and I had to save them...

    I said "Lol fuck YOU guys" "IT HURTS!!"

    You were crying..and you didn't male voice makes you cry.
    Attachment 14013
    Last edited by chriscorey; 10-10-2018 at 04:00 PM.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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